Dr. Serguey A. Fedoseev


Referenced (bold) and nonreferenced (plain)

  1. Fedoseev S.A., Chechuy S.N., Pyskin S.L., Shcudlov V.I.
    Laser vacuum deposition and investigation of thin films and thin-film devices structures. Symp. "OPTIKA -80", Lectures, Budapest, 1980. (in English)
  2. Fedoseev S.A., Chechuy S.N., Pyskin S.L., and al.
    Some results of power laser irradiation interraction with materials. Int. Symp., WMEI, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, 1982. (in Russian).
  3. Fedoseev S.A., Chechuy S.N., Pyskin S.L., Shcudlov V.I.
    Laser vacuum epitaxy and investigation of thin films and thin-film devices. In the book: “Kinetic of non-equilibrum electron systems”, Kishinev, 1982. (in Russian).
  4. Fedoseev S.A., Chechuy S.N., Pyskin S.L., Shcudlov V.I.
    Stability and mechanical durability of GaP/Si heterostructures. USSR Symp., Abstracts, Kishinev, 1982. (in Russian).
  5. Chechuy S.N., Fedoseev S.A., Pyskin S.L., Zenchenko V.P., and al.
    Laser vacuum epitaxy of A(III)B(V) thin films on silicon.
    USSR II Symp. of Crystal Growth, Abstract, Novosubirsk,1982. (in Russian)
  6. hechuy S.N., Fedoseev S.A., Pyskin S.L.
    Investigation of some integrated optics elements creted by laser vacuum deposition and epitaxy. Preprint No 2, Inst. Of Appl. Phys., Kishinev, 1982 .(in Russian).
  7. Fedoseev S.A.
    Spectral and zond diagnostic of laser produced plasma used for epitaxy. Symp.of Junior Scientists, Abstract, Kishinev, 1982. (in Russian).
  8. Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., Pyskin S.L.
    Spectral sensibility of GaP/Si heterojunctions grown by laser vacuum epitaxy. II Rep.Symp., Abstract, Odessa, 1982.(in Russian).
  9. Fedoseev S.A. Laser produced plasma diagnostic and laser technology optimisation. In the book: “Kinetic processes in intrinsic semiconductors”. Kishinev, 1984. (in Russian).
  10. Damaskin I.A., Chechuy S.N., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Optical and electrooptical properties of GaP/Si heterostructures. In the book: “Kinetic processes in intrinsic semiconductors”, Kishinev, 1984. (in Russian).
  11. Fedoseev S.A.
    Switching MIS structures prepared by laser vacuum deposition. Symp. Junior Scientists, Abstract, Kishinev, 1984. (in Russian).
  12. Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Properties of heterostructures GaAs/Si grown by laser vacuum epitaxy. Sov. J. Physika i Technika poluprovodnikov., V.18, No 4, 1984. (in Russian).
  13. Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Applied spectroscopie of laser produced plasma from semiconductor targets USSR Symp., Abstract, Leningrad, 1984. (in Russian)
  14. Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al. Investigation of A(III)B(V) -Si heterojunctions grown by laser assisted deposition. Phys.St.Sol. (A), V.91, No 1, 1985. (in English)
  15. Fedoseev S.A. Manufacturing of some thin films and thin-film device structures by laser vacuum epitaxy and their properties investigation. Manuscript of Ph.D. degree Dissert., Inst. of Appl. Phys., Kishinev, 1985. (in Russian).
  16. Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Spectroscopic investigation of semiconductor targets evaporation by laser irradiation. Rev.Pum. Phys., V.31, No 9-10, 1986. (in English)
  17. Fedoseev S.A., Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., and al. Laser vacuum epitaxy of A(III)B(V) semiconductors on silicon. Rev.Rum.Phys., V.32, No 1-2, 1986. (in English)
  18. Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al. Transmission electron microscopie of A(III)B(V) thin films grown by laser vacuum epitaxy. IV Rep.Symp., Abstract, Kishinev, 1986. (in Russian).
  19. Fedoseev S.A., Budyanu W.A., Chechuy S.N., Damaskin I.A., and al. Growth of thin-film structures from errosion laser plasma. In the book: “Optical and kinetic effects in non-equilibrium electron systems”, Kishinev, 1986. (in Russian).
  20. Fedoseev S.A. Switching effects in the structures metal-tunnel insulator-semiconductor. In the book: “Optical and kinetic effects in non-equilibrium electron systems”, Kishinev, 1986. (in Russian).
  21. Bondarenko W.N., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Properties of A(III)B(V) – Si structures having great mismatching of lattices. XI USSR Symp., Abstract, 1988. (in Russian).
  22. Fedoseev S.A., Pyskin S.L.,Valkovskaya M.I., Zenchenko V.P. Transmission electron microscopie of A(III)B(V) – Si structures with high lattices mismatching. 7 USSR Symp. of Crystal Growth, Abstract, Moscow, 1988. (in Russian).
  23. Fedoseev S.A., Nasakin A.A., Zenchenko Wit.P., Zenchenko Wal. P.
    Investigation of A(III)D(V) thin THIN epitaxial films and A(III)B(V)-Si Heterostructures. In the book: “Laser methods of semiconductor structure growth and investigation”. Kishinev, 1988. (in Russian).
  24. Bondarenko W.N., Fedoseev S.A., Zenchenko Wit.P., Zenchenko Wal. P.
    Electrical and spectral properties of p-n junctions made by laser plasma of V-group material treatment. In the book: “Laser methods of semiconductor structures growth and investigation”, Kishinev, 1988. (in Russian).
  25. Fedoseev S.A., Budyanu W.A., and al.
    Epitaxial growth processes by vapor-plasma flux cteated by laser irradiation. Symp. "OPTIKA -88", Lectures, Budapest, 1988. (in English)
  26. Budyanu W.A., Fedoseev S.A., Nasakin A.A., and al.
    Method of semiconductor structure creation for integrated circuit technology. Invention NR 4429188, 24.5.88. (in Russian).
  27. Fedoseev S.A., Nasakin A.A., Nasakin A.A., Pyskin S.L. Method of semiconductor structure creation. Invention NR 1464787, 8.11.88 (in Russian).
  28. Budyanu W.A., Damaskin I.A., Fedoseev S.A., and al.
    Spectral diagnostic of laser produced plasma from YBaCuO ceramics. USSR Symp. on HT superconductivity, Abstract, Chernogolovka, 1989. (in Russian).
  29. Fedoseev S.A., Budyanu W.A., Damaskin I.A., and al. Spectroscopic investigation of laser plasma produced from Y-BA-Cu-Oxide superconductor target. Symp. on HT superconductivity, Lectures, USTRON, POLAND, 1989. (in English)
  30. Fedoseev S.A., Kotya B., Mustiatche A.N., Pasechnik K.
    Argon–ion laser for cosmetic surgery. Int.Symp., "Laser and Medicine”, Lectures, Tashkent, 1989. (in Russian).
  31. Bereza W.W., Fedoseev S.A., Natarov N.N.
    Surface modification of steel by laser irradiation. Symp. BAKOP, Absatract, Moscow, 1992. (in Russian).
  32. Fedoseev S.A., Giannini G., Lagomarsino S., Pyskin S.L.
    Preparation and structural properties of some III-V semiconductor films grown on (001)- oriented silicon substrates. Applied Surface Science, No.56-58, 1992. (in English)
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  33. Fedoseev Serguey and Pongpat Assitirat, “Photonic Lightning Direction-Finding System”, EECON-20, Proceedings, Bangkok, 1997, pp.98-102. (in English)
  34. Fedosseeve Serguey and Samruay Sangkasaad, “Advanced lightning detecting and direction-finding system”. EECON-21, Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand, 1998, pp.69-72.(in English)
  35. Fedoseev Serguey and Samrauy Sangkasaad, “Computer based Lightning Detection and Photonic Location”. Budapest Power Tech’99 Conference (August 29 – September 3, 1999), Abstract Records, p.145. (in English)
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  36. Fedosseev Serguey and Vitthawat Ngampradit . Wireless Measurements into High Voltage Environment, Submited to EECON-22, Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1999, pp.224-227. (in English)
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  37. Fedoseev Serguey and Samrauy Sangkasaad, “National Lightning Location Network – an Altarnative Approach”, “2000 IEEE EMC Symposium”, Washington, August-September 2000, Proceedings,V2, pp. 965-968.
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