The Muslim Prayer


Inni wajjahtu wajhiya lillathi fataras-samawati wal ardha hanifan wama ana minal mushrikin.
I have turned my full attention towards the supreme being, Who has created the heavens and the earth, and I am not one of those who associate partners with him.
The Prayer starts with Takbir-i-Tahreema.  The Imam raises both hands to the level of his earlobes and says ALLAHU AKBAR (GOD is the Greatest).
Subhanakallah-humma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta'ala jadduka wala ilaha ghaiuka.
Qiyam (The standing posture)
Holy art Thou, O Allah and all praise is Thine; blessed is Thy name, and exalted is Thy state.  There is non worthy of worship except thee alone.
A'uthu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajeem.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
In the name of Allah, most Gracious, ever Merciful.
Al hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alameen.  Ar-rahmanir-Raheem.  Maliki yaumiddeen.  Iyyaka n'abudu wa iyyaka nasta'een.  Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqeem.  Siratallathina an'amta 'alai-him, ghairil maghdhubi 'alaihim wa ladhdh alleen.  


All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful; Master of the day of Judgement.  Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help.  Guide us along the right path, the path of those on whome Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.  

'O. Allah! Accept our supplications.'

The Imam recites a portion of the Holy Qur'an, at least three verses or a short chapter.  For example... the following;
Sura Alkauthar
Inna a'ataina kal-Kauthar.  Fasalli lirabbika wanhar. 
Inna shani'aka huwal abtar.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.  Surely We have given thee abundance of good; So pray to the Lord, and offer sacrifice.  Surely, it is the enemy who is without issue.
Sura Alikhlas
Qul hu wallahu ahad.  Allahus-Samad.  Lam yalid, walam yulad. 
Walam yakulla hu kufuwan ahad.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.  Say, He is Allah, the One; Allah, the independent and besought of all.  He begets not, nor is He begotten.  And there is non like unto Him.
Sura Alfalaq
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
Sura Annas
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
These few Suras of the Qur'an which we have stated above are only a sample.  The Imam may chose any portin of the Qur'an to recite after the Sura Fatiha
When the Imam is reciting a portion of the Holy Qur'an, the worshippers are required to listen to it silently.
When the Qur'an is recited, listen carefully to it in silence, that you may be sown mercy.  (7:205)
Subhana Rabbiyal 'Azheem.
Ruku (The bowing posture)
Holy is my Lord, the Most Great.
Sami 'allahu liman hamidah.
Allah listens to him who praises Him.
Rabbana walakal hamd, hamdan kathiran Tayyiban mubarakan fih.
Our Lord, Thine is the praise, the praise which is beutiful, pure and blessed.
Subhana Rabbiyal 'a'ala.
Sajdah (The Prostration posture)
Glory to my Lord, the Most High.

  Jilsa (The sitting posture)
Allahummaghfir li warhamni wahdini wa 'aafini warfa'ni wajburni warzuqni.
Lord forgive me and have mercy on me and guide me and grant me security and raise me up and make good my shortcomings and provide for me.
Attahiyyatu lillahi was-salawatu wat-tayyibatu.  Assalamu 'alaika ayyuhan-Nabbiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.  Assalamu 'alaina wa 'ala ibadillahis-salihin.  Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuluh.
It should be noted that while reciting Tashahhud, when the worshipper reaches the phrase Ashhadu alla ilaaha ilalaho, he should raise the forefinger of his right hand drop it down as soon as he has recitied it.
All Salutation is due to Allah and all Prayer and everything pure.  Peace be upon thee, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah and His blessings; and peace be on us and on all righteous servants of Allah.  I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
After reciting Tashahhud, the invocation of blessings on the Holy Prophet, called Durood and some other prayers are recited silently.
Durood (Assalatu-'Alannabi)
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin, kama sallaita 'ala Ibrahima wa 'ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum-Majeed.  Allahuma baarik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin kama baarakta 'ala Ibrahima wa 'ala aali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum-Majeed.
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and the people of Muhammad, as thou didst bless Abraham and the people of Abraham.  Thou art indeed the Praiseworthy, the Glorious. 
Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and the people of Muhammad, as Thou didst prosper Abraham and the people of Abraham.  Thou are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.
The invocation Durood is followed by a short prayer or prayers, some of which are given bloew:
Rabbana aatina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan waqina athabannar.
Our Lord, bestow on us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and shield us from the torment of the Fire.
Rabbij 'alni muqimas-salati wamin thur-riyyati.  Rabbana wa taqabbal du'a.  Rabbanaghfir li waliwalidayya wa lil-mu'minina yauma yaqumul hisab.
My Lord make me observe Prayer, and my children too.  Our Lord! Bestow Thy grace on me and accept my prayer.
'Allahumma inni a 'uthu bika minal-hammi-wal-huzni, wa a 'uthu bika minal 'ajzi wal kasli, wa a'uthu bika minal-jubni wal-bukhli.  Wa a'uth bika min ghalabatid-daini wa qahrir-rijal.
O Allah I seek Thy protection against problems and anxieties, and I seek Thy protection against helplessness and shiftlessness, and I seek Thy protection against cowardice and miserliness, and I seek Thy protection against indebtedness and the tyranny of people.
Allahum-ma inni zhalamtu nafsi zhulman kathiran wa la yaghfiruth-thunuba illa anta, faghfir lee maghfiratan min 'indika wa arhamni innaka antal Ghafoorur Raheem.
O Allah I have been unjust to myself and no one grants pardon for sins except you; therefore, forgive me with Your forgiveness and havy mercy on me.  Surely You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.
Allahumma inni a'uthu bika min 'athabil-qabri wa a'uthu bika min fitnatil-masihid-dajjal.  Wa a'uthu bika min fitnatil mahya wa fitnatil mamaat.  Allahumma inni a'uThu bika minal ma'thami wal maghram
O Allah I seek Thy protection from the punishment of the grave, and I seek Thy protection against Dajjal, the architect of disorder and trials, and I seek refuge with You from afflictions of life and death.  O Allah I seek Thy protection from sins and from being in debt.
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Table Of Five Daily Prayers
name of Prayer
Number of Raka'aats
First two Raka'aats:
aloud or ilent
Number of Raka'aats before Fard prayer
Number of Raka'aats after Fard Prayer
Salaatus Subh
The Morning Prayer
Between the break of dawn and sunrise. 2 Aloud 2 None
Salaatuz Zuhr
The Noon Prayer
Between the declining of the sun and continues until the time of Salaatul 'Asr. 4 Silent 4 2
Salaatul 'Asr
The Afternoon Prayer
It begins immediately after the last time limit of Zuhr and lasts until the sun begins to set. 4 Silent 2 or 4 None
Salaatul Maghrib
The Evening Prayer
It begins soon after sunset and lasts until the disappearance of the twilight. 3 Aloud None 2
Salatul 'Ishaa
The Night Prayer
It begins after the disappearance of the twilight as lasts until midnight. 4 Aloud None 2