Egyptians and Semites in Ancient America

Ancient Mediterranean peoples in The New World

Egyptians  .  Hebrews  .  RomansGreeks  .  Phoenicians



African Influence in Ancient America

Vikings in Ancient America


America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World

Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America: Lost History And Legends, Unearthed And Explored

Traditional archaeology and anthropology dictates that the Americas were a closed system with no contact from the outside / Old World, other than periodic and vastly ancient crossings of tribal groups at the Bering straights between Alaska and Russia.  A land bridge theoretically existed there at one time, and the tribal groups that crossed from Siberia into North America are allegedly the ancestors of all Amerindian racial groups. 

Although it is probable that there were periodic migrations of peoples across these straights , in both directions, Mounting evidence tends to to dictate that there was considerable and ancient pre Colombian contact at various times between peoples of the two primary land masses of the Earth, both Transatlantic and Transpacific.

Alexander von Wuthenau, In his book The art of terracotta pottery in pre-Columbian Central and South America, published scores of photographs of pre-Columbian artifacts. He tells that at the lower levels of each excavation he found heads of Mongols and other Asians, Tartars, Negroes, Whites ... especially Semitic Types with and without beards"



Unexpected Faces in Ancient America: The Historical Testimony of Pre-Columbian Artists (1500 B.C.-a.D. 1500 : the Historical Testimony of Pre-Columbian Artists)

Pre-Columbian Contact With the Americas Across the Oceans : An Annotated Bibliography

History of Ancient America Anterior to the Time of Columbus; Proving the Identity of the Aborigines With the Tyrians and Israelites and the Introduction of Christianity

Before Columbus; Links Between the Old World and Ancient America,





Ancient Egyptians in America

Cocaine and Tobacco in Ancient Egypt

Approximately 3,000 years ago, the mummified body of  Henut Taui was laid to rest in a dessert tomb of ancient Egypt.  During her long sleep, Rome rose and fell, the dark ages came and went, Europeans from Napoleon to the Brits conquered her home land, and finally in the early 1800s, the immortality her embalmers had sought for her was attained when her tomb was plundered.

Her body, preserved to the consistency of Beef Jerky, found its way to Germany, a museum in Munich, and during toxicological testing in the 1990s was found to contain large amounts of Cocaine and Tobacco . Cocaine and Tobacco are found only in New World plants, and logically should not have been attained by Ancient Egyptians without contact with America.  There are four possibilities

  1. There was significant trade between the Americas and Ancient Egypt to allow Cocaine and Tobacco to find its way into circulation.
  2. Cocaine and Tobacco once grew in the Old World as well, but later became extinct in these regions.
  3. The tissue samples are tainted by later contact with cocaine users, smokers, and potheads
  4. Henut Taui  is a time traveling Crack head.


Dr Svelta Balabanova a highly respected forensic toxologist and the inventor of several highly sensitive drug specific tests which are today's standards in establishing drug use, took samples from several mummies, including Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses the Great  . Not only was the presence of Cocaine and Tobacco established, but Cannabis as well . Apparently pot and cocaine use was fairly common among the Egyptian elite of antiquity. Dr Michele Lescott from the Museum of Natural History in Paris , among others has duplicated the Balabanova test results .

It has long been known that the Egyptians used a variety of drugs, this is not in question. However, the presence of the Cocaine and Tobacco in the bodies of these ancient Egyptians establishes a link between Old World and New, many Centuries before the accepted conservative dating that establishment scholars propose.

Did the ancient Egyptians regularly ingest cannabis, coca and tobacco?

Sky High Egyptians?

Rameses III: Father of Ancient America

Acajutla Statues

In 1914, an archaeologist was excavating some Mayan ruins in the city of Acajutla, El Salvador [Not Mexico as some accounts indicate] and discovered two statuettes [shawabti-figurines]  that were probably Egyptian. A man and woman wearing ancient Egyptian dress and cartouches, possibly depicting Osiis and Isis.

New and Old Light on Shawabtis from Mesoamerica

Some scholars have theorized and attempted to prove that there are strong similarities between ancient Egypt's languages and Native Americans of the Louisiana area .  Barry Fell, has stated that the language of several Indigenous Amerindian tribes have affinities with Nile Valley languages of 2,000 years ago.

Linguistic Correspondence: Nahuatl and Ancient Egyptian

Ancient Hebrews in America

The Yuchis, an Amerindian tribe once native to Florida and Georgia , but presently of Oklahoma have a Legend which states they came from the Bahamas region , their island sank beneath the sea and they fled to the mainland.  They are racially and linguistically different from their neighbors.

Every year on the fifteenth day of the sacred month of harvest, in the fall, they make a pilgrimage. For eight days they live in huts/ booths with no roofs, open to the sky, covered with branches, leaves and foliage. During this festival, they dance around the sacred fire, and call upon the name of God.

The Jews have a very similar custom. In the harvest season in the fall, on the 15th day of the sacred month of harvest (the seventh month), they celebrate the "Sukkot: The Festival of Booths" . This festival dates back to the time of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt .

Dr. Cyrus Gordon, observed one of the Yuchi  fall harvest festivals, listening to their sacred ceremonies and songs,  he proclaimed to his companion, "They are speaking the Hebrew names for God!" .

Apparently there is a connection between the Yuchi and ancient Hebrews , perhaps they a descended of seafaring Hebrews from the time of King Solomon, who hypothetically , along with their Phoenician partners came to America "The land of Ophir"  in search of Gold and trade goods.

Anomalous Old World Artifacts found in America

The Savoy Tablets

 American explorer Gene Savoy claims to have found evidence in the Peruvian jungles which he believes indicates king Solomon's legendary gold mines may have been there. Savoy, states that he had found three stone tablets containing writing from ancient civilizations of the Andes. The inscriptions, he believes, are very similar to Hebrew and Phoenician hieroglyphics!

"The hieroglyphs on the tablets are similar to those used in King Solomon's time and include one identical to the symbol that always appeared on the ships he sent to the legendary land of Ophir, which the Bible described as the source of his gold, Savoy said" (San Francisco Chronicle December 7, 1989).

Vilcabamba: last city of the Incas - Gene Savoy


Los Lunas Decalogue

Early settlers in the Los Lunas region of New Mexico, discovered a stone in a dry creek bed written in ancient Hebrew script. The Los Lunas Inscription is a version of the Ten Commandments, carved on the flat face of a  boulder about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. It is written in an Old Hebrew alphabet, with Greek letters mixed in.  It has been called Ten Commandments Rock, The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, as well as the Mystery Stone.

Varying translations and interpretations of the Mystery Stone have been proposed . The most common is that it is an ancient version of the Ten Commandments.   The Rock That Gives Every Word Wished by Robert La Folette, puts forth the hypothesis that it is a 4,000-year-old message left by Navajo ancestors who emigrated from the region of Palestine. 

Some claim that there is the possibility that it is a prank perpetrated by college students in the 1930s. The actual date of the inscriptions initial discovery is uncertain, but it was known by the locals circa 1850.

The version of Hebrew script on the text was unknown in the 1850s and therefore undecipherable. This particular version of Hebrew script was discovered in the Middle East in the latter 1800s. Once this ancient version was discovered and compared the Los Lunas inscription it was found to be a copy of the "Ten Commandments".

An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone


The Ohio  Decalogue

Allegedly an ancient Hebrew artifact of pre-Columbian America, it was found in Newark, Ohio in 1860 . It was initially rejected as a fraud, by 'experts' wholly unschooled in old world cultures. a huge mound of rocks 500 feet in circumference been leveled for dam building material In 1860. This pile of rocks was a huge grave marker from antiquity, which were actually quite common in America. In the grave were found some artifacts, one small stone artifact within its own stone coffin had the Ten Commandments carved in so called "modern Hebrew," a style in use for more that two thousand years.


The Ohio Decalogue


The Bat Creek Stone

Excavated in 1889 from a burial mound in Eastern Tennessee, on the shore of Lake Telico at the mouth of Bat Creek about 40 miles south of Knoxville by the Smithsonian's Mound Survey project.. The The stone was initially declared to be letters of the Cherokee alphabet. However in the 1960s it was noticed that the inscription, when inverted appeared to be of ancient Semitic origin.

Cyrus Gordon, Semitic languages scholar, confirmed that it is Paleo-Hebrew of approximately the 1st or 2nd century A.D. The five letters to the left reading, "for Judea." It was later noted that the letter on the far left would change the translation to "for the Judeans."

Alternative translations from fellow scholars render the translation as "only for Judea' and varying facsimiles.

Cherokee linguistic scholar Willard Walker stated that the Bat Creek Stone represents a series of poorly executed Cherokee syllables which represents a simile of "Metacomet, Great Sachem"


Ancient Romans  in Texas

Dr Valentine Belfiglio, a professor at Texas Woman's University wrote an article "Circumstantial Evidence in Support of an Encounter Between Indian Texans and Ancient Romans"  

Dr Belfiglio found reports of a mysterious shipwreck In the Galveston Daily News Archives, apparently in 1886  a ship whose construction is typically Roman was unearthed by severe storms that year.

In 1915 buried bridge timbers were located under 15 feet of sediment.

 Belfiglio cites accounts of Roman coins unearthed in Texas, such as one found in Round Rock, Texas on the bottom of an Indian mound dated at approximately 800 AD. 
Jeremiah Epstein, wrote a short article refuting some of Belfiglio's claims. Most noteworthy is his feasible hypothesis that the coins could have been dropped on top of the mound in Post Columbian times and carried underground by rodents and tree roots.

Belfiglio also cites apparent linguistic and cultural similarities between the Romans and the Karankawa Indians. [The Karankawa are mentioned elsewhere on this site See: Giants of Ancient America]


Phoenicians in Ancient America

The Parahyba inscription

We are sons of Canaan from Sidon, the city of the king. Commerce has cast us on this distant shore, a land of mountains. We set [sacrificed] a youth for the exalted gods and goddesses in the nineteenth year of Hiram, our mighty king. We embarked from Ezion-Geber into the Red Sea and voyaged with ten ships. We were at sea together for two years around the land belonging to Ham [Africa] but were separated by a storm [lit. 'from the hand of Baal'], and we were no longer with our companions. So we have come here, twelve men and three women, on a ..... shore which I, the Admiral, control. But auspiciously may the gods and goddesses favor us!

Distinguished linguist examines controversial inscription supposedly written by ancient voyagers to the New World.

in 1872, a man by the name of Francisco Pinto discovered numerous caves deep in the Amazon jungle with unusual inscriptions upon the rocks. He believed they were Phoenician, and allegedly some scholars corroborated his suspicions. No current translation  or photographic evidence is available, nor is the exact location of the caves now known.

North of the Red River, in Oklahoma, a bewildering array of short inscriptions has been found. Many stones examined by Gloria Farley of Heavener are thought to bear traces of Phoenicians or Libyans who visited and perhaps settled the land .


Greeks in Ancient America

Metcalf Stone

In the late 1960s a man named Manfred Metcalf found a stone in Georgia that bears an inscription that is very similar to ancient writing from the island of Crete in The Aegean Sea. The stone eventually found itself in the capable hands of Cyrus Gordon who stated 

"After studying the inscription, it was apparent to me that the affinities of the script were with the Aegean syllabary, whose two best known forms are Minoan Linear A, and Mycenaean Linear B. ...We therefore have American inscriptional contacts with the Aegean of the Bronze Age, near the south, west and north shores of the Gulf of Mexico. This can hardly be accidental; ancient Aegean writing near three different sectors of the Gulf reflects Bronze Age transatlantic communication between the Mediterranean and the New World around the middle of the second millennium B.C."

Fort Benning, Georgia, Professor Stanislav Segert, professor of Semitic languages at the University of Prague, has identified the markings as a script of the second millennium before Christ, from the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete!



Ancient Egyptian Treasures Grand Canyon ?

Ancient Aircraft of Egypt

Ancient Aircraft of India

Electrical Ark of the Covenant

Electricity in Ancient Egypt

Nuclear War in Ancient India

Perpetual Lamps

Ancient UFOs

Alexander the Great UFO Encounters



Giants of Ancient America Midwest Mound Builders

Giants of Ancient America Southwest US & Mexico

Neanderthal and Nephilim the Same?

Patagonian Giants

Giants in Ancient Australia

Biblical Giants

St. Christopher a Giant ?


Caucasian Mummies in Ancient China

Africans in Ancient America

Hebrews and Egyptians in Ancient America

Vikings in Ancient America

Misinformation and Falsehoods found on the Web.

The Micmac clan of the Algonquian nation of Canada wrote in 2,000 characters of pure Egyptian hieroglyphics.