Giants of Ancient America

Western United States / Mexico/ South America


The Si_te_cahs

The Oo-el-en

The Quiname

The Karankawa

Colorado Desert Giants

Giant Foot Prints

Jurassic Giant Man

Miscellaneous American Giants

Patagonian Giants

Midwest Giants




The Si-te-cahs

Si-te-cahs in Paiute legend

Archeological Evidence


Si-te-cahs in Paiute legend

The Si-te-cahs were a tribe of  Indigenous Americans that lived in the Nevada / Arizona area in pre history.  They are extinct, and are most likely not of the same race as Amerindians of modern times.  The word "Sitecah"  means “tule-eaters” in the Paiute Indian language . Tule is a fibruous water plant, the Si-Te-Cahs towards the end of their existence lived on rafts made of tule on Lake Lahontan to avoid harassment from the Paiute.  [Although the word Si-te-cah only applies to the tribe that the Paiute legends speak of, I have applied it to other related peoples and traces of peoples throughout the same vicinity.]

 The Paiute Indian legends describe a race of  red-haired giants called Si-te-cahs. Like their red-haired counterparts , The Ronnongwetowanca and Adena giants of the Ohio River Valley, The Si-te-cahs were the enemies of many Indian tribes of the region. also according to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were hostile and warlike and practiced cannibalism. The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and after a long struggle a coalition of tribes trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave. When they refused to come out and be slaughtered, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it on fire, annihilating The Si-Te-Cah .

   "My people say that the tribe we exterminated had reddish hair. I have some of their hair, which has been handed down from father to son. I have a dress which has been in our family a great many years, trimmed with the reddish hair. I am going to wear it some time when I lecture. It is called a mourning dress, and no one has such a dress but my family."  Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins  Life Among the Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims 

  Paiute legends also have the Si-Te-Cah building a pyramidal stone structure in New York Canyon, some miles away in Churchill County, The area is known for earthquakes and if the pyramid existed it probably collapsed over the years.



Artifacts from Lovelock Cave include

a Jawbone [cast] shown above in comparison to a Modern Human Jawbone.

And a Duck Decoy found in a hollowed out hidden compartment.

Lovelock Cave 

The Unexplained: An Illustrated Guide to the World's Natural and Paranormal Mysteries by Karl P. N. Shuker  reports that in 1911, Guano [bat excrement] miners discovered a treasure trove of prehistoric artifacts at Lovelock Cave, [the same cave in which per Paiute legend states was where the Si-te-cah were slaughtered] above the southeastern shore of Humboldt Sink. Archeologists from the Nevada Historical Society and the University of California believe the cave was occupied from approximately 1500 B.C. until a few hundred years before the white man appeared in the region .   Red-haired mummies and skeletal remains ranging from 6 and a half feet to 8 feet tall were discovered in the cave . Some skulls recovered from Lovelock Cave can still be seen in museums in Lovelock and Winnemucca, Nevada.

 In 1931, more large skeletons were found in the Humboldt lake bed [ Humbolt lake bed / Sink is an intermittent dry lake bed, approximately 11 miles by 4 mi across, in northwestern Nevada],  approximately 20 miles from Lovelock, Nevada. The first of these two skeletons found measured 8 1/2 feet tall and appeared to have been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to the Egyptian manner. The second skeleton was almost 10 feet long. (Review - Miner, June 19, 1931).  The Review Miner of Sept. 29, 1939 reported another finding of a  7 foot 7 inch skeleton , also near Lovelock, Nevada.  Humboldt lake bed was once part of an ancient lake known as Lake Lahontan .

Archaeology and the prehistoric Great Basin lacustrine subsistence regime as seen from Lovelock Cave, Nevada (Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility, no. 10)







Martindale Mummies

The Martindale Mummies  were discovered 1n 1885 . In California's great Yosemite Valley . A group of miners led by G.F. Martindale found the remains of a woman nearly seven feet tall still holding a mummified child in a cave behind a wall of rock . These mummies are currently the property of Ripley's Museum .

The people Indigenous to the Yosemite region when whites arrived were the Ahwahneechee tribe. Ahwahneechee folklore relates a story of giants called Oo-el-en who came into the Yosemite Valley many years before the white man. The Oo-el-en, like the sitecah of nearby Nevada, were cannibalistic giants who ate the meat of the Indians. Oo-el-en would catch the adults and cut them into bite-size pieces, hanging their meat in the sun to dry into jerky.   The legend says that the Ahwahneechees finally killed the giants and burned their bodies  [The last of the Ahwahneechee died in the 1940s]




The Karankawa

The Karankawa Indians: The Coast People Of Texas

 Unlike other groups of Indigenous Ancient American Giants, the Karankawa were documented as having existed by Spanish, Anglo, and French incursions in America. The Karankawa men were extremely tall in comparison to other extant tribes, described as being from six to seven feet in height.  They heavily tattooed their bodies and were known to have coated their skin with shark liver and alligator oil to repel insects .  They were not true Giants, averaging 6 - 7 feet in height, but are worthy of mention as their true origins are unknown . They are unrelated to any of the tribal groups of the region. Their extremely tall appearance suggest that they were related to the extinct tribes of Human beings, who inhabited the Americas - probably before the arrival of the Red man,  Tribes such as the Si-te-cah, the Oo -elen, and the Quinames. Some believed they were descended from Abilene man.

 Historical accounts begin in 1528 when two boat loads of survivors of a shipwrecked  expedition from Spain landed on a small island west of Galveston named Malhado by the Spanish. The Island was inhabited by Karankawas. Cabeza de Vaca lived among these aboriginal hunter gatherer people for nearly six years, and was the sole survivor of the original group of shipwrecked Spaniards. De Vaca provided an account upon his return to Spain .

 The Karankawas were known to be the arch enemy of the Comanches. Some Karankawa campsites have been located , yielding better clues to their life and activities. Wars, disease, and general genocide condemned them to complete extinction circa 1860.

 Ritual cannibalism was practiced by the Karankawa , this involved eating the flesh of captured enemy warriors and leaders . The belief, as was common in other primitive societies, was to acquire the courage, magical powers, strength and so forth of the conquered warrior or leader. Many other Southwest and Mexican Indian tribes practiced the same genre of cannibalism.  Fray Gaspar Jose de Solis reported that the ritual lasted three days and nights. De Solis described the Ritual known as a "Mitote"

" They set a nailed stake in the ground on the place where they are to dance the Mitote; they light a big fire, tying the victim who is to be danced about or sacrificed to the stake. All assemble together and when the harsh instruments, the cayman, begins to play they begin to dance and to leap, making many gestures and very fierce grimaces with funereal and discordant cries, dancing with well sharpened knives in their hands. As they jump around they approach the victim and cut a piece of flesh off of his body, going to the fire and half roasting it in sight of the victim, they eat it with great relish, and so they go on cutting off pieces and quartering him until with the scalp and put it on a pole in order to bring it to the dance as a trophy."

  In 1858 , Texans , attacked and annihilated the last remaining band of Karankawas. After that last defeat, the Karankawa tribe was considered extinct.



The Quiname  [Quinametzin]

The Quiname in Folklore

Archeological Evidence


The Quiname  or Quinametzin people as they are sometimes called were an ancient race of Giants that existed in Mexico and the Southwestern United States in pre-Columbian times.

The Quiname In Indigenous Folklore [as reported by Early Western arrivals]

Excerpts from  The History of the Indies of New Spain (Civilization of the American Indian Series) Diego Duran The Author was born in Seville, Spain circa 1537, and emigrated with his family to New Spain at a young age. He grew up in Tezcoco and Mexico City and became familiar with Aztec ("Nahua") culture and fluent in their language. He joined the Dominican Order as a novice in his teens, and he remained a member of that order the remainder of his life . Durans History of these people is unparalleled and has received outstanding acclaim over the Centuries.

"....The other people who were found in Tlaxcala and Cholula and Huexotzinco are said to have been 'Giants.' These were enraged at the coming of the invaders and tried to defend their land. I do not have a very true account of this, and therefore will not attempt to tell the story that the natives told me even though it was long and worth hearing, of the battles that the Cholultecs fought with the Giants until they killed them or drove them from the country.

"These Giants lived no less bestially than the Chichimecs, as they had abominable customs and ate raw meat from the hunt. In certain places of that region enormous bones of the Giants have been found, which I myself have seen dug up at the foot of cliffs many times. These Giants flung themselves from precipices while fleeing from the Cholultecs and were killed. The Cholultecs had been extremely cruel to the Giants, harassing them, pursuing them from hill to hill, from valley to valley, until they were destroyed."

"...An ambush was then prepared. Some men slyly robbed the guests of their shields, clubs, and swords. The Cholultecs then appeared and attacked. The Giants tried to defend themselves, and, as they could not find their weapons, it is said that they tore branches from the trees with the same ease as one cuts a turnip, and in this way defended themselves valiantly. But finally all were killed."


Proofs of the existence of The Quiname Giants

From The Conquest of New Spain (Penguin Classics)

Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who served in the army of Hernan Cortes during his conquest of Mexico and later wrote an "exceptionally accurate and reliable" narrative of that brilliant campaign, recounts that in 1519, after the Spaniards defeated the Mexican city-state of Tlaxcala, the Tlaxcatecs became Cortes' most faithful ally. While relating to the Latins something about their history, the Tlaxcatecs mentioned that a race of enormous size had once inhabited their land. "They said their ancestors had told them that very tall men and women with huge bones had once dwelt among them," continues Diaz, "but because they were a very bad people with wicked customs they had fought against them and killed them, and those of them who remained had died off. And to show us how big these giants had been they brought us the leg-bone of one, which was very thick and the height of an ordinary-sized man, and that was a leg-bone from the hip to the knee. I measured myself against it, and it was as tall as I am, though I am of a reasonable height. They brought other pieces of bone of the same kind, but they were all rotten and eaten away by the soil. We were all astonished by the sight of these bones and felt certain there must have been giants in that land."

 Farther north, in what is now Arizona, he encountered the Cocopa tribe. All were at least 8 feet tall . Coronado’s historian noted that 6 Spaniards tried to carry a huge piece of timber to the fire ,but were unable to move it. A Cocopa man lifted it easily onto his head and carried it to the fire.

Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1927, says that explorers in Mexico located large human bones near Tapextla, indicating a race of "gigantic size."

Washington Post, June 22, 1925, / New York Herald-Tribune, June 21, 1925. It is reported a mining party discovered skeletons measuring 10 to 12 ft tall with feet 18 to 20 inches long, near Sisoguiche, Mexico. According to a press clipping, dated Nayarit, Mexico, May 14, 1926, Capts. D. W. Page and F. W. Devalda discovered the bones of a race of giants who averaged over ten feet in height. Local legends state that they came from Ecuador. Nothing more has been heard of this, but that is not surprising; the word "giant" will flutter the feathers of any scientist into rapid flight, metaphorically speaking, in the opposite direction.

In the early 1930s, while exploring a cave near the Canyon of Barranc de Cobre in northern Mexico. A Mr. Paxton Hayes claims to have come across thirty-four mummified men and women. All had blond hair. All between seven and eight feet in height. Roy Norvill, Giants: The vanished race of mighty men



Colorado Desert Giants [2]

A retired Ohio doctor has discovered relics of an ancient civilization, whose men averaged 8 to 9 feet tall in the Colorado desert near the Arizona-Nevada-California line. Howard E. Hill. of Los Angeles disclosed that several well-preserved mummies were taken from caverns in an area roughly 180 miles square, extending through much of southern Nevada

Hill said the discoverer is Dr. F. Bruce Russell, retired Cincinnati physician, who stumbled on the first of several tunnels in 1931. Not until recently, however, did Dr. Russell go into the situation thoroughly, Hill told the luncheon. With Dr. Daniel S. Bovee, of Los Angeles .Dr. Russell has found mummified remains together with implements of the civilization, which Dr. Bovee had tentatively placed at about 80,000 years old.

"These giants are clothed in garments consisting of a medium length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees." said Hill. "The texture of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it was taken from an animal unknown today."

In another cavern was found the ritual hall , with devices and markings similar to those now used by the Masons. So far, Hill added, no women have been found. He said the explorers believe that they found the burial place of the tribe's hierarchy. Hieroglyphics,...are chiseled, he added, on carefully-polished granite.

He said Dr. Viola V. Pettit, of London, who made excavations around Petra, on the Arabian desert, soon will begin an inspection of the remains.    [Originally reported in 1947 by the San Diego Union  recounted in Atlantis Rising January / February 2002]





Giant Foot Prints

The Glen Rose tracks

Yes, they apparently are real enough. Real as the rock could be . . the strangest things of their kind I had ever seen. On the surface of each was displayed the near-likeness of a human foot, perfect in every detail. But each imprint was 15 inches long!"—*Roland T. Bird, "Thunder in His Footsteps,"


A remarkable number of human tracks have been found in a Cretaceous limestone formation near Glen Rose, Texas. Many are of giant men. The prints have been found in the bed of Paluxy River, when it is dry in the summer. Some are next to, on top of, or under dinosaur tracks.

The Glen Rose tracks are 15 inches long [38.1 cm], and were probably made by people over 8 tall. Some, 21˝ inches [54.6 cm] long, would have been made by people almost 12 feet tall.

*R.T. Bird, a paleontologist with the American Museum of Natural History, also found a trail of Brontosaurus tracks which were shipped to the museum. Some human tracks overlaid the dinosaur tracks, and some were found in layers below the dinosaurs.


White Sands tracks  [*Also referred to as the The Alamogordo tracks]

In 1932, Ellis Wright found human tracks in gypsum rock at White Sands, New Mexico. His discovery was later backed up by Fred Arthur, Supervisor of the Lincoln National Park and others who reported that each footprint was 22 inches long and from 8 to 10 inches wide. They were certain the prints were human in origin . Tracks, apparently made by human beings, were found in the Alkali Flats area of Great White Sands, New Mexico, in 1931. A year later an investigation was launched and more tracks were discovered

U.S. Army Report, 1981 ...The site was revisited in 1972, 1974, and 1981, and more tracks were found. When they were first studied, it had been noted that the imprints were 2 1/2 inches deep. But in 1974 (42 years later) they were between 1 and 1 1/2 inches above the ground! The compacting of the soft earth by the heavy tread of the creature had preserved the prints while the surrounding soil had been eroded by wind and the occasional rainfall. By 1981 the tracks stood well above the surface by several inches. There is no doubt that the tracks were made by living creatures. One suggestion is that they were made in the 1850's by US Army camels, a more accepted view is that they are 10,000 years old, and were made by an extinct animal such as a Mammoth or native camel. But the spacing of the footprints suggests a two legged creature. The mysterious tracks are now protected by archaeologists.

 "As this muddy sediment was beginning to harden, some prehistoric giant apparently walked across the drying lakebed, leaving a series of tracks made by sandaled feet. There are 13 human tracks, each track approximately 22 inches [55.8] long and from 8 to 10 inches [20.32-25.4 cm] wide. The stride is from four to five feet [121.9-152.4 cm]."—H.R. Siegler Evolution or degeneration--which? (1972), p. 83. Ancient Man




Jurassic Giant Man

Eureka, Nevada -

In July, 1877, four prospectors were looking for gold and silver  outcroppings in a desolate, hilly area near the head of Spring Valley, not far from Eureka, Nevada. Scanning the rocks, one of the men spotted something peculiar projecting from a high ledge. Climbing up to get a better look, the prospector was surprised to find a human leg bone and knee cap sticking out of solid rock. He called to his companions, and together they dislodged the oddity with picks. Realizing they had a most unusual find, the men brought it into Eureka, where it was placed on display. The stone in which the bones were embedded was a hard, dark red quartzite, and the bones themselves were almost black with carbonization - indicative of great age. When the surrounding stone was carefully chipped away, the specimen was found to be composed of a leg bone broken off four inches above the knee, the knee cap and joint, the lower leg bones, and the complete bones of the foot. Several medical doctors examined the remains, and were convinced that anatomically they had indeed once belonged to a human being, and a very modern-looking one. But an intriguing aspect of the bones was their size: from knee to heel they measured 39 inches. Their owner in life had thus stood over 12 feet tall. Compounding the mystery further was the fact that the rock in which the bones were found was dated geologically to the era of the dinosaurs, the Jurassic - over 185 million years old. The local papers ran several stories on the marvelous find, and two museums sent investigators to see if any more of the skeleton could be located. Unfortunately, nothing else but the leg and foot existed in the rock." Strange Relics from the Depths of the Earth-- by J.R. Jochmans

Miscellaneous Evidence of American Giants


The Crittenden sarcophagus

In 1891, workmen in Crittenden, Arizona excavating for a commercial building found a large stone sarcophagus that had probably once held the body of a 12 feet tall human . The mummy case was over 12 feet tall..  They immediately called in archaeological experts . The sarcophagus contained a granite mummy case. Carvings on the mummy case depicted a six toed giant Unfortunately the body had been buried so many thousands of years that it had long since turned to dust.. .  Roy Norvill, Giants: The vanished race of mighty men     


Lompock Rancho, California.

The bones of a twelve foot tall man were dug up in 1933 by a group of soldiers at Lompock Rancho, California. The skeleton was surrounded by giant weapons and and artifacts covered with undeciphered symbols. The skull featured a double row of teeth.


Tsunil´ kalu 

"James Wafford, of the western Cherokee, who was born in Georgia in 1806, says that his grandmother, who must have been born about the middle of the last century, told him that she had heard from the old people that long before her time a party of giants had once come to visit the Cherokee. They were nearly twice as tall as common men, and had their eyes set slanting in their heads, so that the Cherokee called them Tsunil´ kalu´, "the Slant-eyed people," because they looked like the giant hunter Tsul´ kalu´. They said that these giants lived far away in the direction in which the sun goes down. The Cherokee received them as friends, and they stayed some time, and then returned to their home in the west."  James Mooney's History, Myths, and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees



Aleutian Island Giants

Alaska --  Ivan T. Sanderson, a respected zoologist and guest on the Tonight Show , generally with an exotic animal, related a curious story about a letter he had received from an an engineer who had been stationed in the Aleutian islands during World War II. While building an airstrip, a group of hills was bulldozed and under several sedimentary layers was discovered what appeared to be human remains. The hills were in fact a graveyard of giant human remains, primarily skulls and leg bones. The skulls it was claimed , measured from 22 to 24 inches - base to crown. A normal adult skull generally measures about 8" from back to front, such a large skull suggested a tremendous size for a normally proportioned human.

 Every skull was said to have been neatly trepanned , which is a process of cutting a hole in the upper portion of the skull.  In fact, the habit of flattening the skull of an infant and forcing it to grow in an elongated shape was practiced by ancient Peruvians, Mayas, and the Flathead Indians of Montana. Sanderson tried to gather further proof, eventually receiving a letter from another member of the unit who confirmed the report. Both letters indicated that the Smithsonian had collected the remains, yet nothing else was ever heard.


Catalina Island Giants  [1]

Dwarf mammoth bones have been found on The Catalina Islands, off the California Coast. Evidence suggests that these mammoths were once roasted and eaten by giant people with double rows of teeth.

In 1959, a partial skeleton of an ancient woman estimated to be at least 10,000 years old were discovered on Santa Rosa Island, The "Arlington Springs woman" skeleton was recently reanalyzed utilizing the latest dating techniques and found to be approximately 13,000 years old. The new date makes her remains older than any other known human skeletons found so far in North America.  The "Arlington Springs woman" , although not a giant challenges the popular belief that the first colonists in North America arrived at the end of the last ice age - 11,500 years via a Bering Straight land bridge


Ancient Aircraft of Egypt

Ancient Aircraft of India

Electrical Ark of the Covenant

Electricity in Ancient Egypt

Nuclear War in Ancient India

Perpetual Lamps

Ancient UFOs

Alexander the Great UFO Encounters


Giants of Ancient America Midwest

Giants of Ancient America Southwest

Neanderthal and Nephilim the Same?

Patagonian Giants

Giants in Ancient Australia

Biblical Giants

St. Christopher a Giant ?


Caucasian Mummies in Ancient China

Africans in Ancient America

Hebrews and Egyptians in Ancient America

Vikings in Ancient America



 Ancient American Ancient American is a unique magazine that explains the pre-history of the North American continent. With Ancient American learn about the ancient peoples who roamed the Americas through dramatic photography of ancient drawings, monuments and artifacts. Ancient American offers up-to-the-moment news about ongoing discoveries and original perspectives.



The Women and the Giant - Paiute Legend

Unearthing Ancient America: The Lost Sagas of Conquerors, Castaways, and Scoundrels

The Nephilim

Fallen Angel Legends


[1] Statement concerning The Catalina Island Giants has been extracted from the Web, no further documentation is available and the original source is uncertain

[2] Authors note/ Colorado Desert Giants: This story lacks significant credibility in that no evidence has ever been presented for public examination, no photographs, artifact, ... nothing.

 "In Inca lore the first human race created by the creator god Viracocha was the race of giants. These giant men and woman, who were not evil, lived in a world of darkness as the sun had not yet been made. According to legend Viracocha was unhappy with his creation and destroyed the giants in a world-wide flood." Elizabeth Hallam  Gods and Goddesses: Deities from World Mythology