The Journal of The Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka
ISSN: 1391-0671
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Editors-in-Chief: M.M.M. Najim |
Editorial Board | |
Scope of the Journal:
The Journal of the Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka is an yearly publication of the AESSL, which focuses on many issues related to the field of Agricultural Engineering in Sri Lanka and in the world in general. It is a reviewed journal with a panel of both local and international reviewers.
Instructions to Authors:
Download author instructions in pdf format
1. Original papers, review articles and technical notes should be submitted in triplicate to the Editor, AESSL, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka together with a soft copy in a diskette or a CD. The manuscript should be prepared in a common word processing software (MS Word or Word Perfect). Each file in the CD or diskette should be clearly named together with the software used to create the file.
2. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they have not been published, accepted, or submitted for publication in any other journal.
3. All manuscripts must be written in English, with double spacing, on one side of B5 paper. The manuscript should be in Times New Roman font. Three copies of all relevant materials such as illustrations, tables, etc, must be submitted along with the manuscript. The page numbers in double spacing should not exceed 16 typed pages of B5 size including the text, tables and figures.
4. The first page of the manuscript should carry the title of the paper followed by the author’s name(s), qualifications, and present position(s). The title should be in bold capital of the font size 11. There should be 18 spaces after the title. The author names should be followed by the initials and only the first letter of each name and the initials should be in Capital. Authors’ names are in normal text with font size 11. The names should follow with superscript alphabet to specify the qualifications and address. There should be 6 spaces after the title. The qualifications and address of authors should be in font size 9 in normal text (see the sample paper given at for more information).
5. An abstract not exceeding 200 words must accompany each paper. This should state concisely the scope of the work and the principal findings, and should be suitable for direct use by abstracting journals. The abstract should be in font size 10 italicized. The word “abstract” should be in capital letters and bold.
6. Sub–divisions of text (for example, introduction, literature review materials and methods, results and discussions, conclusions or any other sub-divisions) that develop logically out of the subject should be clearly indicated by left justified sub headings. First level of the heading should follow numbers as 1.0, 2.0 etc. and in bold capital letters. The second level of sub headings should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2 ….. 2.1 etc. and in bold, with the first letter of the sub-heading being capital. The third level of the sub-heading should not carry a number and should be in normal text with the first letter capital.
Each sub-heading should follow 6 spacing before and after. Each paragraph should be indented 0.25”. Each paragraph needs to be separated with 6 spacing.
7. References should be cited in the text by the author(s) and the year. All reference in the text must be listed with names of authors arranged alphabetically. References should be composed in the following order: Senior Author’s name and initials/Co-authors’ initials followed by names /year of publication/title of article/name of journal/volume, number/pages. The reference should be in font size 10.
Few reference citation examples are as follows:
Wijethilake,M.A, Karunasena, K.P. and W.B.Herath, 2002. Mathematical modeling of nitrogen movements in soils. The Journal of the Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lanka (3): 34-56.
Wjethilakle, M.A. and W.B. Herath, 1991. Mathematical modeling of nitrogen movements in soils. Lake House Book Co., Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Book, part of:
Wijethilake, M.A. and W.B. Herath, 1995. Mathematical modeling of nitrogen movements in soils. p 234-256. In: Mathematical modeling of pollutants. Lake House Book Co., Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Wjethilake, M.A. and W.B.Herath, 1981. Mathematical modeling of nitrogen movements in soils. ASSE bull 16.30p.
AESSL, 2004. Groundwater usage in Sri Lanka. URL: (Accessed on 18/08/2004)
More information on reference citation format could be found at
8. Authors are requested to use SI units for measurement of physical quantities.
9. Mathematical formulas should be carefully typed using an equation editor with symbols in correct alignment and adequately spaced. Equations should be numbered with Arabic numerals (example 1, 2 etc.). Vectors should be indicated by overhead lines.
10. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals accompanied by a title on the top. The title should be in font size 11 in normal text and centered. Font size in a table could be from 9 to 11.
11. The title of the figure should be placed below the figure in font size 11 in normal text and centered. Text and numbers within the figure should be legible with a minimum font size of 9.
12. Photographic prints should be included only when they are essential to the understanding of the paper. Clear digital photographs or scanned photos should be submitted in a diskette or a CD.
Each paper will be scrutinized by at least two referees
Journal Subscription Fees:
Local: Rs. 200 per copy and an additional Rs 50 for postage
International: US$ 18 (including postage) per copy
Subscription fees are payable to AESSL.
For more details on subscription fees, please contact the Treasurer, Agricultural Society of Sri Lanka, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya. Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94-81-2388923, Fax: +94-81-2380125
Journal Issues: