<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/aequum/words.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Background Music:
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Melanie's Guestbook Archive
All posts submitted to My Guestbook eventually move in here (Who am I to deny them?)
I reply to all posts and emails  (..where possible)...and answer all queries.
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Name : CORY - 11/01/99 05:02:06
Name : Erin - 11/03/99 07:18:19
My Email : ez_molloy@yahoo.com
Comments : I think that your page is wonderful and it is GREAT!!!!  love Erin xoxox
Name : Todd - 11/05/99 01:41:38
My Email : ToddC@yahoo.com
Comments : Melanie I think you did a fantasic job with your homepage !!  Your Friend Todd
Name : Katie - 11/28/99 07:43:28
My Email : katiem35@hotmail.com
Comments : it's pretty cool mate  :o)
Name : Wilco Arts - 12/01/99 21:27:07
My Emai l : wi.arts@tref.nl
Other : warts@enci.nl
Comments : Wow, Melanie you are really becoming a real webmaster.   Wilco
Name : Phong Vu - 12/09/99 10:32:3
Comments : You are excellent Melanie!
Name : Terry Hill - 12/13/99 19:39:52
My Email :
Comments : Melanie, My name is Terry Hill, and I live in Cypress, California. I was just at your homepage and I enjoyed the visit. I liked the Quotations and the Jokes the best!  Terry
Name : Shadowless - 03/05/00 12:43:13
My Email : santiago@mrbean.net.au
Comments : Wow, I'm impressed.I must say your homepage is a must for every favorites lists. Keep up the good work Melanie. I know you'll do great things.
Name : Jacqui - 05/26/00 01:52:02
My Email : iuqcaj79@hotmail.com
Comments : Hey there Melanie whats up!! love ya website!! See ya in class ..don't be too late (just kidding!!)
Name : Martin Burn - 06/03/00 11:32:52
My Email : martin-burn@lineone.net
Comments : Hi Melanie  A great site and a REAL example of how a homepage should be; entertaining, informatative, and I love your MIDI files [thats how I found you].  I defy anyone to visit your homepage and not smile!!!  I'll be back - many thanks!  Luv   Martin
Name : Tom Paterson - 06/10/00 10:55:56
My Email : CarronPatersons@aol.com
Comments : Excellent site
Name : Jacqui - 06/15/00 03:32:51
My Email : iuqcaj79@hotmail.com
Comments : Hellooooo.....  how is everything nextdoor? (I am at this moment sitting at the computer next to YOU!! in class) Well betta go I want to have a cigerette.  C-YA outside!!!!
Name : jeff - 06/30/00 12:21:23
My Email : jrbowie@hotmail.com
Comments : hi there you sound like an interesting person ,, if you`d like to chat sometime message me , my icq # is 67172847 ,, bye for now ,, take care ,, :-))
Name : Buddy - 07/10/00 10:25:52
My Email : wiser@mrbean.net.au
Comments : Hi Melanie, Just cruising and came across your page excellent piece of work very informative. I live in Mackay also, icq# is 69251261 if you would like to chat sometime. Keep up the great work :)).
Name : Kellie - 07/18/00 01:15:59
My Email : Bunno_69@yahoo.com
Comments : Hey mel it's kel I like your page
Name : Daniel Green - 07/20/00 06:21:3
Comments : Hey, it's me - Danny. I like your web page it's GROOVY!!! COOL music too
Name : Niko - 07/20/00 06:31:12
My URL : http://mackay.cqit.qld.edu.au
My Email :
Comments : Hello , pretty flashy Aber es gefaellt mir Cheers Niko
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