Welcome to Aichi AJET! |
Welcome to Aichi AJET's homepage! We hope you meant to come here and aren't lost!
This site is a work-in-progress, an experiment to see what AJET can offer it's members. This site is primarily intended to pass on information about AJET and other events going on in Aichi, Block 5 and the rest of Japan. We also want to provide information about Aichi itself for newcomers and visitors, and hey, maybe even JET-vets will find something new!
What is AJET? Good question. The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching is a Japan-wide organisation made up of members of the JET Programme. Prefectural Representatives are elected each year by AJET members in their area. These Pref Reps work to keep their members informed and connected with each other both locally and nationally. They also produce newsletters, organise cultural and inter-ken events and sometimes just plain ol' fun! AJET membership is 100% optional, but definitely encouraged! |
Ya, okay, so what's the JET Programme? The Japanese Exchange and Teaching Programme was developed by the Japanese Government about 15 years ago. The goal of the programme is to provide students, primarily in junior and senior high school, but also in elementary schools and Board of Educations, with living, breathing native English speakers. Sorry, all applicants must be living and breathing to apply. JETs are university graduates from all over the world who live and work in Japanese communities. This way the teaching experience is mutual: we learn from and about them as they do us! |
While most JETs "team teach" with Japanese English Language Teachers in schools, there are hundreds of others who work as CIRs and SEAs, plus many who bring native languages other than English, such as French, German and Chinese. The JET Programme is by no means adequately described here in these few sentences, so if you want to learn more, check out our links! |
Aichi AJET Index - more about us... New JETs Look HERE!!! |
Aichi AJET Members Town Hall (e-groups) |
Kobe Conference Information |
Exploring Aichi Learn more about Aichi-ken! |
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Questions? Comments? Reach us by e-mail |