What is a Chapter Association? A Chapter Association is made up of alumnae and collegians from the same collegiate chapter, regardless of where they currently live. Membership The Alpha Epsilon Chapter Association is open to all Phi Mu women initiated at the Alpha Epsilon chapter at Florida State University as well as those women who may have joined Alpha Epsilon after initiation from another chapter. Purpose The purpose of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter Association is to provide a means to continue and strengthen the bond of sisterhood for the alumnae members of the Alpha Epsilon chapter. The Association will maintain a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship with the Alpha Epsilon collegians as well as a connection with Florida State University as a way to preserve the memories of our time spent here. Benefits The Alpha Epsilon Chapter Association will strive to provide benefits to her members such as reconnection with "lost" sisters, professional networking, special events in Tallahassee and throughout the country, and the means to help maintain and build upon the outstanding legacy of the Alpha Epsilon chapter at Florida State University. For information on how to get involved, please contact us! |