Satanasutra - Do What Thou Wilt
Order of The Black Dragon


~ S A T A N A S U T R A ~
Temple of The Flesh

By Draconis Blackthorne

Table of Contents

1. Note: The following procedures are the result of personalexperimentations that I have found to be enormously effective, & may contribute to the empowerment of the Magician. Practice for your Pleasure & Power!
2. Note: The following procedures may be used in conjunction with The Lust Ritual from The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey during the "creative darkness" portion.
3. Recommended preliminary rite: "L'AIR EPAIS: The Ceremony of The Stifling Air" from The Satanic Rituals by Anton Szandor LaVey.
4. Pre-requisite / highly recommended reading: 120 Days of Sodom by The Marquis DeSade. The reader is responsible for his or her logical application of the ideas in the tome. May be used in conjunction with the following rites. The illegal activities therein are not condoned. Discriminate with care.

The Devil's Concubines

This chapter deals with alternative relationships which offer commitments {spouses; "soul-mates"}, & non-commitments {lovers}, depending uon the type of person considering them. Some need the emotional security of of committal, while others necessitate the hormonal spontinaety of the moment. One is neither "better" than the other - they are merely different.

In cultures stemming back for countless centuries, males & females of great wealth & position have kept concubines to entertain &/or serve them. An example may be taken from great rulers in history. Most had several courtesians, wives, or mistresses. Sultans, shieks, maharajas, kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, dutchesses, barons, baronesses, counts, countesses, & other noble & aristocratic persons have preserved & still practice the tradition unto this day. In Europe after the reformation, when it became morally "wrong" to keep a mistress, there is still an unspoken admiration, & fascination for such secret practices. The counterpart nobility & royalty in democracies, such as senators, congressmen, leaders, & presidents, have regularly, yet as of yet covertly, engage in coitus with persons other than their avowed spouses.

In these days, when many females have achieved as much as males, & greater opprotunities for women have become the catylist for progress & change, femmes have indeed indeed earned the right to live life free from traditional handicaps which for far too long have reigned. Females have chosen their own roles, be they submissive or not, & have been recognized as people, instead merely as trophies kept in stricly domestic roles. Just as males have been sovereign over their harems, so females may be also.

The reason why the word "mistress" has carries a negetive connotation, is because he, & sometimes he, is thought of as a "home-wrecker". This being because, the mental thought mode is programmed to think that the only way to live is with only one spouse. And anyone from the "outside" has been regarded as an intruder. Because of legal &/or vindictive reasons, it may be better to have many wives, instead of many mistresses. In a progressive & purely practical ay of thinking, that word may cease to exist, & the typical animosity eliminated. It must again be stressed here that I Am referring to those of who polygamy & polyamoury come natural. For some, it is not - even those who have never been exposed to the prevailing religions of the day. Indeed, many Atheists would feel highly uncomfotable with someone else besides their documented spouse sharing their beds. But the role of concubine can even be played out by one's own permanent partner.

All too common is the first infatuation, then the compulsion to marry, & then eventual seperation, because the feeling has faded away. But because they carry the trained monkey of guilt on their programmed conciouses, they see no other recourse. Divorces abound because of these strict, obsolete rules & idiotologies imposed in a blindlight society since infancy. One must have all options presented before them, choose which one is most beneficial emotionally, mentally, & financially, for prolonged relationships. Passing lovers need not be so emotionally evaluated {besides deciphering stalking compulsions} - but physically, certainly.

Mistresses are not necessary in religious cultures where polygamy is the norm. Therefore, there are no legal or "scandalous" ramefications, & no guilty taxation upon the concience. Only in stringent societies, such as those in the western world {translaion: predominantly J/C societies}, is polygamy considered abnormal or "sinful". In the same way someone from a Judeo-christian background may frown upon those who engage in open relationships & extended families, others in parallel lifestyles will consider the abstinence of the other as bizarre just as well. They may even be considered inferior, or peasantly.

Speaking totally practical, more & more people are realizing the viable alternative of a polygamist relationship. It can offer monetary security, not to mention mutiple-fantasy desires. Three heads are better than two, four better than three, etc. To those predisposed, it can be quite a beautiful familial experience having several mutually gratifying persons adore eachother so. After all, everyone is not a stranger, & their sexual habits become known, thus, a clearer vision is drawn as to their activities, & catcing an STD becomes geatly decreased, "Keeping it in the family", as it were. Plus, with already enforced prevention, contracting said STD is virtually impossible, unless someone is dishonest. That said, the key IS honesty.

Upon entering into a multiple relationship, in the beginning, there may be deep-seated subconcious emotions of guilt &/or resentment, that have been programmed into the mind by seasons of conditioning, into what the former society has considered as being the norm. It must then be honestly assuaged whether or not it is indeed programmed, or unnatural for one. Much meditation must be engaged here. However, when one has experienced the warmth & compassion that an extended family can bring, one will no longer feel thratened, but rather, delighted at the developing strong bond that shall be formed. Thus, a "grace period" should be afforded to those experimenting with their true natures - a veritable courtship.

What, it may be inquired, is the positive alternative lifestyle for offspring? Total unconditional love by more than usual. The little ones shall be fortunate that there can be severalwho can provide them with the attention they so may crave, besides playmates. They will gin a deeper understanding of how to relate with others of their kind, to be curtious & polite. Their inherant Satanic natures will dictate any interaction with the herd, which would be most likely manipulative.

If you wish to adopt polyamoury into your sex life, congratulations for making a responsible decision which will bring a deluge of pleasure & joy unto you. Here is an instructive word of manditory advice:

First of all, find yourself a soul-mate. That is to say, as person who will provide the romantic, as well as the lustful aspect to a "yolking". After this emotional stability has been dually established, the explorations may begin supporting eachother throughout the sensual adventures. One may help the other attain fantasies with others whom one may not necessaruly some into contact with, or perhaps one has a better way of expressing such desires to receptive people. What one lacks in a certain area, the other can provide. In social situations, you will have eachother to cooperate with, & demonstrate, when sharing your sexual opinions, to others that such an alternative is successful, & the two of you are testimony of such. Many lovers may pass through your lives, but they are only lust. Just preserve your soulmate at all costs, for they are priority, thus avoiding the pain of unnecessary loss. Perhaps you may even find an additional soulmate who may intergrally fuse with the two of you. This is how the extended family begins.

The Devil's Concubines may either male or female, depending upon their lords' & ladies' dispositions. The Devil's concubines have become so, because of their own free will, & are not forced in any way to submit to overbearingness. They are consenting & willing "sex-slaves" that derive pleasure from being dominated. They are not required to submit to anything that they do not truly wish to.

The concubines contribute the family formed in total agreement with their Master or Mistress. For thoe who enjoy being passive, as in subs, their Lord is always ready & willing to give the orders & administer punishment when needed. For those who enjoy being in command, the concubines are willing participants in mutual pleasure.

All in all, it can be said that polyamoury is one of several gateways to pleasure & prosperity. Concubines are a fun option.

Table of Contents

The Temple of The Flesh, The Noctuary Chambre, & The Harem.

The Temple of The Flesh

The Temple need only be one's "castle". That is to say, one's privately owned space, where anything & everythaing can, & does happen. The temple may be set up in a regular home, as long as there is a section for the Noctuary Chambre.

The Noctuary Chambre

The Powerhouse of Magic. Central of operations. Epicentre of Sorcery. When one enters therein, the limited physical dimension is forsaken for the Might of the omnipotenet mind. It is the material containment of metaphysical wonders. Here, there are no limits.

Shall be adorned with ideal tapestries, idols. portraits, which shall erve to inspire the Magician to perform optimum feats of Magic, & provide a total environment conducive of Omnipotence.

Most all the Magic can be performed wither indoors or outdoors. If outdoors, should be by a creek, &/or waterfall, &/or grove of trees, cave or grotto, &/or at a lake or oeanside, or atop a mountain amongst cumulus clouds, or even in one's own back yard. And all of these done by night. A temporary shelter, or tent-like structure may be erected for wooded locations.

Anything pertaining to your victim or desired one {relics/fetishes, such as jewelry, nail-clippings, hair, clothing (although results do not soley depend upon these knicknacks); & one's created images}. In all, it is better to virtually "have them in the room with you", meaning, that the closer to their likeness, the better. For an elaboration, consult The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. Allow as many of your senses to be stimulated as possible, the purpose being for super-sensory saturation.


Spells for Love & Lust

Conjuration: Visualize the Succubus &/or Incubus Daemons manifesting within the Pentagram, After charging them to do your bidding, merge & BECOME them.

Use your imagination to the fullest. Experience the totality of the senses - smell the scents, feel their body moving below or above yours, their hot, panting breath upon you, taste the sweet salts of their skin, see them writhe in ecstacy with glazed eyes, listen to their moans & sensuous babblings.

The Black Book of Shadows
Also, keep a file of all the results of the Magical workings. Enemies who have been punished, romantic & sexual desires attained, & compassionate spells fulfilled. Also preserve a "blacklist" of those who have yet to be destroyed.

Malefik Musick

Appropriate musick may accompany the rites. All classical music is suitable. Other varying effects of wicked tone, & Halloween sounds are effective. Basically, anything that sets the Magical mood & does not disturb the Magical flow of the proceedings. The Magician is eclectic in his/her musical appetites, using a wide spectrum for the desired emotional outlet, that will surface the metabolic energies. It is a matter of musical taste - used appropriately, anger, sorrow, & sexual wanting can be brought to their summits to genrate a transmittable force which is the essence of Magic.

Move your body in motion with the musick at hand. Whatever act you are performing, speed up or slow down the friction in accordance with the rhythms. It is recommended to select pieces which contain combinations of both ponderdous & furious conductions & instrumentations. And above all, USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

At the conclusion of an operation, do not be surprised to hear & smell certain sounds & odours that may linger on for several minutes, hours, or even days. I have found that the scent of roses usually follows a compassion ritual. Sounds of heavy breathing &/or painful groans may post-accompany the working of a curse, This phenominon occurs because the Warlock or Witch have left an imprint on the Ethers, the Magical atmosphere, & this emotional imprint continues to move even after the initial ritual had been concluded. Also, the screams & shrieks of pain & pleasure are those of the victim, heard within The Noctuary Chambre - an open telepathic & psychokinetic channel.

The Harem

Ideally, this would be a seperate chambre within The Temple of The Flesh, although I have found that this would be more for cosmetic reasons - there is no reason why it cannot also be the Noctuary Chambre as well. Herein, is the Fantasy Room, where all manner of romp is played, merry feasts are enjoyed while viewing the entertainments, which may included any variety of delights - films, musick, or live action. Ideally, a throne is prepared for the Priest &/or Priestess, who shall take the prominant position, or a dual throne, accomidating both. Guests & concubines shall be seated comfortable upon cushions pillows, & other chairs. Sociable familiars will roam freely about the premeses, secret passwords may be used for entrance, Guards/Sentries/"Gatekeepers" may be stationed at the front doors, along with hellhounds, &/or surveillance cameras, & a fortress gate. All to insure guarenteed privacy of those in attendance. Make the best within your ability. To sum up, The Temple is "olde world" in architecture & aesthetics, & "new world" in technology & ideas.

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The Osculum Infame
Besse Infame

Optional: Showing unashamed allegience to the precepts of Satan. Traditionally, this practice of kissing the Devil's hindquarters is a gesture of respect, praise, worship, what have you. It also symbolizes one's rejection of blindlight mandates, & the suffocating repressions of religion. The theatrical visage of Satan represents one's own selfish, animal nature. The highest development of the ego. This psychodramatic act impresses deeply into the subconcious, replacing the whiteplague dogmas programmed in the brain in formative years.

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Satantric Communion

Injesting the Demonseed directly from the empathic Priest/Priestess. To partake of the very essence of Satan, who is pure Lust & Desire, The Satantric Communion consists of enducing pleasure as an act of bonding with the essence of Satan. The act of communion is the absorbtion & intake of the Diety, which is personafied in oneself, & in the incarnation of Satan {ceremonially, The Priest & Priestess}. At the high point of the rite, the celebrant will partake in the Satantric Sacrament, which is the pleasure of intercourse. Sexual preference will dictate either the Priest or the Priestess, or both. This represents the ratification & confirmation, & will be indulged in after the scroll has been read, & sent into the ether. Following the Satantric Sacrament, if there are others present, they shall then partake of it themselves, & initiate the orgiastic Sacrament. All will partake their fill.

Table of Contents

Satantric Baptism

Anointing of Satan's seed upon the cardinal points of the body. From the Priest, the male Incarntion of Satan, the demonseed shall be drawn out, by fellatio performed by the neophyte. Upon ejaculation, the semen shall be anointed upon the body of the initiate's body. The Priestess, the female incarnation of Satan, sits upon the throne spread-legged, labia majora & minora exposed. The neophyte performs cunnilingus upon her until orgasm occurs. The Lubricant shall be tasted, & anointed upon the forehead & genitalia in the form of the Pentagram. As for both, a secondary purpose is developed. The ability to induce oral pleasure by orgasm. This teaches both the selfish gratification of accomplishing the proficiency, & stimulating the unselfish balance upon the Priest &/or Priestess. Mutual Gratification.

Table of Contents

Orgasmancy {Group or Solo}: Rituals utilizing Sex as a means of manifesting the will. I.e., Telepathy, weather manipulation, Telekinisis, E.S.P. Powerful Magic is created when a Witch & a Warlock engage in coitus, besides deriving the pleasure. Through the intense sensation of orgasm, the mind motes into an incredibly transmittable force. At the point of orgasm, both may concentrate upon a wish desired to the person or persons it is directed towards. In Satantra, sex is considered a sacrament, an infernal gift from Nature.

Table of Contents

Invocations of The Daemon Gods & Goddesses of Lust: Amon, Asmodeus, Pan, Dionysius, Lilith, Venus, Aphrodite, Bast, Astaroth, Bast, Ishtar, Naamah, Sabazios, Baphomet.

[Note: If there are other purpose for utilizing Orgasmancy {i.e., Destruction, Compassion, Wealth}, include appropriate names therein.

Satantric Locations

Graveyard: For the recognition of the great dichotemies of Abstinence/Indulgence. Coffin/Crypt/Mausoleum.

Upon The Satantric Altar: Orgasmancy.

Upon a blindlight altar: Blasphemy & sacrilege; Satantric Black Mass. Sexual Liberation & mockery of religious & foolosophical impotence. Also may be done in a confessional.

Within The Pentagram: Upon the floor of The Ritual Chamber. Many different techniques to indulge in, with one or more partners.

{Note: All of the above must be practiced within The Pentagram - either traced upon the grounds or on a cloth brought along with Pentegram print.}

Replacement of Texts

"Le Messe Noir" Black Mass {The Satanic Rituals by ASLV} ceremony recommended with the following four indications.

The Trampling of the Cross: {optional} For those who neccessitate a demonstration of liberation to fully purge the psyche of blindlight influences.
The Replacements of Texts: The xian babble exchanged for Satanasutra.
Receiving The Devil's Mark: {Tattoo or Branding optional}. Acceptance of Pentagram ring or medallion mandatory.
Satantric Sacrament: Symbolic "sacrifice". Coital confirmation of the lustful ways of Satan.

Table of Contents


I. When the couple is engaged in coitus, the male shall remain in the female for 1/2 an hour, the two holding one another lovingly, staring deep into one aother's eyes, their warm bodies pressed against one another's. After the end of that segment, or post-foreplay, the relaxed muscles suddenly become dynamically awakened, thus causing a great orgasm. The reason being, because the emotional & mental has congruently merged with the physical. The same may be done for oral sex as well. The female may hold the male in her mouth for a while, breathing through her nostrils, both lovers relaxed. After ten to fifteen minutes or so, she may begin active fellatio, feeling him pulsating & growing in her mouth.

II. When dining, view the food as being the luscious body of the one whom you desire. Even construct the food to image certain body parts, & play with them. With ingestion, fully absorb their essence. A red candle may be implemented with a mirror, for ritualistic & psychodramatical purposes. Females may even wish to play further, & insert the edibles before eating.

The Satantric Mass


Purpose and Description: A Rite of dedication unto The Forces of Darkness, Satan, {also Pan-Dionysis, Venus-Aphrodite-Hathor} as The Lord of Lust, and Lilith, as the Goddess of Lust, a gesture of devotion to the precepts of The Earth and The Flesh. Unlike the traditional Black Mass, there is no blasphemy present in this ceremony, as it is a rite of pure Satanism, without influence from the blindlight. This text is based from the liturgy of Le Messe Noir provided in The Satanic Rituals by Our Founder and High Priest I, Anton Szandor LaVey. While a Black Mass serves to exorcise white-light influences from the Satanist, a Satantric Mass is used as an affirmation of lust and passionate life. The Nine Satanic Statements, The Nine Satanic Rules of The Earth, and The Nine Satanic Sins by Anton LaVey are utilized herein as an empowering affirmation, and as an exercise in diabolical meditation.

The ceremony is separated from a "Satanic" to an erotic "Satantric" rite according to the options provided, so discriminate with care. Consider the erotic film "Traci, I Love You" for additional suggestions.

To fully understand the procedures herein, accompany it with your copy of The Satanic Rituals and follow along appropriately.


Date and Time: May be performed whenever one feels the need to do so.

Indications: Ceremony initiated and concluded according to the standard procedures outlined in The Satanic Bible by ASLV.

Clothing: Black robes worn by male participants; fetishistic attire and costuming worn by female congregants, which may be temporarily obscured by cloaks until disrobing occurs.

Lighting: Candlelight provided by black and red candles, and/or black and red artificial lighting.

Tools: All as described in Le Mess Noir from The Satanic Rituals, with the exception of The Offertory consisting of a piece of delicious pastry, preferably Devil's Food cake {or some jelly or cheese-filled pastry} and wine {or whatever other philter is desirable to the pallet}. Chamber pot may not be necessary, and for this rite, is optional. A prosthetic phallus provided by the Priestess. May be two-headed or harnessed.

Musick: Compositions as indicated in The Satanic Rituals by ASLV and "The Church of Satan" by Mga. Blanche Barton, as well as choral and instrumental, or even select Metal, if so desired.


Page 38: Replace "I acknowledge and confess my past error, renouncing all past allegiances..." with "I further confirm my devotion to the laws of Magic and The Flesh, and indulge in all manner of delights..."

Page 42: The Canon: Where the special purpose of The Mass is mentioned, replace with "In concert this night we ask for Thine Undefiled Wisdom and perspective in regards to [purpose]". A parchment may have been prepared stating a desire, or a sermon may be recited / essay read.

Page 43: Option 1: For The Satantric Mass, willing congregants disrobe and perform cunnilingus upon the "nun"/neophyte. She may be bathed in a portable tub. If neophyte is male, fellatio is performed. As to both, the option of the "Besse Infame" {analingus} may be performed.

Option 2: Section may be skipped altogether, or Priest/Priestess may masturbate if solo, otherwise, a congregant/s shall bring him/her unto climax.

Page 44: For the Benediction of The Symbol of The Rod of Life, besides aspergent, the phallus may serve as the aspergent, with the seed previously drawn forth shaken for aspergence, which may also be inserted into the mouths of four human vessels who kneel at the directional points within the Pentagram. If the Priestess performs the Benediction, she may use either an athame or a prosthetic phallus after insertion into her vagina.

Page 44: The Consecration: "Hoc Est Corpus Jesu Christi" may be replaced with "Hoc Est Corpus Satanas". "Hoc Est calix voluptatis carnis", is replaced as well instead of "Hic".

Page 46: Replace with "Deliver us, O Mighty Satan, unto glory, victory, prosperity, and the pleasures of Thy domain..."

Page 46: The Repudiation and Denunciation may be replaced with the recital of The Nine Satanic Statements, The Nine Satanic Rules of The Earth, and The Nine Satanic Sins. Gong will be sounded to punctuate the pauses between the doctrines. Titles will be read by The Priest.

Page 50: Option: Celebrant may anoint Altar Girl with the Offertory upon the vagina and breasts, to be licked clean by the celebrant.

Page 51: Female congregants may kneel before male congregants and perform the Satantric Communion of fellation, and vice-versa of cunnilingus, then receive The Satantric Sacrament of Coitus, inclusive of sodomy, if so desired. Orgy may ensue with all manner of perversity.

Page 52: 19th Enochian Key read with Cornu motioned towards The Baphomet. Any additional keys may be appropriately recited as well as "The Diabolitudes" {The Satanic Bible, page 34, Chapter 5}.

~ E N D E ~

Table of Contents

.~ Satantric Ceremony ~

Satantric Invocations


The mighty obelisk tears beyond My skin, vibrating in fierce quelling, spilling forth the daemon seed that explodes, likened molten lava, shaking the earth by its very foundations, as thoughts of _________ blaze in My mind! Great travellers between dimensions, come this way through the Trapezohedron, enter through this gateway & listen to My words!I Am the channeller to which you shall go forth upon the fleeting steppes of the night winds & carry My words unto the mind of My desired! Gently do I whisper My wishes into her mind, & she is powerless to resist. The rod which is the Pillar of the Earth quakes with violent thunder, & thrusts upwards into the dreamworld where My beloved resides. And upon it, is writ her name: _________! The Great serpent keeps her within an unbreakable trance. So deep shall that rod plunge into her substance, that it shall not be removed unless besides My will. Even now, she is ensnared within My web! She dreams of Me in reckless & wild abandon, craving My flesh to press against hers! The sword shall nestle warmly into her scabbard of lust! How she maketh My mouth to water to taste of her sweet nectars!


The cavern opens wide for that male who is imprisoned in a cage of frozen flesh! Let the heat which generates from the bowels of earth melt that mind & thaw his lust, spilling forth the warm waters upon My eager flesh! Listen to its sound, thou formless ones, & follow the perfume of My lust that shall lead you through dimensions of Darkness to this place of My pleasures! I call thee here as a sister in lust, to subject My desired to My every wish & whim! His name is thus: _________! My bosom is filled with the veritable milk of lust which seep from the vines of life! Take My beautiful form & burn it into his mind! Let him see every contour of My body glowing by the black flames of Satan! I Am now become the food of his lust, as he lustfully hungers for every inch of My cleavage! Feel the vibration of My blood as it pulsates through the tunnels of My flesh! I Am become as the pools of desire, prepare him to drink of its luscious waters! Break any reservation that he holds, & deliver him unto Me for My jovial debaucheries! The rose burns with rivulets of sweet honey cascading along moist pedals awaiting him to taste of these forbidden fruits!

Go out into the night & enter that bed of where she/he sleeps, & deliver this message thereunto!

{Now place the sword back upon the altar. Now gazing at the representational sacrifice, or the person you wish to bewitch, read aloud the scroll you want them to hear. After reading, place the scroll into the flames. The message will go forth into your beloved's dreams & subconcious. The moment they awaken, they will be thinking lewdly of you. Now say:}

Hear My voice as it echoes across the chambers of Lust! Come forth, beautiful demon from the Netherworld in all thy radiant splendour! Grant unto the flesh of she/he whih I most ardently desire!

{Now visualize yourself as being the following proclaimed manifestation of the Incubus or Succubus, travelling forth unto your desired, floating above their bed, then descending upon them in passionate, & ravenous lust.}

I Am The Incubus / Succubus!

{Now enter The Harem & perform the Orgasmancy either with your partner (Witch or Warlock), or solo. Say:}

As sure as the sun shall set in the West, & moon rise in the east, so shall your flesh be mine! I shall peform all manner of lust upon you, & there shall be no limit to our boundless revelry! Even now as I speak, you feel that tremendous ache between your thighs, longing to touch Me! From now on, your every thought is of Me, in your waking & sleeping hours henceforth, I shall be that vision which stimulates thine animal urges to celebrate the ancient sacrament of indulgence! May the flesh prevail!

{When you return to the Noctuary Chambre, take up the chalice, & give the benediction of the Cornu, tracing the pentagram over it, uttering the Words of Power:}

In Nomine Satanas, Potentiam Inferus!

{Lift chalice towards The Baphomet reciting:}

Hail Satan, full of Might! Lord of Lust, Thy strength is mine, I drink of the ecstacies of Pleasure & Life!

{Drink. Place chalice back on altar.}

Great Satan, ever permeating force of Magic, exhaulted art thou throughout the earth, permeating all flesh!

{Bow, & end the rite in the standard manner}

Do not dwell upon the thought of having sex with that person after this ritual is performed. Because obsessing over it effects the emotionalizing done in the chamber. Simply go about your business in total confidence.

Table of Contents

The Satantric Sacrifice
by Draconis Blackthorne


This rite is for several to hold one person upon a pedistal of lust & desire. Can be performed in a "dungeon", Noctuary Chambre, or another specialized place of the flesh. All attention is to be directed at one person in particuar, for this is to be THEIR night of sensual worship. They shall perform every fantasy they ever dreamed of.


  • Standard implements outlined in The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.
  • Acquire a statue, or statuette, or tapestry, or a picture of the great God & Goddess Baal, or Priapus, or Aphrodite, or Venus, or Dionysis, or Amon, or Lilith, or Pan, & place it in an exhaulted position in the room.
  • Torches or candles may be used to illuminate the room, or lighting effects such as red, blue, violet, strobe, or a combination of all of these.
  • Use erotic music of your choice.
  • Any extra devices such as oils, sweets, liquids, or other stimulants, including sex toys, can be used also.
  • A "Cup of Abominations" containing a sensual ointment of your choice.


  • This rite may be performed by two or several participants. Either one consenting female & several males, or vice-versa, or even the same sex, if so desired.
  • Cover the bed or altar with red or black satin/silk sheets & pillows.
  • The Exhaulted One {mock "sacrifice"} is to be comfortably placed either upon a prepared throne before the altar, or laying upon the Altar itself.
  • Ceremony begun & concluded in the standard manner as outlined in The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.
  • Part I to be performed by the Priest for the Priestess/Exhaulted One.
  • Part II to be performed by the Priestess for the Priest/Exhaulted One.

~ I ~

{Priest holds Sword aloft}

Priest: This is the symbol of the flesh! A mighty rod climbing to the reaches of the heavens! A pulsating shaft of quelling desire & curdling serum! A probing serpent eager to let forth venom! See this sweet sacrifice upon the altar, a delicate flower ready to be picked! The moist folds of her nether regions beg for exploring vessels of rock pillars & erect members! The soft glow of her beauty is a luciferic light in the midst of the darkness of the black flame! Let us exhault her flesh!

ALL: Let us exhault her flesh!
Priest: Let us know her flesh!

All: Let us know her flesh! We exhault her form since the beginning of civilization & knowing! We all shall partake of that which is pleasurable & forbidden to those without. We live as the ancient ones & practice the natural laws of life & desire! We are heathen, with pride & strength of mind, body, & will!

~ II ~

{Priestess holds Phallic Symbol aloft. Gong sounds}

Priestess: This is the symbol of the Rod of Life! The tool of which We have come to be! And we have that which it most desires! A warm & cozy cavern of lust! Our clefts burn & drip with the intoxicant of perfumed pleasures! We possess the Power to control the minds of men through the mesmerizing movements of our bodies! See this sacrifice upon the altar, we shall not lay waste his flesh! See the hardened flesh of this nubile sacrifice! We shall enjoy this gift with wild abandon! Let us exhault his flesh!

All: Let us exhault his flesh!
Priestess: Let us know his flesh!

All: Let us know his flesh! We exhault his form since the beginning of civilization & knowing! We all shall partake of that which is pleasurable & forbidden to those without. We live as the ancient ones & practice the natural laws of life & desire! We are heathen, with pride & strength of mind, body, & will!

All: Hail The Marquis DeSade! Hail Caligula! Hail Satan!

{Gong sounds. Now slowly pour & anoint the flesh of the Exhaulted One. After which the congregants disrobe & "sacrifice" their eager flesh.}


Table of Contents


Summon Satan | Sign Satan's Guestbook | View Satan's Guestbook | Dractionary | THE PIT: Noctuarium Dungeon of Diabolical Discussion | The Shadow Gallery | Anti-xian | Satanic Serenades | Grimoires | The Devil's Diary | Malefik Musick | Spechtreum | Satan's Scroll | The Devil's Web | The Black Pope | The Devil's Webrings | About The Shadomantium | Link The Shadowmantium | Main Shadowmantium Chambre | The Order of The Black Dragon | Evilutions