Career Planning Assignments
1.  Take a personality assessment and record your type, strengths, weaknesses, irritation, goals, fear, motivator, and characteristics.


3.  Go to Internet Inventory (3rd website on eighth grade page.)  Click on the first link.  Click on area of most interest.  Click on a career of most interest.  Select each of the eight area and take notes for final project.
Select second website on the Internet Inventory page.  The page will not be found.  Change the site address to
This site will help you get advice on career choices, find a college major, find out which personality you are most compatible and compatible, and much more.

Choose YOU and take the
Career Key to measure your skils, abilities, values, interest, and personality.
Holland's Theory record which personality you are most compatible and somewhat compatible.

Career Decision What does ACIP stand for?  Click on each of the links.

Fill our a
Decision Balance Sheet.  Create this using Tables in Word or Excel.
This can help you answer
YES to both questions in Plans.

Choose a college major.

List in chart form the
Job Skills that are your strenghts and weaknesses for each of the four foundation skills.

Find other sources for help on the internet.