These pages were brought to you by Holliday Real Estate serving Hamilton County Indiana and surrounding area.
They are now out of date, since I've retired from the sport and have not kept up with the changes.
For more up to date information go to Bloomfield Horseshoe League.
Thank You

American Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America

A members view of the AHPA

The American Horseshoe Pitchers Association does a lot more than provide a sport. It provides a means for people of all ages to enjoy good exercise while having fun.
AHPA horseshoe pitching as a sport has been returning to the public as another part of growing up with our children. Friends and neighbors, young and old, from all phases and walks of life enjoy it. It has become in a small way for some, a transition from the long winter bowling leagues and other such indoor activities that remove us from the outdoors.
As a summertime activity, meeting new people, horseshoes as a sport has brought more couples and families out to compete in a friendly manner and simply have an enjoyable, healthy time together.
AHPA horseshoe pitching is helping to bring out the teens from their hiding places and gives them another way to spend time with their parents. Families have found that horseshoes as a family sport is a lot more fun and rewarding than everyone going in different directions.
I never knew AHPA horseshoe pitching leagues existed until I met an A.H.P.A. member. That member ask me if I liked to pitch. Then he introduced me to other members of an nearby league. Their good fellowship, friendly competition and by using the handicap system I found I could compete on an equal basis with much better pitchers. Now I'm enjoying my fourth year as a better, more knowledgeable
pitcher and have made many new friends pitching state wide tournaments. My wife joined me after seeing that she too could compete with better pitchers.
A lot of the people who pitch, also bowl since the two sports seem to have a lot in common as far as timing and delivery. However, horseshoes can provide the outdoors, family togetherness and clean air.
This sport has been around since the Roman soldiers started the game. When you think about the friendly competition, meeting new friends and being outdoors horseshoe pitching has become my favorite outdoor sport.

Kelly VanArsdale
1990 AHPA Member

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Tournament Schedules Tournament Results Tournament of Champions Index
AHPA Honors Favorite Links Directions to Leagues and Tournaments

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