You're probably wondering what's up with the new front page, huh?

Well, I recently had a run-in with a very persistant plagiarist named Nastasia, or Stacey, English, who stole pretty much everything on this site and pretended it was hers.  She even sold some of the art, including the picture of Sarolyn you see in the background of the image, and made a nice little profit for herself off of my hard work.  The silly bitch just didn't realize that I am, in reality, a very scary person to piss off.  She probably also doesn't realize that the other artists and I aren't joking when we say she's going to court with us, and she WILL go to jail, and face millions of dollars in fines.

My original art (and not just the drawings) is copyrighted automatically the moment I finish it and put my name on it, but soon, it will have an official registry with the US copyright office.  I suggest you not mess with that, unless you want to make me a very rich woman at your own expense.

Therefore, by entering the above website, you agree not to abuse any of the contents created by its maker, including claiming possession of any of my original stories, poetry, and art, and you also agree not to use any of it ANYWHERE on the Internet or off without my permission.

If you don't agree with these terms, then leave.
If you would like to hear more about this story as things occur, visit my livejournal.
Thank you very much for your support.