HQ AFJROTC Distinguished Cadet
Air Force Association
American Legion Scholastic
American Legion Military   
Daughters of the American
American Veterans
Reserve Officers Association
Air Force Sergeants Association
Military Order of the      Purple Heart
Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite,
Southern Jurisdiction
National Sojourners
Veterans of Foreign Wars

Lauren Mann
Military Officers Association
            of America
Military Order of World Wars
Sons of the American Revolution
Order of the Daedalians
Stephanie Jernigan
Zach Manley
Stephanie Jernigan
Chanel Langenfeld
Bobby Davis
Lauren Mann
Sean Davis
Scott Cronin
Aaron Purcell
Zach Wetmore
Stephanie Jernigan
Anthony Johnson
Colby Alexander
David Bolick
Chuck Farlow
Jeremy Trantham
AFJROTC Ribbon Chart
Tuskegee Airmen Inc
Monica Crase
Kristan Robertson