Curriclum for Patterning





Students continue to study patterns.  Students will break into group and complete each of the centers  over the next two days:


Create a pattern with virtual pattern


Extend patterns


Extend and fill in patterns


Using a Light bright to extend an already created pattern


While students are not in centers they will be working in a small group of 1 or 2 with me.  We will be playing a memory game that matches numbers to objects, sorting objects into various groups, and playing go fish.


As a group look at animal pictures and discuss any patterns


Allow student to pick a butterfly work sheet.

 butterfly 1


butterfly 2


Using two or three colors create a pattern on the butterfly. Students will finish their butterfly for homework.


Students will share their butterfly and explain their pattern to the other students.


Create our pattern detective hats by using sentence strips and various colored palm palms. 


Finally, students will draw student characteristics (boy, girl, brown hair, black hair, tennis shoes, pants, etc.) and use the characteristics to create patterns with his/her peer.  Then each student will practice taking a picture of the student pattern with a digital camera


Students will share their butterfly and explain their pattern to the other students.


Create our pattern detective hats by using sentence strips and various colored pom poms. 


Finally, students will draw student characteristics (boy, girl, brown hair, black hair, tennis shoes, pants, etc.) and use the characteristics to create patterns with his/her peer.  Then each student will practice taking a picture of the student pattern with a digital camera