My Interests





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horizontal rule


Research area: CFD, Turbulent Flow, Multiphase Flow, Non-Newtonian Flow





  1. Hossain, A., Uttam Kumar Chakrabarti, Nasim Shahriar, and Md. Ehsan. "Development of a Mechanism for Mixing Two Different Gases at Constant Proportion for Variable Flow Rates. "Proceedings of the 6th Annual Paper Meet and International Conference” Institute of Engineers, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2000.(Abst.PDF)
  2. Hossain, A., Jamal Naser, A. M. K. McManus, and Greg Ryan. "CFD Investigation of Particle Deposition and Dispersion in a Horizontal Pipe." Third International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne, Australia, 2003.(Abst.PDF)
  3. Petkova, S., Alamgir Hossain, Jamal Naser, and E. Palombo. "CFD modelling of blood flow in portal vein hypertension with and without thrombosis." Third International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Autralia, 2003.(Abst.PDF)
  4. Hossain, A., and Jamal Naser. "CFD Investigation of Particle Deposition around Bends in a Turbulent Flow." Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, 2004.(Abst.PDF)
  5. Hossain, A., Jamal Naser, and A. M. K. McManus. "Extension of Analytical Turbulent Diffusion Model for Particle Dispersion and Deposition in a Horizontal Pipe Flow: Comparison with CFD Simulation." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (peer review). (Abst.PDF)
  6. Hossain, A., Jamal Naser, and A. M. K. McManus. "CFD Investigation of Particle Deposition in a Turbulent Flow: Horizontal Pipe Loop with Four Bends." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Submitted). (Abst.PDF)
  7. Hossain, A., Jamal Naser, and A. M. K. McManus. “CFD Investigation of Turbidity Spikes Movement in Unsteady Turbulent Pipe Flow." Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Submitted). (Abst.PDF)
  8. Langford, E., Alamgir Hossain, and Jamal Naser. “Modelling of travel path and residence time of sewage in the Port Phillip Bay”. In progress



Interest on Sports and Games Football (Soccer), Volley Ball, Cricket, Badminton, Chess, Cards, etc.



Writings, Reading are also my hobbies


My Writings


Students Development Program, Gatipara


  Certificate Awarded

Primary School Certificate 1984

Secondary School Certificate 1990

Higher Secondary School Certificate 1992

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 1999

Renewable Energy Education and Application for Rural Communities 1999

Doctor of Philosophy 2005






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