My Drawings!
My Stories!
Leaving so soon?
Hello, and welcome to Daphne
Sy's homepage, v2.0.  This is Celestial
Garden, a new, improved version of Tenshi no Kaze.  You can find the buttons for navigation to your left.  Please e-mail me if you have trouble with this layout-- I wouldn't know how to fix it, but I do want to know if I'm hallucinating its success. ^^;
Celestial Garden, with all original art and stories (C) Daphne Sy.
   Unfortunately, college has taken a bit of a toll not only on my free time, but also on my ability to update this page conveniently-- my widescreen laptop is not fond of Pagebuilder, and distorts everything.  But now I'm on summer vacation, so things are actually getting done for once!  Yey!! ^___^

Anyway, the rules are still no borrowing without permission.  If you want to use something on your site, please ask me first and link it back to my site.  It's the polite thing to do.  If you ask me, I'd be likely to cooperate anyway.  Enjoy the garden of my thoughts-- I've tried to cultivate it well throughout the years. ^^

August 16, 2004: It's been a busy summer, but I'm catching up!  I have a few new images and a new story for you guys!  Oh, and a serious announcement.  If any of you run across the plagarist known as "Lhiannan Paine Sidhe" stealing my stuff again, you know who to contact. Thanks.
I'd love to hear from you!
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