After the Session: A Time for Reflections

AidenY teleports to the reception.
Stopped recording in DonC's Office (#24532) at Sun Feb 23 05:50:49 2003
Started recording in Reception (#268)[TappedIn] at Sun Feb 23 05:50:49
2003 PST.
AidenY [webhead] says, "hello arnold"

ArnoldM says, "hi aiden - it was a great experience"

ArnoldM asks, "I can you you about it later?"

BJB [to Arnold]: "Aiden is probably multitasking"

ArnoldM says, "hi BJ"

BJB [to Arnold]: "hi :-)"

ArnoldM says, "i think so - like the headmaster supervising it all"

BJB [HelpDesk] nods.

ArnoldM asks, "how are you?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i was just talking to maria"

BJB [HelpDesk] says, "I'm fine, thanks. Nice to see you."

AidenY [webhead] says, "they're calling it quits"

ArnoldM says, "I had a very busy hour+"

AidenY [webhead] says, "it took us about 30 minutes to put the herd into
                        their proper place"

Lisa has connected.
BJB [to AidenY]: "are you planning on doing this again?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "perhaps"

BJB . o O ( now that you have the logistics taken care of it should be
easier next time )
Denisesg has connected.
BJB [HelpDesk] says, "first visits to TI are often confusing"

BJB [HelpDesk] says, "hi, Denise."

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, very true"

BJB [to Denise]: "can I help you?"

Denisesg [guest] says, "hi BJB"

AidenY [webhead] says, "some of them aren't first timers"

Denisesg [guest] says, "yes, I am looking for some people from webheads"

BJB [HelpDesk] nods to Aiden

AidenY [webhead] says, "anyway, thanks to you BJ and arnold"

BJB [to Denise]: "click on AFTER SCHOOL ONLINE on the room drawing"

BJB . o O ( or type /aso )
Denisesg [guest] says, "thank you"

ArnoldM asks, "aiden, we can talk about this later as well?"

Denisesg [guest] leaves for the ASO.
AidenY [webhead] says, "yes"

AidenY [webhead] says, "of course"

ArnoldM says, "good"

guest has connected.
AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll be checking the chat logs later"

ArnoldM says, "i am going to get the transcript from my mail and send it
               to you, aiden"

Lisa [guest] goes UP.
AidenY [webhead] hugs Arnold

AidenY [webhead] says, "thanks a bunhc"

ArnoldM says, "i am overwhelmed now and return the hug"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bunch"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "what do you think?"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "how was your session?"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "were they typing too fast?"

ArnoldM says, "it was really good"

ArnoldM says, "they were like quicksilver"

Lisa [guest] has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] says, "were they focused on the topic"

AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL"

ArnoldM says, "sure"

AidenY [webhead] says, "quicksilver"

ArnoldM says, "we discussed more than one topic even after a while"

AidenY [webhead] says, "oh that's good to know"

ArnoldM says, "I leanrt so much"

ArnoldM says, "they were very eager and quick"

ArnoldM says, "but i will tell you much more later"

ArnoldM says, "in YM"

ArnoldM says, "with voice - we can try that again maybe"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Maria is with my student Cindy,in WebCT"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's what I want"

ArnoldM asks, "WebCT?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "but if it's with voice, got to narrow the
                        students to 3-5"

ArnoldM says, "right - but I was now thinking of just you and me
               discussing this session"

DonC has arrived.
DonC's personal recorder follows DonC to here.
timedchat1 follows DonC to here.
john has connected.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "hello Don, tires, eh?"

IvyLee [guest] has arrived.
AidenY [webhead] hands over a beer

DonC exclaims, "No it was fun!"

ArnoldM says, "I know a lot about WebCT, Aiden, we can talk about that
               as well"

AidenY . o O ( hopes Don drinks beer )
ArnoldM says, "Hi Don"

DonC asks, "Is it cold?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "chilled"

DonC asks, "In a frosty mug?"

AidenY [webhead] takes a sip

AidenY [webhead] asks Arnold what he would like to drink

DonC says, "Well then thanks."

IvyLee [guest] goes OUT.

AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL"

ArnoldM finishes his coffee

DonC exclaims, "aaaahhhh!"

AidenY [webhead] says, "feels good eh/"

DonC says, "Whets the whistle after so much talking."

dariush has connected.
ArnoldM wants another coffee and is off to the kitchen in Bergen, Holland

dariush [guest] leaves for the ASO.
AidenY [webhead] says, "LOL"

DonC [to AidenY]: "Have the others finished."

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes,"

AidenY [webhead] says, "maria is with cindy (my student) in webct"

AidenY [webhead] says, "trying it out"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i haven't heard from daf, tere and rita"

DonC says, "Well it was a good experience."

AidenY [webhead] says, "is there a way I could take a peek without
                        really barging in the office"

DonC says, "This group seems like experienced chatters."

AidenY [webhead] says, "good to know, Don, did you like it"

AidenY [webhead] says, "you can try this with your own students"

DonC says, "I doubt if my Japanese students would be so vocal."

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_172 [guest] has disconnected.
DonC says, "But I intend to try"

AidenY [webhead] says, "some of them are not talktative in class, don"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that;s what surprises me"

AidenY [webhead] says, "take it slowly,"

AidenY [webhead] says, "a few people at a time"

AidenY [webhead] says, "3-4"

DonC says, "I do think people will chat even when they won't talk."

BJB looks away.
DonC says, "My Online Enlgish course in April will probably just have
            3-4 people."

AidenY [webhead] says, "did you ask them, my students to join, it would
                        be nice to come from you"

AidenY [webhead] says, "if nit were to come from me, they'll feel

DonC says, "I didn't bring up OneWorld as I thought it would be a bit
            too much like advertising."

AidenY . o O ( wonders where arnold has gone? )
BJB [away] wonders if anyone has tried out TI2 for a meeting place?

DonC says, "I'd be happy to invite them though if I had some addresses."

AidenY [webhead] says, "you could join"

AidenY [webhead] says, "and invite them"

DonC asks, "This is the class group?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes"

BJB [away] goes to fix breakfast

DonC says, "Ok I'll do that."

AidenY . o O ( that coffee is taking too long )
ArnoldM says, "i am back now, aiden, with a refill of darkroast coffee
               pressurized in my Philips/Senseo coffeemaker"

DonC asks, "Aiden how many members on the sc list?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "56+"

AidenY [webhead] says, "from my communication skills class"

DonC says, "It would be great to be able to add even half that number to

DonC says, "I have great hopes for OneWorld."

DonC says, "I'd like to see a truly internation mix of people using it
            as a base of exploration."

ArnoldM says, "that wuld be great. don"

DonC says, "I'm trying to set the tone as not just another EFL site."

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_188 [guest] has disconnected.
ArnoldM asks, "how?"

ArnoldM asks, "how are you going to do that?"

ArnoldM says, "interesting..."

DonC says, "By avoiding terms like "student" and "native speaker" and
            "practice" and trying not to project any particular culture
            as the center."

ArnoldM says, "i see - a big challenge too"

DonC says, "It's a hard balance."

AidenY [webhead] says, "more like a discussion group without divisions"

ArnoldM asks, "balance between...?"

DonC says, "We want there to be something for "novice speakers" but also
            something that would bind "non-learners""

DonC ..Ors at least "non-students"
ArnoldM says, "you are using the terms you would like to avoid..."

DonC says, "I'd like something of the feel of Webheads but without its
            focus on technology."

ArnoldM says, "difficult that"

DonC says, "You won't find those terms on the site though."

ArnoldM exclaims, "good!"

AidenY [webhead] says, "something like efiwebheds without the terms
                        students and teachers"

ArnoldM says, "pedagogy first then"

DafneG arrives from nowhere.
Dafne's Private Eye follows DafneG to here.
DonC says, "maybe "curiousity first - pedagogy later.""

AidenY [webhead] hugs Dafne

ButhainaA has arrived.
ButhainaA's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
DafneG says, "hello people"

AidenY [webhead] asks daf what would she like to drink

ButhainaA says, "Hi everyone."

ArnoldM says, "wonder - curiosity - pedagogy"

DafneG says, "some caipirinha please"

AidenY [webhead] hugs buth

ArnoldM says, "soounds good to me"

DonC says, "Anyway, all I can do it make the site as attractive as
            possible -- a place people will want to bookmark and return

AidenY [webhead] hands some caipirinha for Daf

ArnoldM says, "thats the challenge, don, make it a USERS in the first
               place wuth plenty of interaction"

ArnoldM says, "USER site i mean"

DafneG takes a sip of iced-caipirinha

ButhainaA asks, "Hi Don..did you see wher I've linked OneWorld on my

You hear a quiet popping sound; SRI_3 [guest] has disconnected.
ButhainaA says, "Daf, what is this drink you're having/"

DonC says, "Yeah I'd like to allow users some say in what "goes up""

AidenY [webhead] asks Buth if she wants any?

DafneG says, "it is a brasilian drink, buth"

ChrisHua has arrived.
ChrisHua's personal recorder (recording) has arrived.
ButhainaA says, "i'm fine Aiden, thanks."

DafneG says, "I have a whole keg in my office"

ArnoldM says, "people need to be able to DO things on a site if it is to
               keep alive..."

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello chris"

ButhainaA says, "soundsgood"

DafneG looks be right back

DonC says, "Buth Thanks.  and your course is now up on OneWorld."

ChrisHua says, "hi aiden"

DonC says, "If anyone else has a course they'd like to link I'd love to
            have you."

AidenY [webhead] asks, "are you here for the meeting Chris?"

ButhainaA says, "oh, do you need the password for the Catrooms"

ChrisHua says, "yes"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "or just came down from the session?"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "you just arrived Chris?"

ChrisHua says, "i am very glad to have a talk with rita z"

AidenY [webhead] says, "oh"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Rita Zeinstejer"

ButhainaA asks, "chat rooms , don, need the passwords?"

ChrisHua says, "yes"

AidenY [webhead] says, "Rita Zeinstejer"

DonC [to Arnold]: "I agree they need to DO things.  Have any ideas?"

ArnoldM says, "sure, we'll talk abou that later some time"

DonC says, "I've tried to spice things up by adding "hidden fun links""

ArnoldM says, "remind me"

DonC says, "Sure thing."

TeresaAlm has arrived.
TeresaAlm's personal recorder follows TeresaAlm to here.
ArnoldM says, "I like those a lot, Don"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello tere"

DonC asks, "Have your seen yet?"

ButhainaA says, "hi tere."

ChrisHua says, "i am here"

TeresaAlm says, "hi, aiden. we had a great chat."

ArnoldM says, "no. will do"

DonC says, "Click on the punk's ear."

AidenY . o O ( Tere looks web savvy after the chat session )
AidenY [webhead] says, "that's good"

TeresaAlm says, "very, aiden. i learned quite a lot about the names."

ChrisHua says, "aiden i think it is late for me to stay at out side"

ChrisHua says, "so i have to go now"

AidenY [webhead] says, "please send me the chat logs, webheads"

ButhainaA says, "Don, the site is great and everything is clear and

TeresaAlm [to AidenY]: "and they learned a few things from me."

AidenY [webhead] says, "goodnight chris"

ChrisHua says, "bye aiden"

AidenY [webhead] says, "go home safely"

ButhainaA says, "Tomorrow I'll show it to my studetns at the C-Lab"

ChrisHua says, "ok"

TeresaAlm exclaims, "bye, everyone!"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i'll see you tomorrow chris"

DonC says, "It is still only the bare minumum though."

ChrisHua says, "sure"

You hear a quiet popping sound; TeresaAlm has disconnected.
DonC says, "Major sections yet to be added."

AidenY [webhead] says, "don't forget the chat log chris"

ButhainaA says, "yes, just to give them an idea"

ChrisHua says, "ok"

ChrisHua says, "bye"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bye"

ButhainaA says, "told them it satrs in april"

You hear a quiet popping sound; ChrisHua has disconnected.
DonC exclaims, "Thanks we'd love to have a few Kuwaitis!"

DonC says, "Go ahead and have them sign up now."

ButhainaA says, "oh, okay, thanks."

DonC says, "I guess there is nothing special about our time frame here
            in Japan."

ArnoldM says, "perhaps, Don, some of my international students are
               interested as well..."

ButhainaA says, "tomorrow Sus is going to have a chat with my students
                 in one of the rooms.."

ArnoldM says, "i will talk to them in two weeks from now again"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's great Buth"

DonC exclaims, "Please have them sign up for the OneWorld YG!"

ButhainaA asks, "Would you like to come Don?"

ButhainaA says, "yes, aiden , i'm already excited."

ArnoldM says, "right"

ButhainaA says, "okay Don"

DonC says, ""

DafneG looks back from the kitchen

DonC says, "OPPS wrong URL."

DonC says, ""

AidenY [webhead] says, "you can project don"

ArnoldM says, "use /project [url] please, don"

DonC projects the URL:
ArnoldM says, "thanks"

ButhainaA says, "yes, Don i have it already on the index page of my home

DonC says, "As you can see we are still a small group but this should
            grow quickly."

ArnoldM says, "great picture on this frontpage"

DonC says, "This girl in the center is my Daughter Alia"

DonC says, "She's one of the members."

ArnoldM says, "my sister is called Alie"

DonC says, "She plans to get a few of her friends to join as well."

AidenY [webhead] asks, "the one on Pink blouse?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "in"

DonC says, "Yep.  There are some more pics of her inside."

ArnoldM says, "my daughter's hair too"

ArnoldM asks, "who are the others?"

DonC says, "This is a typical group of "Americans" nowadays."

ButhainaA says, "she is pretty Don"

DonC says, "Thanks."

ButhainaA says, "nice group"

DonC says, "They are just about all "mixed" ethnic backgrounds."

ArnoldM says, "yes, it sure is"

ButhainaA says, "Aiden, I like you daughter's hair color"

ArnoldM asks, "where is this, don?"

DonC says, "This was taken at her high school in Southern Cal."

AidenY [webhead] says, "don's daughter, buth"

DonC exclaims, "Villa Park High School -- Kevin Costner's old school!"

DonC says, "The guy on the left is mixed Chinese and Spanish."

ArnoldM asks, "melting pots - californian schools?"

ButhainaA says, "Don's daughter is with the blond hair, right Don/"

DonC says, "The girl in the front left is mixed German, Native American
            and Chinese..."

DonC .Thes Girl above her is Lebanese.
DonC says, "The girl about my daughter is German and Philipino"

ArnoldM .s and this is a mainstream high school over there?
DonC says, "The guy next to her is Thai, Hawaiian, and Filipino"

ButhainaA says, "nice divrsity, Don."

AidenY [webhead] says, "i think i'd belong to this group, don, i'm mixed"

DonC says, "And the guy on the right is Latvian raised in Sweden, German
            speaking but now living in the US."

DonC exclaims, "I think EVERYONE would fit right in!"

AidenY [webhead] says, "where are they now, in CA>"

DonC says, "Yep."

AidenY [webhead] asks, "South?"

AidenY [webhead] asks, "LA?"

DonC says, "About an hour from LA"

ButhainaA says, "yes, Don.."

DonC exclaims, "And about 4 minutes from Disneyland!"

ArnoldM asks, "is this a mainstream school, don?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "oh, i'll be going to LA and visit my sister by
                        the end of march"

DonC says, "Yep just a plain old public school."

AidenY [webhead] says, "after baltimore, buth"

ArnoldM says, "amazing mix"

DonC says, "That's California for you."

ButhainaA says, "oh, how nice.."

DonC says, "Idaho might not be like this yet."

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's what I was about to say, don"

ArnoldM says, "I would feel at home there"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's califoirnia"

DonC says, "I felt really strange in German 20 years ago -- not much

DonC says, "that would be different today."

DonC says, "Holland must also be like this."

ArnoldM asks, "now?"

DonC says, "Diverse I mean."

DafneG finds her way out.
AidenY [webhead] asks, "is it, arnold?"

ElizabethHa [happy] arrives from nowhere.
Elizabeth's R2D2 follows ElizabethHa to here.
ArnoldM says, "getting more and more diverse"

ButhainaA exclaims, "amazing how the world is changing!"

ArnoldM says, "but having all those growing pains as well"

AidenY [webhead] says, "hello elizabeth"

ButhainaA says, "yeahh"

ElizabethHa [happy] says, "Hi--managed to get my cable up and now am
                           back online"

DonC says, "Yes, in some areas of LA Spanish is spoken as the first
            language of over 90% of the students."

ButhainaA says, "hi elizabeth"

AidenY [webhead] says, "that's why you'r happy, elizabeth"

DonC says, "Congrats Elizabeth."

DonC says, "I hope to have ADSL at home in a week or so."

ArnoldM says, "hi elizabeth"

ButhainaA says, "brb"

DonC says, "Now I have to do everything on the office machine."

ArnoldM says, "downloading with the speed of light...adsl"

DonC asks, "Is that what you're using Arnold?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "i'm using adsl"

ArnoldM says, "I am on a cable myself at home - fast enough too"

ArnoldM asks, "at home, aiden?"

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes"

ArnoldM says, "thats good"

DonC says, "No cable possible here since I live on campus."

ElizabethHa [happy] says, "Had dsl in Fl and cable here in CA (got back
                           last night late)"

ArnoldM asks, "permanently on campus?"

ElizabethHa [happy] says, "I don't see a lot of difference, though cable
                           is supposed to be slower once more users get

DonC says, "Yep.  Just a three minute walk home."

DonC says, "Strange I suppose."

DonC says, "But we got used to "compound" living in the Gulf."

ArnoldM says, "you are still sleepy stumbling into your classroom..."

AidenY [webhead] says, "yes, that would make a big difference if you've
                        got 3- more people log on to the internet at the
                        same time"

DonC says, "My first class isn't until 1:30 : )"

ArnoldM says, "oh"

ElizabethHa [happy] says, "What school is it, Don"

ElizabethHa [happy] asks, "?"

DonC says, "This is Shikoku Gakuin University -- a small private school."

DonC says, "About 2000 students."

AidenY [webhead] says, "I;ve got to go too, in a while, i have a class
                        at 10 am tomorrow morning"

ButhainaA says, "okay, guys, gtg"

AidenY [webhead] says, "thanks, buth for your time"

ButhainaA says, "have to prepare many things for tomorrow"

ArnoldM says, "bye, Buth"

ButhainaA says, "bye"

DonC says, "Bye Aiden, Buth."

AidenY [webhead] says, "bye buth"

AidenY [webhead] says, "bye guys"

ButhainaA says, "bye"

ArnoldM says, "bye aiden"

AidenY [webhead] says, "thanks arnold and don, and Bj"

You hear a quiet popping sound; ButhainaA has disconnected.
ArnoldM says, "it was a pleasure"

DonC asks, "Elizabeth, you were/are at CSUS, right?"

                            |                  |
AidenY holds up a BIG sign: | chat logs please |
DonC says, "Will do, as soon as I'm off."

AidenY [webhead] says, "bye and g'nite"

You hear a quiet popping sound; AidenY [webhead] has disconnected.

Disconnected from TAPPED IN on Sun Feb 23 06:44:13 2003 PST.

Feedback Time


Hi Aiden, it was very nice, the students were great, very talkative, and chat savvy.

Thanks for letting me share with them. I love the topic, and we could have been talking about it for hours.






Dear Aiden,

Here's the transcript. We will talk about this later I hope.
I enjoyed the session very much.

Bye for now,




Hi, Aiden!

Wow, it was a nice long chat today. Some interesting info.

We had to go when we were just starting an interesting discussion on why the
quality of students is dropping - their perspective. I think it was
Veronica. Anyway, it is in synch with week 6. Maybe we could arrange a chat.
Think about it and let me know.

Huga, Teresa



Hi, Aiden, and all,

I had a fabulous experience today with your students, all ready to participate actively and in an orderly way, and willing to do their best to make sure I understood the real meaning behind a name, and the reasons for its choice.
To break the ice, I wanted to know how they felt about their own names, which prompted personal explanation and differences, as to that between boys' and girls' names. It was a true interchange of ideas, since I was, sorry to say, almost ignorant of the importance of choosing a name and of the reasons underlying this importance, as well as of the significance this choice has, and the weight on the baby's life when the name is given. I had already been to the site Aiden had sent us to, but I preferred to pretend I knew nothing, and , in fact, it paid.
They produced lots of examples to prove the reasons for parents' concern in choosing a name and, as I showed true enthusiasm to learn, all the students were eager to help me, and to tell their own stories. I was happy to see they were interested in my knowing about the meaning of my name, and they even found me a Chinese name, based on words I had chosen...

Despite errors, communication was successfully achieved. Students helped each other when needed, and they were highly motivated, as they practised the language using different functions. As an experienced EFL teacher, I can personally add I've had many f2f conversation classes which proved less natural and more straining, and which did not obviously provide further possibilities for exploitation. This is an instance which definitely confirms the value of CHAT for language learning if properly directed, prepared and evaluated. Of course the addition of audio will complete the whole process.

Now, Aiden, some questions, if possible: Did you have a preparation phase? Was this group's first experience? Will you assign a task on the chatlogs?  (Sorry if I have missed previous messages with the answers) What was their own feeling about the experience?
And what about other meetings?

Look forward to reading more.
A thankful hug,



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