<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/aequum/elshaddai.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Background Music:
El Shaddai
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Melanie's Guestbook Archive
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Name : giorgio
Email : gkavagnait@yahoo.it
Comment : I realy enjoy your url....and your foto too! Be care whit your kid! Good luck!
Name : chris bennett
Email : hitem_up@hotmail.com
Comment : hey mel  i was lookin through some stuff and i came accross this home page bet u didnt know i would eva find it ne way i wont be mean so catchya chris
Name : Tom Slemen
URL : www.ghostcity19.freeserve.co.uk
Email : tom@merseyghost.freeserve.co.uk
Comment : Great site, very good MIDs!
Name : Luis Manuel Amador
Email : guichoamador@netscape.net
Comment : Gracias por la musica  Sigue ese excelente trabajo
Name : Keith
Email : redsurf2000@yahoo.com
Comment : Cool page! You're very creative.
Name : Wilco Arts
Email : warts@enci.nl
Comment : Hello Melanie, what a performance. Want to tell you how great you are doing on the computer. Hope to hear from you soon again.   Wilco , Oss Netherlands
Name : Birdlady (Mary)
URL : http://birdladysnest.homestead.com/index.html
Email : birdlady04@yahoo.com
Comment : Great midi page! I will return again, for sure. I would like to invite you to join a group called Gardenn of Friendship. We are a great group of people spreading TLC around the world via the internet. I think you would enjoy being a member, and we would love to have you join us. Check us out at http://www.gardenoffriendship.org
Name : Tessa
Comment : fantastic stuff
Name : Laura Z
Email : lauraharpham@hotmail.com
Comment : Mel, your site's really wicked, loads or cool stuff, thanks.
Name : Shenra378
URL : http://www.oocities.org/shenra378/night_scope.html
Email : cd0013710@blueyonder.co.uk
Name : William McDavid
Email : proadds@bellsouth.net
Comment : You have done something wonderful. Thank you for the inspiration.
Name : Ross
URL : http://www.officialblitch.com
Email : hagendaaz69@hotmail.com
Comment : kickass site!!! i found alot of midis on your site that i could not find on alot of other major sites, like midifarm! Congragulations!!!
Name : Mike
Email : mmcginn1948@starpower.net
Comment : Your homepage was by far the flashiest I have seen yet. Very colorful. Saw that you had an interest in photography. I took lots of pictures when I visited your country. Thank you.
Name : Daf
URL : http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/1930
Comment : I completely enjoyed your home page and have linked to it from my Spencer page.
Name : Lincoln Cooper
Email : lgc@lgcooper.fsnet.co.uk
Comment : Brilliant. This is the first guest book I have ever taken the trouble to sign.
Name : Bandano Wango
Email : banwan@tratago.com
Comment : Quisiera saber si te gustaria darme cabeza.
Name : BAZ
Email : kerwobicka@currantbun.com
Comment : This is a Pretty Neat Site with some nice ideas well displayed. Many thanks
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