WUSAHost: Welcome Kelly and welcome fans to today's WUSA.com live chat.

WUSAHost: Joining us for this week's chat is Kelly Golebiowski, midfielder for the Washington Freedom.

WUSAHost: The Freedom will take on the Charge tomorrow July 9 in Washington and Atlanta on Saturday, July 12 televised live on PAX @ 4pm ET / 1pm PT.

WUSAHost: Please notice that chat submissions will be moderated. You will be able to submit questions to the host, however no other users will be able to see your questions. Only selected and approved questions will be posted for all participants to view. If your question is not selected this time - try again next Tuesday at 4:00 pm ET!

WUSAHost: So, let's begin....

WUSAHost: Heather submitted a question via email and would like to know, "What is the most overwhelming part of playing in the WUSA, even after several years of playing for the Australian national team?

Kelly: It's hard to play in a stadium in front of a big crowd.

Kelly: Also to play with teammates like Mia Hamm, Siri Mullinix and all the big names.

WUSAHost: Was the transition from Australia to the United States difficult for you?

Kelly: It wasn't so difficult since I played in the W League for the past 2 years.

Kelly: Playing in that league made the transition much easier for me.

WUSAHost: Chantelle, from Melbourne, Australia, asks, "How do you feel about wearing the Matildas uniform and playing against some of your Freedom teammates in the upcoming Women's World Cup?"

Kelly: I have played against some players that have been my teammates already in the past previous years...

Kelly: It is kinda weird, but it's the game of soccer.

Kelly: It's cool now that I know them a lot better, though.

WUSAHost: How do you think the teams will do with so many of the national players out in training this weekend?

Kelly: There is going to be a lot of players missing from all the teams playing...

Kelly: It's hard to say, but we have other strong players to step in from off the bench.

Kelly: I don't think it's really a big deal.

WUSAHost: Charge Princess would like to know if you played any other sports growing up besides soccer?

Kelly: Yes. When I was younger, in Australia during school, I played cricket, rugby league, rugby union...

Kelly: I really didn't take to any of these sports doing school. But I did take to tennis and track and field [and soccer].

Kelly: I played tennis until 13 and track and field until about 17.

Kelly: At that stage I decided I wanted to be a runner or be a soccer player.

Kelly: So I ditched the other sports and soccer won in the end!

WUSAHost: Allison from Battle Creek, Michigan will be at the game against the Charge and asks, "How confident do you and the team feel about the game?"

Kelly: With our previous results we have played some good soccer, but we just haven't won the game.

Kelly: We're pretty confident that we can win.

Kelly: They are also going through a rough time with injuries but I think we can beat them.

WUSAHost: Savannah and Sydney mentioned in an email that you collect glasses from places that you visit and would like to know, "How many do you have and which one is your favorite?"

Kelly: It's actually shot glasses that I collect.

Kelly: Wow, how did you know that?

Kelly: I don't know how many, but I have a lot of them.

Kelly: I think my favorite is from the 2000 Olympics in Australia.

WUSAHost: Do you have any other hobbies or activities that you like to do in your free time?

Kelly: Yeah, not that I have too much free time, but I like to play golf and am interested in art.

Kelly: I like to draw, sketch, and etch. I also like to listen to music. It's a lot better here and I really like that.

WUSAHost: Amy from Frankfort, Kentucky would like to know, "What is your most memorable game or goal?"

Kelly: Probably my first game with the Freedom at RFK. I just got back from Australia and unfortunately missed for the first 2 games of the season.

Kelly: In that game, we were down 1-0 and I scored to equal the game.

WUSAHost: Starfiregirl57 sent in a question through email and would like to know, "How do you stay motivated to train and workout even when you do not feel like practicing?"

Kelly: I've played soccer for a long time so it's routine now. I really don't get unmotivated.

Kelly: It's my job and it's what I love to do so I don't have a problem going out there even when I'm feeling under the weather.

WUSAHost: Since you have been playing for many years, at what age did you decide that soccer was something you wanted to make a career out playing?

Kelly: After I found out there was a national team, I decided that's what I wanted to do.

Kelly: I was about 11 years old at that time.

WUSAHost: What advice do you have for a rising player to improve fitness level?

Kelly: There's a lot of fitness you can do.

Kelly: One of my favorites, from just running, is to bike ride. Tough biking, hills or mountain riding.

Kelly: Also swimming, obviously best when it's hot. Water fitness, like water running, is good too.

Kelly: You also have to do the boring stuff too like running up and down the field. Always practice ball fitness.

WUSAHost: Were there any soccer players or female athletes that you admired growing up?

Kelly: Yes, there were, but they are Australian...my favorite runner was Jane Flemming.

Kelly: I wanted to be just like her but at the same time I was in love with Roy Keane a soccer player.

Kelly: He's now the captain of ManU and I admired him even before he was captain.

Kelly: He was just a born leader.

WUSAHost: LSaleh would like to know what team is the most challenging to play against?

Kelly: It's hard to say since I haven't played against all of them, but I would have to say Atlanta and Carolina.

Kelly: They are two different types of teams; Atlanta is a tough team and Carolina has different style of play, which is a challenge to adjust to.

WUSAHost: It would not be a WUSA chat if we didn't ask..."What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?"

Kelly: ...if I had to pick one, I would probably pick...um

Kelly: probably cookies and cream since it's not so popular in Australia.

Kelly: I'm glad it's becoming more popular there now.

WUSAHost: And finally, before we go, what team would you most like to play against in the Founders Cup?

Kelly: I think I would like to play against Boston.

Kelly: I like their style of playing...I don't know what it is, but I like to play against them.

Kelly: Thank you for the questions and spending the time to participate in the chat.

Kelly: This was fun!

WUSAHost: Kelly, thank you for taking the time to chat with us. We wish you the best as you finish the rest of the season.

WUSAHost: Thank you fans for joining us on today's WUSA.com chat. Don't forget to follow the Washington Freedom in action this week. Saturday's matchup will be live on PAX @ 4pm ET / 1pm PT!
Chat Transcript from July 8, 2003
Can be found on the WUSA site here.