Engr. Allan S. Hugo's Class Web Pages
Welcome! This page contains all the class materials of the courses being taught by Engr. Allan S. Hugo. This page will serve as updates for students. It will also contain course notes and other related topics that will be of interest to you. The site is divided into several subpages according to courses. Feel free to suggest should you wish to.
Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering
This class is all about computing in chemical engineering. The use of software to solve chemical engineering problems is being emphasized. Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering (CHE121) is a three-unit lab offered to 5th year chemical engineering students of the University of Saint La Salle.
General Inorganic Chemistry
This class discusses topics on atoms, elements, compounds, naming of compounds, stoichiometry, acids and bases, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, gas laws, nuclear chemistry and other related subjects. General Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM) is a three-unit lecture course offered to 1st year engineering students of the University of Saint La Salle. It is taken together with a one-unit chemistry lab subject.
College Algebra
This class discusses topics on polynomials, radicals, linear and quadratic equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, and more. College Algebra (MATH1E) is a three-unit lecture course offered to 1st year students of the University of Saint La Salle.
Analytic Geometry
This class discusses topics on directed distances, lines, locus of a point, curve sketching, cirlces, conic sections (parabola, ellipse, hyperbola), and polar coordinates. Analytic Geometry (MATH10E) is a three-unit subject offered to 1st year engineering students of the University of Saint La Salle.
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