List of some activities per grade
A. E. Phillips Gifted
Enrichment    Program
Geography Links and Games
"Your Mind Is Your Most Powerful Resource"
Black History
Areas of Emphasis
  Higher Order Thinking Skills:
      Critical Thinking     
      Logical Reasoning
Problem Solving
Research and Technology
A Special Place . . .
Student Web Pages
To think "Out of the Box"
To exercise the right brain.
To be a risk taker.
To try new ideas.
To be a creative problem solver.
To  extend knowledge and interests.
To engage in individual and small group activities on ability level.
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
   The purpose of the Lincoln Parish School System is to provide gifted students with a challenging environment that provides enrichment beyond the regular educational program to meet the specific needs and interests of each child with individual and/or small groups instructions. 
The purpose of this Web page is to have better organization and control of students'  links to research and activities for each class. Also, it is a way to communicate between parents, students, and other gifted teachers.

For more information  or suggestions please contact:
                    Beverly Slocum, Gifted Teacher, Lincoln Parish School System
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
High School
Research Topics
State Benchmarks
Teacher Resources
Lincoln Parish School Board
***Gifted Links : book/authors, brainteasers, cartoons, ecomonics, geography, language, math, music, natural science, social studies, space, virtual reality, homework help, etc.
LA Tech University
WebQuests Bookmarks
Lincoln Parish Library Catalog
Listings by Subjects
The Gateway to Cool Units
In Other Words   
first WebQuest designed by B. Slocum
Grade Level
Hoagies Gifted Investigations Lesson Plans
INTECH Challenge Lesson Plans
Parent Resources
Strategies and Materials for Gifted
Cool Lessons and Units Along With Resources for Teachers and Students (Excellent) Family Education for Gifted
Geography and History Lessons
ENC Site Map
This website is created by Beverly Slocum,  Gifted Teacher
Last update : September 15, 2004
Visits to this site.