Captain Dylan Hunt and his ship the Andromeda Ascendant are rescued by the Eureka Maru, an opportunistic salvage ship, after being trapped in the event horizon of a black hole for 300 years. Andromeda, the series, tells of their adventures, both physical and political, after their salvage.
**note from camarila** With both Captain Dylan Hunt (played by Kevin Sorbo, of "Hercules") and the gorgeous Tyr Anasazi (played by Keith Hamilton Cobb), I figure a girl can do no better than spending an hour a week watching this show! ( ok, ok, there are also beautiful women to watch for the guys)--Remember Tracy from "Forever Knight"? She (Lisa Ryder) plays Beka on the show, and then there is Andromeda "herself" played by Lexa Doig. (what a great sci-fi name!!)
And did I forget to mention that the stories are quite good, too??