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Personal Details

Click here if you want to see my photo (much more will come later, at mid-2001!! P.S. At 2002: nope, mind changed.whoever did not see wedding photo should go somewhere else, not here!!).

My ID card at St. George

Name: Alan Chan
Year of Birth: 1980
Address: Somewhere in Epping, NSW 2121, Australia
Position: Database Systems Developer
Company working in: St. George Bank Australia
Phone number at work: 9236 3898
Country: Hong Kong (age <16), Australia (age 16-????) ;-) (see my future)

Weight: 56 kg
Height: 174.5 cm

Favourite Music Composer: Chopin
Second Favourite: Beethoven
Third Favourite: Liszt
Forth Favourite: Godowsky
Fifth Favourite: Schubert
Sixth Favourite: Mendelssohn
E-mail: Email me ...
Icq: 74245743 smiley


My University -- University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)

My course (pretty old, didn't update since Nov 2000!)

Bachelor of Science in Computing Science is an undergraduate course consists of 3 years of study and one year of industrial training. The study pattern is 2 years of study followed by one year of industrial training and then followed by the last year of study. The core subjects are run under the faculty School of Computing Science (SOCS).

I have now just finished the second semester (spring semester) of second year. Many aspects of computing was covered in the past two years, which included:

Starting from 4 Dec 2000 I'll be working in the industry in a "profession manner" as full time for one year. And then I will hopefully graduate at the end of year 2002 ...

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Cool Stuff

Music -- I mean piano music

My favourite composer is Frédéric Chopin (1810-49). Some other great composers are J.S. Bach (Baroque), Beethoven (Classical), Schubert and Liszt (Romantic), and Godowsky (Romantic & Modern). Click here to go to my music section. I'm sure you'll find lots of free sheetmusic and midi files to download :-)


Computer games


Rottus' Bricks
My level: Monopoly!

Author: Andreas Rottler
Link: Ahmet's Bricks Site

Bricks is a remake of the Polish 'Klocki' game. The original game was a small wooden board that could be arranged into several puzzles. The goal of the game is to move the blue Master Brick to a certain position. Sounds easy but it is a real brain teaser since you get more points if you need less moves.

The best of all: this game is free!! Just go to the site and download it! The Bricks community is consistently growing. Click here to the Bricks Statistics Page!.

Currently there are Bricks I (since Oct 98), Bricks II (since Jan 99), Bricks III (since May 00) and Bricks Jr. (since Sep 00) available (48 levels each). Plus there are some competition puzzles from which you can win cash prizes!!



Click to Enlarge!

Company: Psygnosis
Link: The Lemmings Compendium

Lemmings is a very popular computer game which has been available on the computer market for more than 10 years. The aim of the game is to save as many lemmings as you can by helping them with their journey. Lemmings is a very addictive game and once one starts to play it, it can be very difficult to stop. The appeal for the game may also have been generated because of its wide parental support. In contrast to other computer games on the market, it is not a violent game like Street Fighter 2 for example. Parents are therefore keen to buy it for their children. Click here to go to my Lemmings page!


Warcraft II

Exciting Warcraft II!

Company: Blizzard Entertainment

Warcraft II is a strategy game where the objective is to destroy your enemy whether your enemy is the computer opponent or another person. To destroy your enemy, you must build up a town and an army to attack. Click here to go to my Warcraft page!


Maths -- my favourite since I was born

I love Maths ... it's always interesting to solve tricky Maths problems. There is a collection of Maths problems for you to enjoy -- I mean suffer ;-)! If you still don't get enough after solving my problems, I'll suggest you to play with some IQ tests. All these will be found here.


Sports and Sydney Olympic 2000!

To be honest, I only like one sport -- jogging / running. I used to practise almost everyday ... but now I'm so lazy and just give up! Anyway thanks my friend Delong Tang for inspiring me to have fun with this! I enjoyed it very much in the past 5 years! The longest distance I "ran" ("covered" is a better word, but anyway ...) in a day was about 32km, with 600m of altitude change (which included 600m up and 600m down, since I went back to my starting place when finished). That was covered in about 7 hours, and the best, Delong was with me!! Great memory indeed :-)

To view more about sports, which includes info on Sydney Olympic 2000, my running records and the World Records in all track events and swimming events, please click here.

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Favourite Links

1. Astronomy / Geography

2. "Who wants to be a Millionaire" TV program:

3. Chinese Chess:

4. Games:

5. Literature:

6. Fun stuff:

7. Computer Graphics:

8. Crack Site:

9. Utilities:

10. Hiking in HK:

11. And ... "free commercial products site" ...

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Links to homepage of my friends

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Construction Progress

(Temporary removed)

Here you can see how much I have done (and how much needs to be done). I think the "Last" coloum is quite usful, when you want to know what pages are recently updated. Seems the most popular page is the Music page! OK I'll focus more on that ... next is my Bricks page, followed by this page ("home" page -- index.html). Since other pages are all under construction it's better not to visit them at the moment ;-)

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Free Files for Download!

Plus many sheetmusic dowbloads from my music page!

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© Alan Chan Created: 08/14/2000 Last Modified: 01/10/2002 20:59 (+11:00)