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Lyrics- Here with Me

**note from Camarila:
After 3 seasons, the show is over. I loved the way they ended the story,
by making it an on-going one each fan can imagine for him or her self.
In my mind, it was a happy ending and a good show! I'll miss it.

Roswell was a show on the ŠUPN and is Štrademark of Regency T.V.
The show has recently been reshown on the ©Sci-Fi channel, and I'll leave this page up for people labelling their tapes!
**The midi playing is "Here With Me" by Dido:)
(to download, right-click on the above link.)
don't forget to check web-rings at the bottom of this page!

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*For Home Movies: "Transfer HomeVideo to DVD"
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and thanx for the link!