I have always had reoccuring dreams where the circumstances are the same but the places and events are different. Mostly my dreams have to do with finding love and then loosing it again. This dream was the same, but there was one difference. I'll try to explain what was going on:

I was at a house with a few people that I didnt know. There was a girl there that I became attracted to. We started hangin on eachother and such. It eventually gets graphic but i'll leave that out. At one point I got up to look out the window. It was really cloudy and thundering a bit and the wind was blowing hard. I saw something moving around in the clouds so I looked closer. Then I saw something drop out of the clouds and hover. It was a winged minotaur. It started flying about the clouds, looping in and out of them. It eventually got right infront of me. It told me that I will be facing several trials in the future and that they will be hard. I was a little freaked out so I ran back to the girl and we cuddled. I'll leave the rest to your imagaination.

This was unlike any dream I have had in the past. But there was a defiinate message behind it, again a warning. What is this in my future that is so terrible? Am I just paranoid? Was this being an ancient sent to help me?

Only time will tell..........