All info from the Freedom's "Ask the Team" Archive or Kelly's WUSA Chat transcript

Kelly, how did it feel to win Founders Cup III?: “It was awesome - I recommend it highly!!!!”

“I have three pets at home in Australia - a rabbit named Fluffy, a crazy dog named Amber and a budgie named Agro!”

Favorite song: “My favorite song is "You" by Janet Jackson.”

Favorite actor: Eddie Cibrian

Favorite actress: Katie Holmes

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite candy: “Aussie lollies called Redskins. I don’t think you'll ever see them in the U.S. unless brought over by me!!!”

Favortie ice cream
: Cookies and Cream

What does she collect?: Shot glasses, her favorite is from the 2000 Olympics in Australia.

Where would she like to visit?: “I would go to England and Ireland - to visit family and watch soccer matches - because I’ve never been there and want to go so bad! Also to Australia if I had the chance - seeing as it’s the best country in the world!!!!!”

What is she working on this year?: “I’d like to work on my defense.”

Who would she like to meet?: “If I could meet anyone in the world past or present? Well I have two - Janet Jackson because she is my favorite singer, and Roy Keane as he is my favorite soccer player!”

Other Interests: Listening to music, cooking, bike riding, playing golf, and hanging out with friends

What other pro sport would she choose?: “I would love to be a sprinter/runner! Or a pro cricketer!!!”

What is her favorite restaurant?: “Guadalajara’s. It’s a Mexican restaurant in Australia.”

Where is her favorite place to shop?: “At any mall!”

Which is her favorite stadium to play, (besides RFK)?:“My favorite stadium is in Australia, it’s Sydney Football Stadium – the SFS!”

Why did she pick her number?: “It’s one of my favorite numbers and I haven’t been able to wear it in along time in Australia - and because 16 was already taken!”

Who does Kelly think is the funniest person on the Freedom?: “There are quite a few jokers in the team - Emmy Barr, Mia, Lori Lindsey and Flo.”

What was her first car?: “I never had one - but does a Matchbox Mazda RX-7 count!!!!???”

When she was a little girl, what did she want to be when she grew up?: “I wanted to be a paleontologist!!!”
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