Click To DownloadA Night in TappedIn:

Herding Cats and Chaos Navigation

February 23, 2003

By 8:00 p.m. (Taiwan time) people began to arrive by the dozen and the reception area in TappedIn was immediately invaded by the students of Shih Chien University. Some were in a hurry, some knew where they were going, and  some were totally lost. For 15 minutes or so, the reception area was like a busy street in Taipei, and I felt like a policeman with a whistle in my mouth, blowing and whistling, controlling the traffic, directing people where they're supposed to go. Dr. Cat (John Steele, PhD and a webhead) calls this type of traffic controlling "cat herding"  and I was, herding my cats to their dens. Below is the transcript of that particular moment where my 'students run and go, like cats, oblivious to the environment around them.

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Connected to TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 23 04:02:53 2003 PST.

KatherineWen leaves for the El.
KatherineWen's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
DafneG hugs BJ

tina [guest] says, "Hello..DonC"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_87 [guest] has disconnected.
DafneG says, "hello VAnce"

JeanmichelC says, "Hello Aiden"

CandyL leaves for the El.
CandyL's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "If there is a date, like June, for
                                  moving to TI2 then we can manage that"

LydiaC has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi Daf"

TeresaAlm has arrived.
DafneG says, "Oh I see some of my group here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i see avril candy, freya and tina are here"

JeanmichelC says, "Hola teresa"

FinS has connected.
TeresaAlm exclaims, "morning, everyone!"

DafneG says, "Avril, Freya"

TristaP has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello fin,"

freya [guest] says, "hi! Aiden."

TeresaAlm exclaims, "ola, jm!"

DafneG says, "hi Fin"

DafneG hugs Aiden


tina [guest] says, "Hello..Aiden."

DafneG hugs Teresa

AidenY [webhead] says, "fin, my 4th year class has a meeting with

freya [guest] says, "hi!s3110"

SarahCh has connected.
tina [guest] says, "hello.."

DonC [to Tina [guest]]: "Are you in group 2 (B2)?"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi FIn"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you could stick with me or vance here at the
                        reception or you could join any of the sessions"

LeeH has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Freya, all"

VeronicaL has connected.
FinS says, "4th clsass? but i am 3rd class"

DafneG says, "Tina is with me"

freya [guest] says, "hi!VanceS"

LydiaC leaves for the 3.
LydiaC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the 3.
SarahCh says, "Hello~"

tina [guest] says, "yes..Daf.."

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "busy in reception today, everyone was

DafneG smiles to Tina

LeeH leaves for the El.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
TristaP exclaims, "Good Evening~ Now I'm going to the office! Bye

joinDagneG has connected.
TeresaAlm says, "what a crowd! ;-)"

YeuxfleurisG asks, "Trista?"

TristaP leaves for the El.
TristaP's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
tina [guest] says, "Hello..:)"

RolandW has connected.
freya [guest] says, "DafneG, hello~"

DafneG says, "H Freya"

DafneG says, "hi"

IvyLee has connected.
LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
You hear a quiet popping sound; YeuxfleurisG has disconnected.
RolandW leaves for the El.
RolandW's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "my students are looking for their webheads
                        teacher and it looks and feels like a
                        registration day at the uni"

joinDagneG [guest] says, "ji"

joinDagneG [guest] says, "hi"

ethanchu has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "I've never ever seen so much activity

VeronicaL leaves for the 3.
VeronicaL's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the 3.
DafneG says, "who is joinDafneG"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "joinDagneG I bet you are my student, what is
                        your real name?"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "I hope everyone knows where to go, do
                                  they have assignments?"

KatherineWen has arrived.
KatherineWen's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
DafneG says, "lol"

FinS asks, "a teacher in webheads?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello Katherine"

AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL, Daf"

DonC goes home.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_112 [guest] has disconnected.
LeeH leaves for the ASO.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
tina [guest] asks, "Have  anyone in group 3 arrived here already?"

DonC has arrived.
DonC's personal recorder follows DonC to here.
timedchat1 follows DonC to here.
TeresaAlm asks, "i'm ready to go to my office when group 2 wants to join
                 me, ok?"

YeuxfleurisG has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; YeuxfleurisG has lost her link.
KatherineWen leaves for the El.
KatherineWen's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
IvyLee has connected.
DafneG [to Aiden,]: "should I go to my office and my group follows me?"

CindyW has connected.
IvyLee [guest] leaves for the El.
LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
FinS asks, "follow what?"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "If you go to your office Daf we'll
                                  send people along"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Tina, they'll come, i suggest that you wait in
                        your webheads teacher's office or stick around
                        with her/him"

joinDafneG has connected.
LeeH leaves for the ASO.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
DafneG says, "thanks, Vance"

FinS says, "oh"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "Hi Fin, do you have a group you want
                                  to join?"

You hear a quiet popping sound; AvrilJ has lost her link.
tina [guest] says, "oh"

LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Vance, fin is in my 3rd year class"

TeresaAlm says, "group 2, i will wait for you in my office. remember,
                 /join teresaalm"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_84 [guest] has lost its link.
joinDafneG [guest] says, "Sandra hello all"

TeresaAlm goes home.
DafneG [to Aiden,]: "I think those called joinDafneG should change their

AidenY [webhead] says, "tere, i'll stick around here and guide students"

FinS says, "but i don't know what groups..i haven;t been here for a

VanceS [to AidenY]: "I guess I'll let you herd the cats for a while"

CindyW finds her way out.
AidenY [webhead] says, "fin, you could stay here with me"

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes"

FinS exclaims, "ok!"

JoyceCW has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SarahCh has disconnected.
JeanmichelC asks, "Dafene, puedo acompaarla a su oficina cuando se reuna
                   con su grupo?"

DonC [to GroupB2]: "You can join me by typing /join DonC  or come to my
                    office on the 19th floor West wing Room 1906"

ChrisHua has arrived.
ChrisHua's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "fin, as you can see, students are coming in and

DafneG says, "sure JM"

AidenY [webhead] says, "it's because they have a meeting with their
                        webheads teacher/s"

JeanmichelC says, "Merci"

DonC [to AidenY]: "I guess I'll just go wait in my office a bit."

YeuxfleurisG has connected.
FinS asks, "yes..they are going to their own froups?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ok"

FinS says, "oh i see"

DonC goes home.
AidenY [webhead] says, "don, i'll wait here for the rest of your
                        students and guide them to your office"

JoyceCW asks, " we should go the the place where our
               desiged teacher is ?"

AliciaZh finds her way out.
DafneG says, "I am going home too, Aiden"

YeuxfleurisG leaves for the El.
YeuxfleurisG's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, joyce"

DafneG goes home.
JoyceCW says, "ok...."

TinaYe suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "joyce, who's your webhead teacher?"

DonC has arrived.
DonC's personal recorder follows DonC to here.
timedchat1 follows DonC to here.
JeanmichelC suddenly disappears.
SusanneN has arrived.
DiaLog follows SusanneN to here.
TimeLog follows SusanneN to here.
JoyceCW says, "MariaJo"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello don"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ok"

DonC says, "No one there yet."

tina [guest] says, "hello..don"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you may go to her office and wait there"

JoyceCW says, "ok......"

SusanneN [mystified] says, "Hello friends"

YahuiL has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "if she's not around yet, then she's probably a
                        little late"

AvrilJ has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello sus"

JoyceCW leaves for the El.
JoyceCW's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "hello Sus [mystified]"

AidenY [webhead] says, "cat herding"

LeeH asks, "Hello!everybody,can anyone tell me, please Am I here in the
            right place to talk?"

ethanchu [guest] leaves for the WEM.
DonC says, "I'm looking for Shelly, Roland, Sheena, Tina, Carol, Ivy,
            Derick, Ethan, and Marsh"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "lee, are you mike lee?"

SusanneN says, "Hi Lee, yes you are welcome"

tina [guest] says, "hello...i am tina."

FinS says, "hello"

AidenY [webhead] says, "tina, you have to join Don in his office"

AidenY [webhead] says, "go now"

tina [guest] says, "yes."

LeeH says, "I am vivian lee in class B"

AidenY [webhead] says, "type /join DonC"

s3110 has connected.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "okay, Vivian who's your webhead teacher?"

VanceS [to Aiden's]: "students be patient and we'll help you find your

AvrilJ asks, "which member should i go?"

DonC goes home.
FinS asks, "wow...many students than before? are they sc students?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "avril you should check out the list I sent to
                        sc_conversation list"

SarahCh has connected.
SarahCh suddenly disappears.
s3110 [guest] says, "hi"

MargaretD has arrived.
MargaretD's personal recorder follows MargaretD to here.
DonC has arrived.
DonC's personal recorder follows DonC to here.
timedchat1 follows DonC to here.
LeeH says, "Sorry I forget my webhead teacher but I know I should be in

AvrilJ leaves for the New.
AvrilJ's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the New.
YahuiL leaves for the El.
YahuiL's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
DonC [to Tina [guest]]: "Are you still here?"

tina [guest] says, "Yes."

ChrisHua leaves for the El.
ChrisHua's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "avril, you should join Dafne type /join DafneG"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_1 [guest] has lost its link.
DonC says, "Please, type /join DonC"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "anyone hear heard of Curtis Bonk?"

joinDafneG [guest] says, "join DafneG"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "here I mean"

SusanneN says, "Yes, I know Curt"

DonC [to Tina [guest]]: "Please,type /join DonC"

tina [guest] says, "here i am."

AidenY [webhead] says, "who is joinDafneG"

                         |                    |
BJB holds up a BIG sign: | type  /Join DafneG |
SusanneN says, "Don, you need to leave before someone can join yoi"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "I just went to a presentation by him
                                  and am at his publications page now"

                         |                  |
BJB holds up a BIG sign: | /type /join DonC |
DonC goes home.
IvyLee [guest] has arrived.
freya [guest] suddenly disappears.
BJB . o O ( you have to type the / first )
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, ""

AidenY [webhead] says, "i suggest that you change your name to your real
                        name, please"

MargaretD asks, "still shifting Vance?"

joinDafneG [guest] says, "Hello...I am Sandra"

RitaWu has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "shifts a bit more"

SusanneN says, "Hi Sandra"

s3110 [guest] says, "i'm vivian in section a"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Sandra, i sugegst you change it to Sandra"

RitaWu leaves for the El.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] shifts a bit more "that's better"

RitaWu's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
tina [guest] asks, "DO i go in the room already?"

joinDafneG [guest] says, "Hi!SusanneN"

LeeH leaves for the CAFE.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Sandra, you have to go to Dafne's office type
                        /join DafneG"

AidenY [webhead] says, "she's in her office"

IvyLee [guest] leaves for the El.
joinDafneG [guest] says, "OK! I will try it"

tina [guest] says, "i can't go in DonC's office."

AidenY [webhead] says, "who is here, who's not supposed to be here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "tina type /join DonC"

ShellyTs has connected.
tina [guest] suddenly disappears.
ethanchu [guest] has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello shelly,"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_94 [guest] has disconnected.
ShellyTs says, "Hi~"

s3110 [guest] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "ethan, don is waiting"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] is here and is supposed to be here

LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
ethanchu [guest] says, "hello.....please tell me which chat room should
                        i go"

mikelee has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "ehtan, you're with Don"

SusanneN says, "C lick on who's online, and find your moderator"

LilyC has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Ethan, type /join DonC"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello mike lee"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello lily"

mikelee [guest] says, "Hello"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "finding your group?"

ShellyTs suddenly disappears.
LilyC says, "hello~~AidenY"

LeeH leaves for the ASO.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Mike, you're with Maria's group"

mikelee [guest] asks, "Where is the office of Maria?"

LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
joinDafneG has connected.
LeeH leaves for the CAFE.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
joinDafneG [guest] says, "Sandra"

AidenY [webhead] says, "lily, you're with arnold muhren, he's in E1509"

CindyW has arrived.
CindyW's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Mike, maria is in 1915"

LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
LilyC leaves for the El.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
LilyC has arrived.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
LilyC leaves for the El.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
ethanchu [guest] goes UP.
You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_156 [guest] has disconnected.
LilyC has arrived.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
LeeH leaves for the CAFE.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the CAFE.
AidenY [webhead] says, "mike is still here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "LilyC"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Cindy too"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Mike, Cindy and Lily are with maria's group"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "is Maria here?"

Vivian has connected.
ToddHs has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "has she arrived yet"

LilyC asks, "Where can I get into reception?"

Vivian [guest] suddenly disappears.
SharonCh has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "Maria is in her office"

Sandra has connected.
LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "you are in the reception Lily"

SusanneN says, "Lily, we are in the rfeception, and mariaJo is in her

Sandra [guest] suddenly disappears.
BJB . o O ( Maria Jordano )
AidenY [webhead] asks, "BJ, what's Maria's TI handle?"

MargaretD says, "Lily you are in reption."

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "MariaJo"

AidenY [webhead] says, "lily, type /join Maria Jordano"

Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 23 04:24:40 2003 PST.
Started recording in MariaJo's Office (#33534)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23
04:24:40 2003 PST.
SandyCh goes out.
SandyCh's personal recorder (recording) goes out.
JoyceCW says, "i think maybe the system has some problems"

AidenY teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in MariaJo's Office (#33534) at Sun Feb 23 04:25:00
2003 PST.
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23 04:25:00
2003 PST.
SharonCh suddenly disappears.
LeeH suddenly disappears.
VanceS [to Lily]: "Sus is correct /join MariaJo"

You hear a quiet popping sound; CindyW has disconnected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] collects tickets from BJB [HelpDesk], FinS,
SusanneN, MargaretD, mikelee [guest], LilyC, ToddHs, ClaireCh, and
AidenY [webhead].
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello todd"

mikelee [guest] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Todd, can you type /join MariaJo"

CindyW has connected.
ToddHs says, "hello~ dear aiden"

FinS says, "what a mass ;)"

ToddHs says, "ok"

BJB [HelpDesk] quietly slips out the door.
AidenY [webhead] says, "not really, just have to be patient"

ClaireCh says, "hihi"

MargaretD says, "mess Fin"

ying has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello claire"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "a mess, but we're used to this in

ToddHs suddenly disappears.
SusanneN looks around to see how many   Taiwanese cats are still lost in

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi Ying Lan"

ClaireCh says, "Hi~~Aiden"

CindyW finds her way out.
ying [guest] says, "There are 54 people here."

MargaretD exclaims, "Hi Ying!"

FinS says, "yes i believe"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] is always happy to see Ying

SusanneN hugs YL

ying [guest] says, "Hi"

ClaireCh leaves for the El.
ClaireCh's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
ying [guest] asks, "What are you doing here?"

LilyC goes UP.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) goes UP.
Juani-from_Chile has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "good"

MargaretD [to Ying [guest]]: "who?"

SusanneN says, "Aiden has invited a whole class to meet soe webheads in
                their offices"

VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "a lot of Aiden's students are moving through
                           here to their discussion sessions"

AidenY [webhead] says, "no students left, except fin ;-)"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi Juani"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello juani"

AidenY [webhead] says, "nice to see you here"

FinS says, "ha"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "Hi,"

SusanneN hugs dear Juani

ying [guest] asks, "How are you, guys?"

MargaretD exclaims, "Hi Juani!"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "great ying, how about you?"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "yes.had no electricity ,sorry to be so

LilyC has arrived.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
RolandW has arrived.
RolandW's personal recorder follows RolandW to here.
BJB has arrived.
BJ's Shadow follows BJB to here.
RolandW says, "thank you   BJB"

LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
SusanneN says, "Fine, I am looking at the bright sunshine from my window
                and need to go out later this afternoon to feel the warm

ying [guest] says, "I feel not so good."

BJB [HelpDesk] says, "you're welcome, Roland"

FinS says, "why"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "Lots of people here I see."

AidenY [webhead] says, "roland, type /join DonC"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "I'm fine, just in my office,
                                  everything seems normal here"

ying [guest] says, "I have a problem with Conentration."

RolandW says, "ok"

LeeH suddenly disappears.
RolandW suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "concentration, ying/"

MollyP has connected.
VanceS [to Ying [guest]]: "what's the problem?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello molly"

ying [guest] says, "I don't know how to do it. I like to talk to people
                    when I am working."

MargaretD [to Ying [guest]]: "in what way?"

BJB [HelpDesk] quietly slips out the door.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Lily, go to E1509"

MollyP says, "hi..Aiden"

FinS says, "so you can go to the liberary to work alone"

MargaretD [to Ying [guest]]: "you are working now?"

LilyC says, "I can't find it"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "so you can't keep your mind on work
                                  because you talk to your colleagues?"

ying [guest] says, "I was assigned to do a new job. I have to learn a
                    lot of things..."

AidenY [webhead] says, "Molly, join Rita Zeinstejer"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "what's your new job?"

ying [guest] says, "Exactly, you got it, vance."

MollyP says, "ok"

SusanneN [to Molly]: "type /jooin ritaz"

MollyP leaves for the El.
MollyP's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
LeeH has arrived.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "lee, veronica?"

SheilaHua has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "Juani, why was your electricity out?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello sheila"

LeeH says, "join /susanneN"

SusanneN says, "Lee, I am, right here"

ying [guest] says, "To exame the loan project, I don't even know how to
                    get a loan and I end up a ,.."

MargaretD [to Ying [guest]]: "learning new things is good for your

SheilaHua leaves for the 8th.
SheilaHua's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the 8th.
AidenY [webhead] says, "sheila, type /join RitaZ"

ying [guest] says, "I like your idea. margarte."

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "theye buildind new stores around this
                                street and theye working on sundays

SusanneN asks, "Lee, are you going to be with maria or with Rita?"

ying [guest] asks, "maria, rita?"

rif has connected.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "so they cut your electricity?  With
                                  warning, or without?"

SusanneN exclaims, "Hi Rif!"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi Rif"

ying [guest] says, "hi, Rif."

rif [guest] says, "hi all"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "I didn have any warning."

SusanneN says, "WElcome to Tapped In & the Webheads Sunday Chaos Class"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "nice of them to turn it back on for 

FinS says, "oh that;s bed"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Aiden has the chaos idea, I like that"

MargaretD says, "no one woriks really on Sundays in Germany, shops are
                 closed and it is a family day"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] asks, "I figure out there are two working
                                groups here,right?"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Aiden's students were here, and Fin is
                                  still here"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] waves to Fin

AidenY [webhead] says, "juani, i'm sticking around here just in case
                        there'd be late students"

FinS says, "hi;)"

SusanneN says, "Juani, Aiden has invited her class to meet some senior
                WEbheads in their offices"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "yes,but peole work here on sunday
                                especially for construction."

AidenY [webhead] says, "fin is joining us here since she doesn't belong
                        to communication skills clas"

ying [guest] asks, "senior webheads?"

IvyLee [guest] has arrived.
VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Us young Webheads will remain down
                                  here of course"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "ah.thats good."

LilyC leaves for the El.
LilyC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "Lily, i see that you're still here"

MargaretD . o O ( senior webheads? )
ying [guest] asks, "We are all Young, right?"

ying [guest] says, "I am young."

IvyLee [guest] says, "hello, Aiden"

FinS says, "i am young"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello ivy"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] exclaims, "I'm young!"

SusanneN says, "yeah, Vance, or we could move to the ASO so we can talk
                without disrupoting the masses who login to reception"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "which group Ivy?"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "I hope we  can continue the project with
                                Aiden and my students this year."

IvyLee [guest] says, "group B"

ying [guest] asks, "How to move to the ASO?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ivy type /join DonC"

IvyLee [guest] suddenly disappears.
SusanneN says, "the easiet thing to do: type /ASO"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Ivy, you're with Don Caroll"

ying [guest] says, "got it."

VanceS [paradigm shifting] asks, "Is anyone in the ASO, do you want to
                                  check first sus?"

ying [guest] leaves for the ASO.
MichaelAC has arrived.
Personal_Recorder_30627 follows MichaelAC to here.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello michael"

MargaretD exclaims, "Hi mc!"

LeeH says, "Aiden,please I still can't find out where I should be.I am
            supposed to stay with trista that group"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Hi Michael"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "Ying Lan just went to the ASO"

AidenY [webhead] says, "be patient, lee"

MichaelAC says, "So many people here! Hi everyone"

FinS says, "hello"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you're supposed to check the list i gave you"

SusanneN says, "It is free, so I suggest we move to the ASO"

FinS says, "all of us"

VanceS [paradigm shifting] says, "ok, Sus is herding us to the ASO"

MargaretD [to Michael]: "most are passing through"

MichaelAC exclaims, "Still shifting that paradigm Vance!"

FinS asks, "?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "lee, please go to E1509"

AidenY [webhead] says, "lee, please go to E1509"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's with arnold muhre"

AidenY [webhead] says, "muhren"

SusanneN says, "If we move a little, that will help Aiden with her
                helpdesk job :-)"

LeeH says, "I Know, thank you"

SusanneN leaves for the ASO.
DiaLog (recording) leaves for the ASO.
TimeLog (recording) leaves for the ASO.
FinS says, "oh i see"

rif [guest] asks, "what is that shift for Vance?"

                            |                      |
VanceS holds up a BIG sign: | Type /ASO to join us |
LeeH leaves for the El.
LeeH's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
VanceS [to Rif,]: "I'll explain in the ASO ..."

VanceS [paradigm shifting] leaves for the ASO.
VanceSrecorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
MichaelAC leaves for the ASO.
Personal_Recorder_30627 (recording) leaves for the ASO.
FinS leaves for the ASO.
FinS's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
rif [guest] leaves for the ASO.
MargaretD leaves for the ASO.
MargaretD's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
RitaZ has arrived.
RitaZ's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
joinDafneG has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello rita"

RitaZ leaves for the El.
RitaZ's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "hello Rita."

joinDafneG [guest] says, "hi...again"

Cindy has connected.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "what's your real name again?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello cindy"

Cindy [guest] says, "Hi, I finally got in."

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "Hi Cindy."

joinDafneG [guest] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "cindy please type /join MariaJo"

Cindy [guest] says, "Hi Juani-from-Chile. How are you doing."

Cindy [guest] says, "OK."

Cindy [guest] says, "See you."

AidenY [webhead] says, "sorry about that juani"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "I m doing well and you?."

Cindy [guest] says, "I am fine. I have to go to another office. See you
                     next time."

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "its problem."

Juani-from_Chile [guest] says, "see you."

AidenY [webhead] says, "it took about 40 minutes to put them in their
                        proper places"

AidenY [webhead] says, "cindy, type /join MariaJo"

Cindy [guest] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "juani, you can join vance"

Vivian has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll stay here and wait for late comers"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello vivia"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you have to join Arnold Muhren"

AidenY [webhead] says, "he's at E1509"

Vivian [guest] says, "Aiden.sorry..something happened to my computer"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you're here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "it's working"

Juani-from_Chile [guest] suddenly disappears.
Vivian [guest] says, "joinDafeng"

LaneyC has connected.
Vivian [guest] says, "vivian"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_2 [guest] has disconnected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "vivian, you have to change instead of 'say' it
                        should be in 'type command'"

AidenY [webhead] says, "when it's in type command, type /join DafneG"

Vivian has connected.
You hear a quiet popping sound; LaneyC has disconnected.
Vivian [guest] says, "join DafenG"

LaneyC has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "you're saying DafneG you're supposed to type in
                        the command"

Carol has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "look at the left side vivian"

AidenY [webhead] says, "do you see "say""

LaneyC leaves for the El.
LaneyC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "after 'say' send, then more commands"

Vivian [guest] says, "i see that"

AidenY [webhead] says, "do you see these signs, vivian"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ok"

AidenY [webhead] says, "click on the arrow beside 'say'"

Vivian [guest] says, "i'll try it again...thanx"

Carol [guest] leaves for the El.
AidenY [webhead] says, "and choose type command"

Carol [guest] has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello carol"

AidenY [webhead] says, "nice to see you here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "carol"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you have to join  Don's class"

AidenY [webhead] says, "W1906"

ChristopherMJ has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello chris"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm herding my cats"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] exclaims, "Hi everyone!"

AidenY [webhead] says, "join vance at ASO"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] says, "Great Aiden"

AidenY [webhead] says, "cool"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] says, "Hope you all are having fun"

AidenY [webhead] says, "chaos navigating"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] says, "LOL"

AidenY [webhead] says, "every sense of the word"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] says, "Enjoy the chaos"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] says, "See you Aiden"

AidenY [webhead] says, "sure am"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ciao"

AidenY [webhead] says, "carol"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i see that you"

AidenY [webhead] says, "are still here"

Carol [guest] says, "hello  Aideny I am Carol"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "are you having problems carol?"

ChristopherMJ [student of life] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "carol, you have to join Don Caroll's class"

AidenY [webhead] says, "type /join DonC"

AidenY [webhead] says, "do you see, 'say, send, more commands" on your
                        left side"

Carol [guest] suddenly disappears.
AidenY [webhead] says, "ok"

AidenY [webhead] says, "vivian. you're still here ;-)"

Vivian [guest] says, "sorry"

Vivian [guest] says, "it doesn't working"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's ok"

AidenY [webhead] says, "let's figure it out together"

AidenY [webhead] says, "try again"

AidenY [webhead] says, "click type command"

AidenY [webhead] says, "vivian, are you still here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "vivian, my yahooid is aidenyeh"

bobo has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "if you want to talk go there"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bobo, you're late"

BJB has arrived.
BJ's Shadow follows BJB to here.
AidenY [webhead] says, "vivian is still here"

AidenY [webhead] says, "what's daf's room"

bobo [guest] says, "sorry ,I am late"

AidenY [webhead] says, "she can't type /join dafneG"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bobo is also with dafne"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bobo"

BJB [HelpDesk] says, "N3105"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bobo, can you join Dafne"

bobo [guest] says, "yeah"

Vivian [guest] suddenly disappears.
BJB . o O ( Dafne's room is N3105 )
AidenY [webhead] says, "at N3105"

AidenY [webhead] says, "ok"

BJB . o O ( but /join DafneG should work, since Daf is logged in )
AidenY [webhead] says, "they type the command under"

AidenY [webhead] says, "say command"

BJB . o O ( make sure to type the / first )
bobo [guest] says, "where should I fine Dafne"

                         |              |
BJB holds up a BIG sign: | /join DafneG |
AidenY [webhead] says, "bobo, you can type /join DafneG"

bobo [guest] says, "join DafneG"

AidenY [webhead] says, "or take the elevator go to N3105"

                         |                          |
BJB holds up a BIG sign: | Bobo, type  /join DafneG |
AidenY [webhead] says, "elevator is right above the text box"

BJB . o O ( sorry, Aiden )
NancyLai has connected.
NancyLai says, "Hello Aiden. I am Nancy"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello nancy"

AidenY [webhead] says, "wait, i'm checking your group"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "nancy, which group do you belong to?"

NancyLai says, "group B"

bobo [guest] goes OUT.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "yes, which group? who are your group members?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you may join Don Caroll"

AidenY [webhead] says, "type /join DonC"

NancyLai says, "Ivy, Sheena, Tina, Tina"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm right"

                            |                 |
AidenY holds up a BIG sign: | type /join DonC |
AidenY [webhead] asks, "can you do it?"

NancyLai suddenly disappears.
BJB . o O ( yep :-) )
JeanmichelC has arrived.
JeanmichelC's personal recorder follows JeanmichelC to here.
JeanmichelC leaves for the ASO.
JeanmichelC's personal recorder (recording) leaves for the ASO.
SharonCh comes home.
SharonCh's personal recorder follows SharonCh to here.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Sharon"

You hear a quiet popping sound; SharonCh has lost her link.
SharonCh has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] asks, "welcome back, Sharon. Everything ok?"

SharonCh says, "not really..."

Stopped recording in Reception (#268) at Sun Feb 23 05:16:48 2003 PST.
Started recording in Elevator (#2749)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23 05:16:48
2003 PST.
Stopped recording in Elevator (#2749) at Sun Feb 23 05:17:06 2003 PST.
Started recording in 15th Floor Lobby (#20349)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23
05:17:06 2003 PST.
Stopped recording in 15th Floor Lobby (#20349) at Sun Feb 23 05:17:11
2003 PST.
Started recording in 15th Floor East Wing (#20394)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb
23 05:17:11 2003 PST.
Stopped recording in 15th Floor East Wing (#20394) at Sun Feb 23
05:17:27 2003 PST.
Started recording in ArnoldM's Office (#34491)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23
05:17:27 2003 PST.
FionaL says, "hi Aiden"

ArnoldM says, "hi aiden"

LilyC says, "hi Aiden"

YeuxfleurisG says, "hello Aiden"

KatherineWen says, "hi aiden"

ArnoldM says, "good to see you here"

TristaP says, "hello Aiden"

LeeH says, "Hello aiden"

FionaL says, "we are now talking about our future carrer"

ArnoldM says, "okay fiona, your turn"

ArnoldM asks, "what do you think you will be doing in two years time?"

FionaL says, "err..i just said that i dont wanna be a english teacher at

ArnoldM says, "so you want a different kind of career..."

FionaL says, "actually i have no idea , it's hard to get a good job in
              Taiwan now"

FionaL says, "my dream carrer is to be a advertising accont excutive"

YeuxfleurisG says, "I think you can do very well in this field, Fiona"

FionaL says, "but i have no background about that"

TristaP says, "you don't have to~"

KatherineWen says, "you can study it now"

YeuxfleurisG says, "one of my friend does very well even she have no
                    experience about taht"

AidenY [webhead] has lost her link.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 23 05:21:37 2003 PST.

Main page

Created 2/28/2003

Last updated 2/20/2004

Copyright Aiden Yeh