Remember My Chains Proverbs 24:17-18 Rejoice not when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles or is over thrown. Lest the Lord see it and it be evil in His eyes and displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him to expend it upon you the worse offender. I write this article with the hope that God through the Power of the Holy Spirit would speak to the hearts of all who read this and begin to see through the eyes of truth; the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and let God's Word be true and every man a liar. God's Word says that we learn Wisdom through His Word and costly life experiences. He says that we overcome satan by the BLOOD of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony. I write this article because of past experiences. I give all praise, glory and Honor unto the Lord our God through the Love and Power of the Holy Spirit. Because of God's Grace and Mercy I can speak faithfully, confidently, and Boldly and declare: Free at last, free at last: By the Blood of Jesus, I am free at last. Born again believers are in this world, but not of this world. When Jesus prayed for His disciples prior to His crucification; He did not ask God to take us out of this world; He asked that God keep them from being contaminated by the world.(It's methods of hearing,seeing,smelling,tasting,touching) We are told not to be comformed to this worlds way of operation but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Satan is a liar and the father of all lies and everything that is false. Do you realize how many millions of dollars are spent on tabloid magazines? The world feeds off of gossip. Their motto is: If it is not filthy enough; it will not sell. The number one enemy of God is sensationalism(flesh). How many times have you and I saw or read on the news about a criminal being arrested, tried, and convicted,and sentenced and say,"Burn them." They did the crime, they must do the time, give them the death penalty? Sadly to say, but I did. God's word says; Let him who thinks he stands;take heed,lest he falls. On Feb.2,1992, I being the man that had no compassion for criminals, became one myself. you see, hidden within my being was a dark perverted spirit. I was a master in disguise so I thought. Jesus said: There is nothing covered or hid that will not be brought out into the light. Darkness never has,nor ever will be able to exalt itself against God's LIGHT. I was sentence to 8 months in Prison for my crime. Now I found myself crying Out for mercy. Those who said they Loved me and were my friends, were no where to be found when I fell. Thank God for His remnant. He blessed me with a friend that stood by my side every step of the way. She never once looked down on me, yes she was hurt, but she never allowed her emotions to rise above pure love. I know that God has a glorious Crown waiting for her in Heaven. My friends are you aware that there are over two million people behind bars today,and the number is on an alarming rise. If you and I do not go and minister or support the prision ministries in prayer and finances,then who will? How many prisioners are dying everyday in their sin because we were to high and mighty to help them. Do you realize that when a church or a prision itself runs into financial crisis,the very first program or ministry that is cut back or completely eradicated is the prision ministry. I have been on the other side of the fence my friends. I am here to tell you that prision rehabilitation is a Joke. This is why you see so many criminals who get released from prison commit the same crime all over. The world has no idea what rehabitation is, Their answer is prescription drugs which only feeds their sickness even more. That is another issue in itself. Please never forget these words. These are from the lips of Jesus Christ who gave up His life for our sins. In Matthew 25:34-40 Jesus talks about those who will be in His Kingdom In Glory, they are those who do mighty exploits unto the poor. (those who needed food,drink,clothes,shelter, and those in PRISON). Jesus said in as much as you did it unto the least of these;you have done it unto me. If you will continue in Matthew 25:41-46 you will see what Jesus says about those who refuse to humble themselves and do these good deeds. The difference between those who do these things unto God, and those who do not do these things for God. Is this: Those who do recieve eternal life;those who do not ,eternal punishment. It is a dangerous thing my friend to fall into the hands of the Living God. Take time to read Luke7:36-50,It speaks about the woman who was a notorious sinner who fell at the feet of Jesus and annointed His feetwith her tears and an expensive perfume. The pharisees (religious people who are christians in name only) complained to Jesus about her, but Jesus said to the pharisees: Luke7:47-48,50: Therefore I tell you that her sins are forgiven her because she has loved much, but he who is forgiven little,loves little. he said to her, your sins are forgiven. Your Faith has saved you:go in peace! Wow! That my friend is compassion. Suffice it to say that many Christians might not be in a prison as far as the building goes, but they are in Prison in their souls. (mind,will,emotions) Psalm 142:7 - Bring my soul out of prison that I might praise your name. My friends I beseech you in the Name of Jesus that if you have ignored God's Word by rejecting the poor, to repent, confess, and allow God's grace and mercy to abound in your life. Though the crimes that people commit are hidious, The Blood of Jesus was shed for them too. I pray that you would get involved prayerfully and financialy in the prison ministries. If not us then who? if not now, then when? Remember, Jesus is crying out. Remember my chains. May God increase your wisdom,knowledge, and understanding in this matter. Keep yourself rooted and grounded in Love, not in your own strength; but the strength of the Holy Spirit saith the Lord. Golden Nugget God loves so much that he gave: therefore, let us give so much because we love. "Forgiveness is not a choice" It's a command Alan D. Mays |