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Aristocrats of the Malay Race,

A History of the Bangsa Moro in the Philippines

 by Nasser A. Marohomsalic

Soft Cover 6"X9", 439 pages,(with black and white photos).

ISBN: 9711111371

"Another book on the Commandants recomended reading list.
I saw this copy at the MC-5 Plans and Programs Office being reviewed by the staff. I hope to get a copy of his book review that I may include it on this page.

While browsing through the book I say an interesting photo of what looked like Filipinos in heavy woolen overcoats and what looked to be Soviet helmets.

That was enough to have a more thorough look through the book and see if I could find out more about these men in the photo. I learned that Filipinos or "Malays" also attend other military service academies other than those in the United States. There were several cadets in the Cairo Military Academy in 1965 who were from Mindanao.

The book written by Nasser A. Marohomsalic, who presently is a Commissioner on Human Rights of the Republic of the Philippines. It is a view of the history of the country from a "Southern perspective" and is interesting reading, quite different from the Western or Socialist views of the texts that I had studied in College.

The text not only covers political history but of the conflict with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) that refers to the Manila government. It gives an opportunity to cross reference the specific battles listed in the Armed Forces of the Philippines history accounts.

The book may start and expound on the conflict and differences of the Moro people of the Philippines, but in the conclusion these very differences are the reason for peace and unity that can bring about progress and development for the whole Philippines.

"Agitate, Propagate, Focus and Direct...," it seems I have seen this outline before in training manual I once studied.


" The book of Marohomsalic adds the contemporary episode--- the protracted nightmare triggered by the Jabidah Massacre--and takes the reader along the main roads and tortuous alleys and byways of the Mindanao Conflict. Marohomsalic is a born storyteller. His book informs as well as entertains."
---Dr. Emily Marohombsar, Moro Educator

"The book is very scholarly. it grandiosely purveys enough about the Bangsa Moro. The public who reads it will be richer in guidance in their estimation of this grand people of the Malay race. Many will be delightfully surprised to know their author's thesis about the "ideological affinity or brotherhood" between and among Muslims and Christian, whom he considers all as a 'democrat' by political appellation."
---Fidel V. Ramos, former President of the Republic of the Philippines

Aristocrats of the Malay Race, can be ordered from:

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