About this fan site for Kelly:

First off let me say:
That I am in no way associated with Kelly Golebiowski, the Australian National Team, or the Washington Freedom. I have tried to credit all pictures and text with their respective sources where available.If I have used a picture or article of yours and you would like it removed please
contact me and I remove it immediately. If you have any other questions, comments or concerns, please e-mail me.

I started this site because I could find no other fan sites for Kelly. I, and a lot of others, think she's going to be around for a long time in the WUSA, hopefully with the Washington Freedom and of course playing with the Australian National Team, the Matildas. So I wanted to start a fan site for her and I'm sure mine won't be the last, but hopefully one of the best. I have tried to compile as many articles, pictures and links about Kelly as I can find and have posted them either on this site or in my
Yahoo Group for Kelly.

I would like to thank Vivy, (
her site for Australian Women's Soccer), for her Matildas pictures and help she has given me starting this site and Kevin Parker, (his Carrie Moore/Washington Freedom site), for his pictures with Kelly and the Freedom and including my site in his Washington Freedom WebRing.

Thanks to everyone who visits my site and I hope you enjoy! Go Kelly!!

One more thing... please stop by and sign my guestbook!
I'd love to hear from you!


Last but not least....