<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/aequum/alwaysonmymind.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Background Music:
Always On My Mind
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Melanie's Guestbook Archive
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Name : neil franklin - 08/11/00 23:10:3
Comments : this is my first time on the net , and as i work in a music shop selling m/files i came to have a  look.I Found some files you cant buy.I enjoyed my  time on your site.
Name : Mick White - 08/11/00 23:46:10
My URL : http://home.jps.net/hdwhite/stc.htm
My Email : hdwhite@jps.net
Comments : Hi, what an interesting page....you have a little of everything....I found you thru the Midi links...keep up the great work....
Name : allan - 08/16/00 05:38:11
My Email : pig054@hotmail.com
Other : pig054@yahoo.com
Comments : Sweetie, a very nice page we will have to get together some time and get it on. Only Joking!!!!!!! the page really looks good. Great Job!!!!!!!! scratch you later (i hope). allan
Name : Cory - 08/16/00 11:21:3
Comments : your page is great now help me do mine
Name : Wilco - 08/17/00 04:48:02
My Email : wi.arts@tref.nl
Comments : Melanie, this is a great site. Unbelievable how you succeed in making a beautiful homepage with all these nice links. I am proud , having such a friend who is able to do this. Go on and show the world what Mel is up to .
Name : allan - 08/21/00 00:49:29
My Email : pig054@hotmail.com
Comments : to my sweet heart,  it is a lovely page and about time that you got the lyrics for the rainbow connection. to tell you the truth if you hadn't got the lyrics by now i was going to put u over my knee and spank u ever so lovingly so how do u like that one? huh  maybe 1 day i will ..just joking!!!!!  well well well  isn't pay back a bitch  scratch u lata  allan
Name : u know who - 08/22/00 06:16:27
My Email : u know where
Comments : well well well hidy ho neighbour!!!!!!!!!!!  whats u doin today you slack thing!!!!!!  so you missed software today so what do you have to say 4 urself?huh huh   seeya later!!!!!
Name : muzza - 08/28/00 22:57:21
My Email : three_sox@hotmail.com
Comments : wow, your web page is a credit to you melanie. this is one of the best personal websites i have seen, - so either i dont get out enough or this is really good! hey ,it would be nice to catch up one day. bye now .
Name : Kim - 08/30/00 09:26:04
My Email : me_999_2000@yahoo.com
Comments : :) great place u got goin here. stay cool. kim -x- PS. please put on more eminem, and craig david. ta.  x
Name : Bill Shanks - 09/01/00 17:35:03
My Email : wshanks39@aol.com
Comments : What a fun site.  Thanks, Bill
Name : Winston - 09/16/00 11:51:55
My Email : dehwin@hotmail.com
Comments : Great site with a good selection to suit all tastes. More 60's and 70's music please.
Name : Rainer - 09/17/00 13:12:13
My Email : musiklange@t-online.de
Comments : Cute design! I love it! IŽll be back more often! Have a nice day!
Name : Jewel - 09/21/00 04:06:44
My URL : http://hometown.aol.com/jewellamphier/index.html
My Email : jewellamphier@aol.com
Comments : What a thoroughly enjoyable site! I could stay here all night long. I've got to show this one to my daughter-she'll love it! We'll be back often. Nice place to 'escape' to.
Name : John - 09/23/00 15:43:53
My Email : wje@lineone.net
Comments : as this is my first visit to your site i will let you know what i think of your aragements and might even up load a few of my own in future
Name : pennie - 09/25/00 15:33:19
My URL : http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/pennie-sa-jaw
Comments : great midi files :-) cool set up :-)
Name : Harold Nielsen - 09/26/00 14:53:37
My Email : harold@colusanet.com
Comments : Hi. Love your site. More lyrics for kids songs please. More latin tunes.Take Care. Love, harold
Name : Richard - 10/04/00 13:22:22
My Email : dick.large@actrix.co.nz
Comments : Really well designed web page and top of the line music in midi format, a pleasure to listen too. Thank you for some wonderful music
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