This is the first appearance of “the girl” in my dreams.

It starts out that I’m at a mall in Lexington Kentucky. I grew up in Lexington and. I have lots of family living in Kentucky so that is probably why I’m in a mall in Lexington. Anyways... I’m walking through the mall and I see a group of goth kids sitting on a bench talking and they are watching something, I cant remember what it was. So for some reason I go over and talk to one of them which is odd because I am really shy. I start talking to this girl and we sit and talk for a long time. And for some reason as time goes and talking to her I get a feeling that I have known her for a long time. Well after a while of talking to her I look down and notice that we are holding hands. One of her friends comes by and says something about it but we ignore him. Finally we get up and start walking together. We decide to go try to find a place to be by our self and we try to find a good spot but somebody always comes near.

We go out in the parking lot and walk and we come to a little townhouse complex. This complex is very beautiful... lots of trees and bushes. The lights around the parking lot are very intricate and beautiful.

It starts to get dark and she says she has to be home soon. Well I walk her home and when we get there she says that her parents don’t like the goth style so we have to change.

Well this is where the dream gets weird... Its no longer the present but the early 19th century in what looks like London. But I don’t notice it and just act like normal.

We go into her house and her parents are sitting there in the living room really worried about something. We walk through the house and find many dead dogs and cats and they appear to have been attacked by something. It becomes apparent to me that they were attacked by a vampire.

The girls parents call a constable and after a short while he arrives. He looks over the evidence and says nothing. We are all sitting in the living room waiting for him. He finally arrives in the living room and sits with us and offers everyone a cigarette. But these cigarette’s are weird looking. They have a long piece of incense coming out of them. He lights the adults cigarettes and they give off a very pleasant aroma. Me and the girl and disappointed that he didn’t offer us one so we ask for one be he declines our request but instead gives us Popsicles. They are very good and have some kind of berries on them. We are satisfied with them.

Then after a while of talking to the constable he says that he must stay the night at the house and that he must leave very early.

The dream ended after that. But for some reason the dream seemed very powerful and I have been trying to figure it out all day with no avail. And I cant stop thinking about it. Its haunting my mind with some secret that wants to be found but cant be.