African Writers Index

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benjamin sehene

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African Literature: Editeurs/Publishers

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  • African Publisher's Network Online-APNET - the African Publishers Network - was formed in 1992 to promote indigenous publishing in Africa. APNET brings together national publishers associations from over 27 countries in Africa. APNET is a pan-African, non-profit making network with a Secretariat in Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • African Books Collective- A major self-help initiative established in 1989 by a group of African publishers to market and distribute their books in Europe, North America, and in Commonwealth countries outside Africa.
  • Le Serpent a Plumes- Revue cree en 1988, maison d'edition depuis 1993...

Algeria . Angola . Benin . Botswana . Cameroun .Congo, Kinshasa . Congo, Brazzaville . Djibouti . Egypt . Ethiopia . Ghana . Ivory Coast . Kenya . Madagascar . Morocco . Mozambique . Mali . Nigeria . Rwanda . Senegal . South Africa . Sudan . Tanzania . Uganda . Zambia . Zimbabwe .

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