Ancient Technology

Nuclear Warfare in Pre-history


Hidden History: Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries

New York Herald Tribune on February 16, 1947

When the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass. This fact, according to the magazine Free World, has given certain archaeologists a turn. They have been digging in the ancient Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and a layer of herdsman culture much older, and a still older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass.



Vimana Aircraft

Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India and Atlantis

“Ancient Hindus could navigate the air, and not only navigate it, but fight battles in it like so many war-eagles combating for the domination of the clouds. To be so perfect in aeronautics, they must have known all the arts and sciences related to the science, including the strata and currents of the atmosphere, the relative temperature, humidity, density and specific gravity of the various gases...”  Colonel Henry S Olcott (1832 – 1907) American author, philosopher,  cofounder of the Theosophical Society .

Ancient Indian texts are crammed with references to gods who fought wars in the sky flying Vimanas equipped with deadly weapons . As well as being able to fly within the atmosphere, vimānas were said to be able to travel undersea and into space . Descriptions in the The Holy Vedas as well as later Indian literature detail vimānas of many different shapes and sizes:



Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients


There is a passage in the Ramayana which reads:

"The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will .... that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky."
".. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere."

The Samarangana Sutradhara, is a technical manuscript, composed in Sanskrit circa 1000 AD.  It deals with techniques of warfare, and in particular with certain types of war machines. Samarangana Sutradhara translates to "battlefield commander"

"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."   It is with the help of one of these machines that "Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana  hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe."

 It is in a similar device we know as the Enola Gay that A Paul W. Tibbets more recently dropped "a single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe" on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


The Iron Thunderbolt of  Gurkha

The Mahabharatra, an ancient Indian poem , tells the following tale, which may well be the tale of the ancient City of Mohenjo Daro.


Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana

hurled against the three cities of the Vrishis and Andhakas

a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.

An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendor...
a perpendicular explosion
with its billowing smoke clouds...
...the cloud of smoke
rising after its first explosion
formed into expanding round circles
like the opening of giant parasols...


..It was the unknown weapon,

the Iron Thunderbolt,

a gigantic messenger of death

which reduced to ashes the entire race of the

 Vrishnis and Andhakas,

...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.

After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment.


The Epic of Gilgamesh ca. 2500 BC contains a strikingly similar account of a day when "the heavens cried out, the earth bellowed an answer, lightning flashed forth, fire flamed upwards, it rained down death. The brightness vanished, the fire was extinguished. Everyone who was struck by the lightning was turned to ashes."

Julius Robert Oppenheimer, theoretical physicist and the Supervising Scientist for the Manhattan Project, the developer of the atomic bomb During a question and answer period a student asked a question to which Oppenheimer gave a strange answer:

"Was the bomb exploded at Alamogordo during the Manhattan Project the first one to be detonated? "  Dr. Oppenheimer: "Well -- yes. In modern times, of course.

"If atomic warfare were actually used in the distant past and not just imagined, there must still exist some indications of a civilization advanced enough to develop or even to know about atomic power. One does find in some of the ancient writings of India some descriptions of advanced scientific thinking which seemed anachronistic to the age from which they come." Charles Berlitz - Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds

The open mind;: [lectures]

Oppenheimer And the Manhattan Project: Insights into J. Robert Oppenheimer, "Father of the Atomic Bomb"

In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: Politics, Rhetoric, and Self-Defense



Mohenjo Daro

Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan

In the early 1900s, archeologists uncovered the ruins of a large ancient town. It has been labeled Mohenjo Daro [mound of the dead]  ,one of the most developed civilizations in the world. The life in this ancient civilization that existed for 2-3,000 years is fascinating, however the death of  Mohenjo Daro is intricately more intriguing .

Scientists were unable to explain the reason of the town's sudden demise. No indications of a monstrous flood, no fragments of weapons, or anything else that would signify a natural disaster or war in the classical sense. Archaeologists were perplexed, the collected facts indicated that the catastrophe occurred very unexpectedly and lasted a very short time.

 David Davneport and Ettore Vincenti [Atomic Destruction 2000 BC] espouse a theory that Mohenjo Daro had been destroyed with a nuclear blast. Stratums of clay and green glass apparently melted by extreme high temperature ,and hardened immediately afterwards. Similar stratums of green glass can also be found in the Nevada desert following nuclear tests, as well as in the Libyan desert - [unexplainable?] .

"When archeologists got to the street level, people were lying dead in the street - after thousands of years." David H. Childress / Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients .   Had a natural catastrophe, disease, or conventional war brought down Mohenjo Daro the bodies of its citizenry would have been ravaged by animals , and the city plundered by subsequent looters over the centuries. This never happened,  Dozens of skeletons were found in the area of Mohenjo-Daro – their radioactivity exceeded the norm almost 50 times.

Modern analysis showed, that fragments of Mohenjo Daro were melted with extreme high temperature – not less than 1,500°  centigrade. Scientists have also found a strictly outlined epicenter, where everything was leveled. Devastation lessened towards the outskirts.


Libyan Desert Glass
South of Cairo and west of the Nile valley there are mysterious deposits of yellow-green glass among the sand dunes of the Libyan Desert. This Libyan desert glass, as it has been named, was discovered in 1932 by an English geologist who was conducting a survey of the Egyptian desert.

`Scientists and pseudo scientists have speculated that the glass formed at the bottom of a giant volcanic lake, or formed as the result of a meteorite impact, as well as that it formed because of the detonation of an ancient atomic bomb.

There is no meteorite impact crater anywhere in the vicinity of the Libyan desert Glass, although it is conceivable that the glass could have formed when a meteorite exploded in mid-air above the desert, a so-called "soft impact." A soft impact meteorite is believed to have occurred in 1908 at Tunguska in Siberia.

Geologists give a date of somewhere around 28,000,000 years ago for this hypothesized meteorite  impact to have occurred . We don't know that a soft impact could create the Libyan Desert Glass at all, it is speculation.  We do know that  an atomic explosion could create the Glass in question, it's proven.


"Bits of green glass, possibly fused in an ancient fireplace, is one thing; areas of fused green glass is something quite else again. And this site is not the only one. There are also the fused forts of the west coast of Scotland and elsewhere, in which one side only has been fused, as if hit from above by intense heat. Lightning occasionally fuses sand, but always in a root-like pattern.....So just what produced a whole stratum of green glass in various parts of Mesopotamia? "  Ivan T. Sanderson


 It is not inconceivable that the nuclear chain reactions that created the Libyan Dessert Glass were initiated by a natural force currently unbeknownst to man. The discovery of an ancient natural nuclear reactor was discovered in 1972 in Gabon, Africa [See Oklo: Natural Nuclear Reactors  Fact Sheet ], before this discovery scientists believed that only they could create the conditions essential for nuclear fission and atomic chain reactions suitable to blow up entire cities and create vast waste lands.

Nuclear wars in antiquity