Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn new vocabulary words, use them correctly in sentences, and spell them correctly during writing activities.

Task 1
Write a sentence for each of the following words.
Your Rubric
1- OK - a simple 1 part sentence - Example:
The vexing boy was bad.
2 - Better - a 2 part sentence - Example:
The vexing boy was bad during class.
3 - Great - a 3 part sentence  - Example::
The vexing boy was disruptive during class while the teacher was giving math instructions.

Task 2 ( You may choose one)
1) Create a word scramble with clues and an answer key. (5 tickets)
2) Create a crossword puzzle with clues and an answer key. (10 tickets)
3) Create a game using these words and any other words from your vocabulary lists. (20 tickets)
4) Create a story using as many of the words as possible (at least 25). The story must make sense and sentences must follow a logical order in the story. There should be an introduction, body, and conclusion. A ticket will be deducted if the word is used incorectly. (25 tickets)

Hitting the Target
Click here for your vocabulary list.