7TH Day Sabbath Internet Ministry

Teachings of who we are in the Father and His Son, and who they are in us. Our walk with them now, and our hope in the future. Living in victory every day in all things by their strenght and power abiding in us. Mini Bible studies, and articles of faith gleaned from over 50 years as 7th Day Sabath believer. (Genesis 2:1-3)

We send out teachings, sharings that many Ministers in Africa have requested so they could teach their congregations, and evangelise with. You can receive them by subscribing to the E-mail list below. Since I send out most of the lessons under my name, and they call me as Mum/Mama/Sister Lois, and call my husband Papa or Brother Jack. I set the list up under my name because I send the teachings out. Below are some of the things we talk about or believe.

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We can't please everyone in how they believe about the names, titles or how they spell them. We will use the names and titles we understand and believe in. Please be courteous enought to just change them to what your faith is, and gather the gems and nuggets of truths in the articles. We use Yah [I AM] in place of the English word God, and Yah Shua [I AM Salvation ] in place of the english word Jesus, because He was Hebrew baby with a Hebrew name.

This started as a project for our son as a reference to the things we have talk about all of his life. It is also for those new to the faith, and meaty subjects for those more mature in their walk.


The Sabbath is it Jewish?

It was created on the 7th day by our Creator resting. Only two humans existed. Genesis 2:1-3
After the new heavens and new earth, the Sabbath will be kept. Isaiah 66:22,23
There remains a Sabbath rest for His children. Hebrews 4:9-11
Judah, the Jewish people didn't exist until after the flood through Jacob's son.
It is to be a joy, not doing our own pleasure.Isaiah 53:3
When does it start? Nehemiah 13:19
What did Nehemiah say about buying and selling on the Sabbath? Nehemiah 13:15-22
It was before the ten commandments were give. Exodus 16: Not to bear burdens on the Sabbath day.Jeremiah 17:21-
Matthew 12:8 Who is the Master (owner) of it?
Were the deciples keeping it long after the Messiahs death? Acts 13:14
Did the Messiah tell them to pray about something for the Sabbath that was to to come after He died, and before the end of time? Matthew 24:20
Was it still a custom to keep the Sabbath in Pauls time? 13:42,44


Who are they watching over? Hebrews 1:14
Who do they surround and minister to? Psalms 34:7, 91:11, Hebrews 1:14
Can we entertain angels and not know it? Hebrews 13:2


Laying on of hands for various things. Acts 28:8 - Acts 19:6
Who's name are we to anoint in? Mark 6:13
What are different reasons one is anointed? 1 Corinthians 1:21-22
The ill anointed in His name. James 5:14
Does it say we are sick due to sin, or IF we have sinned? James 5:15
Confessing our faults to one another and our healing. James 5:16 How powerful is prayer? James 5:16-18
If the anointing is upon us the Spirit will teach us.1 John 2:27


What are the steps we are told to do? What are we promised if we do? Acts 2:38
What are baptisms mention in Heb. 6:2 - Mark 1:8 - John 3:5 - Acts 1:5


What do we do when we fast? Matthew 6:17
In the Old Testament they did without food and water.

The Comforter - The Spirit Of Truth - Walking In The Spirit

Was a comforter to come after He left? John 16:7,8
What else was it called? John 16:13
Are we taught by the Holy Spirit? 1 John 2:27
Does the Spirit intercede in our behalf. Romans 8:26-27
Does it prays for us when we do not know what to pray for. Romans 8:26-27
What is walking in the flesh? Galatians 5:16-21
What is walking in the Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit? Galatians 5:16, 22-25
Are the gifts and powers different than the fruits? 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 1 Cor. 14:
Does each believer have one or more of the gifts of the Spirit? 1 Corinthians 12:11
Everyone is important regardless. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Are you put in the body as a certain part? 1 Corinthians 12:27
Why are we given gifts of the Spirit? 1 Peter 4:10;
Do you find a time table as to when these gifts are to stop? 1 Corinthians 13:10 (?)
Has that which is perfect come yet?

Death of the Saints

How our Father sees it. Psalms 116:15
When and how are we raised up? Matthew 24:31 - 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
How many times do we live and die?
Where will we spend eternity and what will it be like? Matthew 5:5 - Revelation 21:1
Who will the Saints reign with? Revelation 20:4

Choosing a mate & A Happy Family

It takes both being filled with the Holy Spirit, and walking in the Spirit to have a good marriage. The kind of love we must have. A chart where both of you can see these helps. 1 Cor. 13:4-8
Choosing a mate of the faith. 1 Corinthians 6:14
Live and love as brethren in how we treat our mates 1 Peter 1:8,9
Wives guidelines with unconverted mates. 1 Peter 3:1-6
Wives, be in subjection to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Colosians 3:18
Husbands role 1 Peter 3:7
Husbands don't be bitter against your wives. Colosians 3:19
It isn't lop sided, both the husband and wife have their part to do to dwell in unity. She isn't a door mat, he is to honor her as the Messiah does His bride, she to honor him as unto the Lord. You are brothers and sisters in the body of the Messiah.

What is said about our bodies now?

Coming soon.
What are we filled with?
What does it say about His Temple?
Are we called Holy, justified, glorified?

Who and what we are in the Messiah

We are a part of the body of the Messiah. Colosians 1:18, 2:19
His household Ephesians 2:19
A spiritual priesthood to offer what kind of sacrifices? 1 Peter 2:9
When we come up in the Messiah there is neither man/woman, slave/free, Jew/Greek.
We are spiritual children. Galatians 3:28

Spiritual Warfare

What do we fight? 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Our spiritual weapons. Ephisians 6:13-18

Who are we now? are we begotten or born again?

We are called a new creation.It is as if we were a new person. Galatians 6:15, 2 Corinthians 5:17
How we will know if we are born again of Him. 1 John 5:1,4; 1 John 3:9-10
Born again not of the flesh, but from the word of the Father. 1 Peter 1:23, l John 1:13
We are now called children of the Father.John 1:12-13, 1 John 2:29
Can we see our being born again or is it the inward man? John 3:8
We are called new born babes. 1 Peter 2:2
Choosen before the foundation of the world to be adopted. Are we adopted? Ephesians 1:5
We call Him Abba Father, a most intimate term a Hebrew child calls its male parent. Galatians 4:6
Who are we children of? The free woman or the slave woman? Galatians 4:28-31
A child is a fetus until it is born. We are refered to as now being His children.
We now are awaiting the change from motal to immortal. 1 Corinthians 15:52

Our Savior,Where is he now, What is he doing, Who is he to us?

He now is at the Fathers right hand side in heaven. Romans 8:34, Hebrews 1:3
He is making intercession for us in heaven before the Father.Romans 8:34
I have to accept the Son to get to the Father. John 4:44
What are some of the things He is to us other than Savior? Brother, High Priest, husband
Are we considered married to the Messiah? Romans 7:4
How much does He love us? John 3:16. John 15:9-11
To be loved by Him as the Father loves Him is hard for the mind to comprehend!

Our Saviors birth, when, where?

Our Saviors birth where was it? Matthew 2:1 Luke 2:4
Many teach He was born at the Feast of Tabernacles. FOT had to be kept at Jerusalem.
Why were they in the city He was born in? Luke 2:1-5
Bethlehem is a days walk from Jerusalem.
Bethelehem was the place where the passover lambs were born, raised and sold.He was to be our passover lamb.
The Savior was foretold about in the OT Isaiah 42:1-4,6,7,8   -  Isaiah 53:1-12
Where is He now and what does He look like? Hebrews 1:3   -  Revelation 1:12-18
Who was creator of all things? Psalms 33:6, Revelations 4:11, Epheseians 3:9, John 1:3
Who is our Master, and what about being called Rabbi? Matthew 23:8, 10
What does it say about Him being our High Priest? John 13:13-14

Lord of our life

Our English word means one with authority or controll, master, cheif, or ruler
Have to confess Him eith our mouth as our Lord Romans 10:4,9,10,13
He is ruler over all things now.Matthew 28:18
The Father gave Him everything. Luke 10:22
HE was given power over all people. John 17:2
All the Father has is His. John 17:10

Our atonement

He gave His own life as our sin sacrifice. Hebrews 7:24-27, 9:12-14
More verses coming.

Being fruitful, Using our talents and gifts

John 15: We must bear fruits or we will be cast off.
Our reasonable service. Romans 1:1-3>
Responding to others needs in the Assembly is a Ministry. Romans 1:4-21

What is the Gospel?

What is the Goodnews? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 10:9-13;
Who has blinded their eyes? John 12:30-41
Who else is the good news hid from and who hides it? 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

The Mystery, Seceret, The Promise

What is the mystery? Ephesians 3:6
What is the secret: Ephesians 2:2-3
What is our promise is. John 6:40
What happens to those who fall away? Hebrews 6:4-6
What were the basic principles and what were they to do next? Hebrews 6:1-2

Witnessing to unbelivers

We should always be ready to give an answer for our hope. We are also to speak with gentleness, our words be seasoned with salt perhaps He will give them repentance. Colosians 4:5,6 - 1 Peter 3:15 - 2 Timothy 2:24, 25

Soldiers - War

Soldiers were told to do no violence to no man. Luke 3:14
Revelation 13:10

Worship and praise

Praying, praise and thanksgiving.
Bowing of heads.
Lifting of arms in prayer and praise. 1 Timothy 2:8; Psalms 149:3
How David worshipped adn please our Father.
Nothing impossible for my Father to do for me. Luke 1:27 - Matthew 17:20 - Matthew 19:26
What the will of my Father is for me. John 6:29, 40

Coming soon.

What is it like around the throne in heaven?
What is the foundation we must build on?
Where do we find principles of life like growing crops, marrying of kin?

Other topics of interest to 7th day believers  


  Every day life has taught me so many things our Heavenly Father and my walk with Him.

For more of these articles go to

Mary's Treasures of Jott'em Downs  
Walking With The Master - Teaching articles  


© All rights reserved 1999 - 2007 Jack and Lois Bierman, Alive In Him 7th day Sabbath

We are not a Church, or affiliated with any Assembly or Church group. Just a husband and wife sharing our faith of over 50 years. We do send out lessons and inspirational articles to those who want to be added to the mail list. Send your request to. aliveinhim7thday at gmail dot com


We do not have literature, funding for vaious projects, support for your family or Church, nor do we have Missionaries to send out. This is an Internet Ministry only.

You may freely share articles, but they may not be included in anything that is charged for. Our names have to be on them if they are articles other than a list of Bible verses.

Please notify us of the use of an article if published. Jack & Lois Bierman. Due to email harvesters to write me replace the at with @ and dot with .
aliveinhim7thday (at) gmail (dot) com

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E-mail: Aliveinhim7thday (@) gmail (.) com