Authors and Books
The list below is provided to help people who are seeking genuine information and knowledge. The people/authors of these texts are either NOT Indian or are exploiting their people, as well as, those who buy, read, and/or believe it.!
Sun Bear
Ed McGaa
Lynn Andrews
Ruth Beebe Hill
Rolland Dewing
Brooke Schiavi/Steve Schiavi
Brook Medicine Eagle
Morgan Eagle Bear
David Swallow, Jr.
Tim Swallow
Harley Swiftdeer
David Wendl Berry
Heather "Moon Owl" Campbell
Joe Chasing Horse
Nick Wood/Sacred Hoop Magazine
Leo Rutherford
Twylah Nitche/Grandmother Twylah
Jamie Samms
Kenneth Meadows
Robert Ghost Wolf Franzone
Douglas Spotted Eagle
Sky Walking Stick Man Alone