C. V.  La declaración personal   *   C.V.  Le personnel déclaration   *    C.  V.  The personal statement
C. V.
C.V. The personal statement *  C. V. La declaracion personal  * C.V. Le personnel déclaration

= Alauddin Ramadan .
= Master of arts and criticism.
= Postgraduate studies and researches of Al-azhar university.
= Free researcher and poet.
= Born in Sahel Tahta city in Monday 12 January 1970.


-         Sequences; poems ; 
        ( Cairo: the General Egyptian Book Organization , 1993 ) .
2 -       The Walking at Ginnel of the Ancient city; poems ;
        ( Damas : Arab Writers Union, 1993 ).
3 -       Forest of Humming, poems
        (Cairo: the General Egyptian Organization of Culture Palaces, 1995).
4 -       Esthetic phenomenology in language of modern Arabic poetry
        ( Damas : Arab Writers Union, 1996 ).
5 -   The Beginning of the Colloquial Arabic Language and endeavour to dessist it  
        in : ADDARAH 
        ( an academic quarterly issued by: King Abdul Aziz research centre - Riyadh . KSA ) 
        No.4 ; year.19, Jan.-Mar.1994
6 -   Contemporary Colloquial Poetry  
     ( cairo : ARSproxy,1995 )
-     Criticism of the Structure at ABDUL-QAHER AL-JORJANI , Research 
        in : Alamat in the critic
        ( Jeddah : Literary Cultural Club Jeddah, March 1997 ).
8 -   Slipping from the silence to clamour
        Brevity Researches on the Attraction poems in Arabic Poetry , critical papers , 
        a special edition.
 9The Effects of the the Environment and the Social changes 
        on YAHYA HAQQI's Literature
        a special edition.
10 - a poems not sentimental perfectly , Poems, 
        a special edition.
11 - the Abbasian society picture in : 
        albukhalaa (The Misers) book book by Al-Gahiz ( 767-969 )
        The Supreme Egyptian Council for Culture , 2000


The Convention of M. H. ESMAIL literary 
                    ( Assut : a cycles appliance ).
The Convention of an egyptian literati in the cantons literary 
                    ( some egyptian cantons : a cycles appliance ).
The Convention of ATTAHTAWI literary 
                    ( Tahta : all cycles ). 
The First literary Conference  
                    ( Sohag :16-18 May 2000 ).
The Second Literary Conference  
                    (Al-Menya : 19-21 April 2001).

  And anther books
anther Convention

anther happened in my life