With its many remote and unspoilt landscapes,Albania has a remarkable variety of plants and also some of the last refuges of rare mammals and birds that have disappered from other regions of the Balkans.
In both cases ,distribution is largely affected by the division of the country into the lowland and highland regions with climatic conditions that are dominated by Mediterranen and continental influences , in each case.
The richnes and beauty of the countryside and forest has often provided both visitor and inhabitant with some happy distractions from the dificulties of Albanian life.
The extensive oak,conifer and beach forests provide a home for the wolf,the fox,the jackal and the ferret,while the higher pine forest contains the brown bear wolf,the pine marten,two kinds of wild cat , the lynx and the weasel.
Today are about 400 wolfes living in Albania.Roe deer ,chamois and wild boar are common in some areas.