Bat Quest
Your mission: To create a foldable project to report the knowledge you gain from completing research on bats.

Your foldable should include:
1.  At least 1 picture drawn by you.
2.  A poem create by you.
3.  Bat myths
4.  Echolocation
5.  Timeline of the life of a bat.
6.  Importance of quano
7.  Habits of bats.
8.  A creative story about a bat.
9.  Why we should protect bats.
10. Interesting facts about bats.

You may create your foldable in any method you wish, however, it must be neat and accurate.  These projects will be displayed on Expo night.

Bats "The only flying mammal"
Bat Webquest
How Stuff Works "How Bats Work"
Back to 4th grade
Be prepared to do the following:

1. Describe how parts of the bat's body relates to its function and survival.
2.  Describe how the bats circulatory and respiratory systems function.
3.  Explain how the bats and other organisms in the same habitat compete for the
     same resources.
4.  Describe how the bat can modify its environment to meet its needs.
5.  Identify the habitat in which the bat is most likely to live and explain how specific
     structures help it to survive.
6.  Describe the effects of sudden increases or decreases in the bat population upon other organisms in the environment.