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Hello everyone and welcome to my little cafe in this busy cyber world. The furniture is old and it does get a little smoky at times, but it's a good place to be if you like to read. So grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and enjoy. |
When I created this web page, it had a simple purpose, to give people a chance to post their work. Nothing more grand than that. I have been trying to get my stuff published for years and nothing happened. Thought an agent was the way to go, so I got two of them. Nothing. I finally decided that I was tired of being the only one reading what I was writing and made the web page Aficionada Chronicles. I hope that you enjoy surfing this site. Be sure to let me know that you stopped in by signing the guest book. |
Everyone is welcome to submit any type of writing to be posted on this web site. It doesn't matter to me if it's about Nash Bridges or Will and Grace or The X Files. This site is not limited to merely fan fiction. All original works are welcome. The more diversified the site, the more people will take an interest |
Be sure to drop a line if you ever have a question or comment about any of my writing! I love getting feed back. The positive makes me feel good and the negative makes me learn. |
I will not accept porn or vulgarity. |
Kathy Ritchie |