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American Forces Vietnam Network - AFVN

Pictures Sent by Bob Nelson
Saigon - 1964 to 1965 and 1971 to 1972

CLICK on any picture outlined in blue to see an enlarged view!

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Circa 12/64 or 1/65... then SP5 Ron Nelson doin' the news on AFRS Saigon

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Aerial shot (duh) of 9 Hong Thap Tu - Headquarters AFVN, Saigon

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Jan 65 - SP5 Bill Altman - news. Bill returned to the US after his tour, applied and was accepted at OCS and became 2LT Bill Altman - Infantry Leader. He did his second tour in the jungle. Today he works and lives in the DC area

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Da Nang AFVN studios - "High Atop Monkey Mountain" - not sure of year

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SP5 Bob Nelson as an advisor on break during an operation in a rubber plantation in II Corps. Bob's weight, at 6'1", had dropped to approx 130 at that time... but what a tan! 5

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The AFVN staff heads for the range and weapons qualification in 1972. The "Beat Goes On" jeep served a multitude of duties. The jeep was a unofficial addition to the AFVN "fleet". Bob Nelson is standing on left, Tim Hugenard [spelling?] is driving.

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At the range in '72 - the weather forecast had been for sunshine but the gallant broadcasters and engineers shot so many holes in the sky that it rained for three straight days. (Just kidding)

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The 1964/65 host of the "Dawnbuster" - SP5 Don Busser. An extremely adept and quick thinking guy who set the pace for later Dawnbuster hosts, Don died in the early 70's while serving at AFN Stuttgardt.

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Navy journalist Frank Vehorn - AFRS 1964/65

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Army broadcaster Bob DeRogge worked a regular radio shift and did production in 1965.

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SP5 Bob Nelson visiting Saigon after moving to Advisor duty. He is seen standing outside the Ambassador BEQ - just across the street from the Brinks BOQ and home of AFRS Saigon 1965.

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Bob DeRogge in a "I'm living in the jungle" picture for 1965 home consumption. The palm tree was about five feet outside the main door to the AFRS studios in the Brinks BOQ

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USN's Roy Heitman - News Director, AFRS Saigon 1964/65.

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MSgt ____ Rice, NCOIC, AFRS Saigon, 1964/65 [if you know the first name, send it to rmorecook@hotmail.com referring to pic rjn07.jpg]

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The 1964/65 AFRS Radio links to the outside world. The teletypes were changed depending upon time and weather conditions to download AP/UPI/AFRTS. The tuner allowed the newsmen to download feeds and actualities from several official and unofficial sources

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16 ILT Sturges Dorrance III, Deputy Cdr, AFRS Saigon 1964/65

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Ron Hesketh sends out some "Good Vibrations" to listeners...

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Austin Cramer - took over at 9am from the Dawnbuster in 1964/65.

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Bill Altman and Roy Hewitt in a moment of news policy debate.

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Families were a viable part of the listening audience in 1964/65... later in 1965 they were all returned to the United States. Kathy, last name unknown, was a news writer. [If you know the last name, send it to rmorecook@hotmail.com referring to pic rjn14.jpg]

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Sandbagging the Headquarters, 9 Hong Thap Tu, in 1972. Shown with the shovel is SFC Bob Nelson, NCOIC Broadcast Operations. On second thought - we're not sure who was sandbagging what at that time.

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1964/65... Sports Director for AFRS Saigon, SFC Chuck Bixley

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