Scope and Sequence (In development)
Grade 2 |
Research / Technology I Can Write A Research Paper Creative Investigations White House Quiz Bowl Jackson Field Trip to Arts Pavilion Gifted Student Research topics Unit Science "Manatee" Science "Lawn Paper" Geography Quiz Bowl Keyboarding Word Processing Printing Word wrap Format Font Borders around text
Problem Solving Wollygoggles Number Stumpers Patterns Thinking Things 3 Paint by Numbers and Descarte (math computer game) Mental Math pp. 28-34(addition, sub) Geometry "Shape Hunt" "Observation Post" Cuisanarie Rods Tangrams I SPY Treasure Hunt Brain-Building Games for Kids Pattern Blocks |
Critical Thinking/ Logic Who Owns the Unicorn Mindbenders "Warmups", A1-A2 Analogies for Beginners Building Thinking Skills Book 1 Tangrams Thinking Things Junior THINKLAB 1-40 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches A-1 pp. 1-30 Strategy Games ____Fribble House ____Sherlock 1-5 ____Honey Comb Writing Fairy Tales Dr. Brain(Green level) Einstein Junior |
Creativity Patchwork For the Love of Words A Theme a Day "Banana Bonanza" "Circus Capers" "Daffy Dinosaurs" Alphabet Soup I Believe in Unicorns pp12-24 Creativity Through Word Play pp. 7-19 Creative Problems Solving Task Cards Writing with Writers Poetry grades 1-4 Funny Faces Software |
Grade 3 |
Research/Technology Research Health Issues Jackson Field Trips to Arts Pavilion Creative Investigations Gifted Student Research topics Research Skills Through Integrated Themes " Bermuda Triangle",Word Keyboarding Dr. Brain (Green level cont’) Techworks Kit Thinking Science Zap National Inspirer Mapmakers Tool Kit |
Problem Solving Smarty Pants Math Toothpick Puzzles "Shufflers" Wollygoggles $1.00 Word Search BrainTeasers Paint by Numbers and Descarte computer game Mental Math pp. 27-44(addition and sub) Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Shape Hunt ( |
Critical/Logical Thinking Mindbenders A3 WordBenders You Be The Jury (1) Junior THINKLAB 41-80 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches A-1 pp. 31-60 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches B1 pp.1-31 Science –Light "Trace Face" (Folder) Science "Balloon Fun" Strategy Games "Sherlock", "Honey Comb", "Descarte" Writing Folktales
Creativity Guided Imagery Creative Writing "The Unknown Planet" Word Play I Believe in Unicorns 26-38 Sunflowering Obj. PCV0105 Alphabet Soup Set up in 7 centers pp.1-10 Creativity Through Word Play pp. 20-33 Creative Problem Solving Task Cards PVC0108 Writing with Writers Poetry grades 1-4 Poetry on the Internet Faces |
Grade 4 |
Research/Technology Research Skills Through Integrated Themes "Machu Picchu", "Easter Island"
Gifted Student Research topics: Thinkathon Book 1Bats Geography Quiz Bowl |
Problem Solving Smarty Pants Math Wollygoggles REACH $1.00 Word Search Solving Problems Kids Care About Daily Math Menus 5-23 Pattern Block Beginners Algebra Algebra Thinking SMATH Game of Equations BrainTeasers Paint by Numbers and Descarte computer game Mental Math pp. 49-61 (fractions) Mind-Movers and BrainTeasers in form of calendar Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Number Alias Game Math – Geometry "Create a Quilt" (folder) Brain Drain "WaterBoy" |
Critical/Logical Thinking Mindbenders A4 Word Benders You Be The Jury (2) Graphic Organizers Word Benders A1 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches B-1 pp. 32-61 Science "Growing Crystals" Venn Diagrams Strategy Games "Sherlock"13-20, "Honey Comb", "Discarte Pyraos strategy game Forensic Science and Chemistry |
Creativity Guided Imagery Creative Writing "The Unknown Planet" Hinky Pinkies (computer) I Believe in Unicorns 40-54 Sunflowering Alphabet Soup Set up in 7 centers pp.11-21 Creativity Through Word Play pp. 35-47 Creative Problems Solving task Cards Writing with Writers Poetry Grades 1-4 Poetry on the Internet Faces Creative Problem Solving Morphological Analysis pp. 65-75 Be able to write summary of 12 chapters about character, strange circumstance, etc. |
Grade 5 |
Research/Technology China Then and Now(Independent Learning Unit) Research Skills Through Integrated Themes "Great Wall of China", "Pearl Harbor" Geography Quiz Bowl Word Inspirations Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing PowerPoint Dr. Brain Techworks Kit |
Problem Solving Decimals Ladders REACH- SMATH - Game of Equations BrainTeasers Odyessy of the Mind Game of Knowledge ages 10-15 More Puzzlegrams (graphic designs)1-30 Paint by Numbers and Descarte computer game Mental Math pp 65-76(decimals) Pre-Geometry grades 5-8 Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Algebraic Thinking Games and Puzzles With Color Tiles (ongoing 5-8) 7 task cards Math – Ratio "The Marble Jar" (folder) "Chocolate Thematic Unit" (folder) Numerology |
Critical/Logical Thinking Gifted Reading Kit Mindbenders B1 Word Benders Logic Anyone "Table Logic", "Moriarty Computer Game" You Be The Jury (3-4) Brain Storms - Visual Thinking Game Word Benders B1 pp. 1-15 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches B-1 pp. 62-91 Rumble on the River webquest Time Management Strategy Games, "Honey Comb", "Sherlock 21-35", "Descarte"(Medium), "Chess", "Backgammon", Bank Account" Writing Myths on the Internet: |
Creativity Hinky Pinkies advanced level I Believe in Unicorns 52-66 Sunflowering Creative Problem Solving pp. 1-17 PCV0106 Alphabet Soup Set up in 7 centers pp.22-29 Creativity Through Word Play pp.38-57 Creative Problems Solving task Cards Writing with Writers Poetry (4-8) with Writers Folk Tales on the Internet |
Grade 6 |
Research/Technology Japan Traditions and Trends(Independent Learning Unit) Ancient Egypt(Independent Learning Unit) Ancient Egypt(Thematic Unit) Research Skills Through Integrated Themes "Great Pyramid", "Stonehenge", "King Arthur", "Robin Hood" Gifted Student Research topics: (pick and choose)"Ancient Egypt" Thinkathon 3 Technology: Word Inspirations PowerPoint Tables Excel Mail Merge Techworks Kit |
Problem Solving Building Perspectives Software Math Blaster "The Great Brain Robbery" REACH-Transportation BrainTeasers Odyessy of the Mind Architecture/ Math "Bricks" Mancala game Paper Folding Unit (four folds) Game of Knowledge ages 10-15 Strategy Challenges Collection 3 computer game beginning level More Puzzlegrams (graphic designs) pp. 31-60 Paint by Numbers and Descarte computer game Pre-Geometry grades 5-8 Mental Math 79-84(percent) Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Algebraic Thinking Games and Puzzles (ongoing 5-8) 7 task cards |
Critical and Logical Thinking Gifted Reading Kit Mindbenders B1 Syllogisms Vinn Diagrams Building Perspectives Brain Storms - Visual Thinking Game Word Benders B1 pp. 16-26 PCT0118 Brain Stretcher Book 2 Patterns pp. 1-21 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches B-1 pp. 91-122 Basic Thinking Skills Analogies-C Medieval Games (folder) Research Paper (folder) HS Level Paradox Unit Strategy Games "Medieval Games", "Descarte Advanced", "Where In The World", "By Jove", "Interactive Puzzles", "Rate Your Mind Pal" |
Creativity Plexers I Believe In Unicorns 68-82 Calliope (poetry) Sunflowering Creative Problem Solving pp. 22-41 Alphabet Soup Set up in 9 centers pp30-39 Creative Problems Solving Task Cards Writing with Writers Myths Poetry on the Internet an Ode |
Grade 7 |
Research/Technology Russia to Revolution (Independent Learning Unit) Internet Investigations: Excel PowerPoint Tables Mail Merge Advanced Word Table of Contents Footnotes |
Problem Solving Building Perspectives BrainTeasers Odyessy of the Mind Math Blaster "The Great Brain Robbery" Architecture/ Math "Bricks" Mancala game Paper Folding unit (five folds) Game of Knowledge ages 16-adultStrategy Challenges computer game intermediate level More Puzzlegrams (graphic designs) pp. 61-90 Mental Math (exponents) pp85-88 Pre-Geometry grades 5-8 Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Algebraic Thinking Games and Puzzles With Colored Tiles (ongoing 5-8) 7 task cards "Trash Bag Parachutes" Strategy Games: "Tower of Hanoi" Using Spreadsheets in Algebra and Pre-Algebra Algebra Quest Softeware |
Critical and Logical Thinking Gifted Reading Kit Speed Reading Mindbenders B3 Syllogisms Analogies 1 Building Perspectives Brian Storms- Visual Thinking Game Computerized Tests for intelligence, personality, etc A Case of Red Herrings Book A1 Brain Stretchers Book 2 Logic pp. 22-42 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches C-1 pp. 1-32 Earth Science "Coast In Crisis" (folder) Propaganda (folder) Debate I Strategy Games: "Jungle Chess", "Tablut", "Tower of Hanoi" |
Creativity Plexers I Believe In Unicorns 83-95 Calliope (poetry) Sunflowering, Creative Problem Solving pp. 47-70, Writing with Writers –News Writing with Writers Mysteries - on the Internet |
Grade 8 |
Research/Technology Career Planning Learning About WebQuests Mail Merge PowerPoint Tables Excel Advanced Word |
Problem Solving Rolling-Block Mazes West Pint Bridge Building Design: Pool Tables: Help: http://www.algebrahelp.comOdyessy of the Mind Math Blaster "The Great Brain Robbery" Mancala game Game of Knowledge ages 16-adult Strategy Challenges computer game advanced level More Puzzlegrams (graphic designs) pp. 91-120 pp. 12—152 for anybody Pre-Geometry grades 5-8 Solve It Task Cards (on-going 3-8) Algebraic Thinking Games and Puzzles With Color Tiles (ongoing 5-8) 7 task cards |
Critical and Logical Thinking Gifted Reading Kit Speed Reading Mindbenders B3-C1 Analogies 2 Building Perspectives Computerized Tests for intelligence, personality, etc. Logic Anyone- Syllogisms A Case of Red Herrings Book B1 Brain Stretchers Book 2 Puzzles 43-60 Scratch Your Brain Where It Itches C1-33-69 Science "Critical Thinking About Mankind’s Future" Debate II:… Test Proverbs: Web: http://richfield.scs.k12/ |
Creativity Origami More Plexers Internet Plexers Inventioneering I Believe in Unicorns 96-104Calliope (poetry) Sunflowering, Creative Problem Solving pp. 78-96 Photography Creative Writing Home Design 3D Software |
High School |
Problem Solving
Critical and Logical Thinking