A proposal to webheads to participate in student-teacher meeting at Tappedin

Message 3106 (posted in Evonline2002_webheads Yahoo! Groups page)

This is in relation to Scott's posting on the transformation of f2f to online
form of instruction. Arif mentioned in his last posting, and I quote here, "I
have mostly used the online activities as supplementary to my courses and asked
my students experience online coursewares, e-portfolios, etc." In the same
spectrum, I also use CMC to augment my classroom activities while at the same
time providing students the opportunity to interact and participate in an
authentic form of discussion with people (in my case, usually, webheads
teachers) who are competent speakers of English (regardless of ethnicity). The
idea is to have the students speak out their thoughts and opinions about a
particular topic. Discussions in the classroom will then follow (the next day)
with chat logs and experiences in hand. So, this is what I have in mind.

I intend to bring 6 groups of students in Tappedin this Sunday, February 23,
12:00 noon GMT (that's 9:00 pm Japan, 10:00 pm Australia, etc)

Students: 4th year University Level, majoring in Applied Foreign Languages

Course: Advanced Communication Skills

Topic of Discussion: What's in a name?


To have a better understanding why and how Chinese names come about. Names
given to most Chinese people have meanings and many were based on fortune
telling and superstitions. But the most significant influence in this aspect
is the number of strokes a single character has. For instance, a character that
looks or sounds like "Si" with a strong downward tone is considered taboo
because the word means 'death'. It's considered an omen and therefore, brings
in bad luck. This topic is interesting because you will find out the trouble a
parent has to go through just to give his/her child a name, a name that would
ensure happiness and prosperity.


So, I invite new and the savvy webheads to join my students this Sunday. Each
group will have about 8-10 students. 1-2 webheads per group.


TappedIn. This is where you will be tested :-) I have an office in TI- AidenY's
office at East 802. You could use my office or you could also set up your own
office in TI, simply page in BJ Berquist, TI's helpdesk 'wonder' woman, hey,
she's a super-dooper webhead, too. Or go to http://www.tappedin.org for details.

What's in it for you?

You have wondered how some webheads teachers like myself have integrated CMC
into the classroom, well this is your chance to do the same. But, before
embarking on this online journey with your own students, you need practice,
you've got to test the water and see and experience for yourself what's it
like, how's it like. Besides, you get to open your own office in TI, for free.
How cool can that be? Bar none.

What's in it for students?

They get the chance to talk and be heard by intelligent folks like the
webheads. They'll be there to learn, and to have fun. They have done this
several times last semester, so they're familiar with TI's interface.

What's in it for me?

Definitely 'no dinero' (not even a dime in raise) but simply doing my job as a


Similar topic has been used and posted in efiwebheads by my students from
NKFUST, this time, the students from Shih Chien University will be doing this

If you're interested in participating, please let me know so I could assign

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Aiden Yeh

Teresa Almeida was the first to respond!


You can count on me! This is going to be fun. As much fun as the I had with
them about food.

Maybe I'll finally understand the names of two very nice Chinese students I
have this year!


Then was followed by Dafne Gonzales

I will be there, Aiden!
I think my Nook at TI could accommodate one your groups ;-) I will just move
plants and books to the corners, and send the pets with their friends for the
week end.
I will also hide the caipirinha bottles in one of the file's drawers.
Btw, I love the topic your students will be discussing about. I will be an
authentic audience with relevant questions whose answers I do not know


Then, Rita Zeinstejer

Count on me, Aiden, see you on Sunday.


Then, Arnold Muhren

Hi Aiden,

I can make it this Sunday at 12.00 GMT for an hour or so. You count on me
for taking care of a group, or teaming up with one of the veterans.
http://www.behindthename.com/ tells me that my name is 'eagle power'. I may
not be able to exercise my muscles enough this week to be worthy of it by
Sunday. But then - what's in a name?


Then, Don Caroll


Sounds like fun but could you remind me again what time on Sunday it
is scheduled for?

BTW, would you like us to stick closely to the topic of Chinese names
or would it be suitable to expand out into the importance of names in
general (for example research showing that teachers respond more
positively to students with certain names) or that certain names
carry with them stereotypes (John is perceived as "strong and
reliable but can be a little slow", Eric is "handsome but somewhat
conceited") or naming traditions in other cultures? Or even why
Chinese students often adopt Western names when other students around
the world do not.



Maria Jordano

Hi Aiden,

I have been talking to Daf, and she has convinced me about taking one of your
group. I have just opened an an office at tappedin, so that the meeting could
be there.

MariaJo Office
Is that ok?


That completes the matching! For groupings, check the list here.

Main page

Created 2/21/2003

Last Updated 2/20/2004

Copyright Aiden Yeh

