<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/alandmays/HOLY_000.MID" LOOP=INFINITE>
Prayer Request
You are a tree without fruit and a cloud without rain when you abandon your soul for the sake of gain.

When People backbite - Don't bite back!!!

Those who truly believe that God is their defense are those who are slow to take offense.

What you choose today will be tomorrow's memories,
Make it a good one!!!
E-Mail Me at: alandmays@yahoo.com

When you have burdens too big to bear, Take them to the
God who is not too big to care!!!

Satanic delusion or Spiritual solution?
Choose you this day!!!

Too many times we outwardly comply to what God has
said we are to inwardly resist.

Man is not blameless, For his conscience bears witnessto that,Man is not perfect, For his actions bear witness to that, But man is not helpless or hopeless, For the Blood of Jesus bears witness to that.

Whatsoever is not mutual becomes musty.

For the fear of being alone, many choose to live in the
house of pain.

Those who are constantly letting themselves down,
are those who are consistantly setting themselves up.

Change is not in one's proclamation,
It's in one's demonstration.

God is a just God, We serve a God of Justice,
When temptation comes, Just say No,
For the
Just - say - No.
Satan's goal is to impede with what God wants to impart.
Alan D. Mays