Animal Medicine

Mudjekeewis:  Spirit Keeper of the West, DISCOVERYPath Artists, Copyright 2000 Phoenix Specialties Inc.

When we begin to live in Harmony with All Our Relations, we begin to take notice of the messages and symbols that are sent to us on a regular basis. The animals around us exhibit certain behavior patterns that can impart knowledge to those who are willing to listen. Each and every creature has wisdom to impart to the human race, lessons that can be applied to life. They are true role models.

"The birds and beasts, the trees and rocks, are the work of some great power. Sometimes men say that they can understand the meaning of the songs of the birds. I can believe this is true. They say that they can understand the call and cry of the animals, and I can believe this also is true, for these creatures and man are alike, the work of a greater power....we believe that he [Creator] is everywhere."
~Chased By Bears~

A healing process begins when we strive to gain understanding from our animal brothers and sisters. The lessons they present relate to being human, vulnerable, and seeking harmony with all that exists. They come in subtle ways and therefore must be approached with humility and intuitiveness.

The scope of this sight limits the number of animals that can be listed. I would recommend the site Animalspirits to those seeking more information on the Medicine of animals. *

Raccoon brings the Medicine of the Provider and Protector. Raccoon is the Provider for the young, the elderly, and the infirm; those who cannot provide or protect themselves. The Medicine of Raccoon is that of generosity, of sharing with others the bounty you have received in life.

The Medicine of Buffalo is Abundance and prayer. Buffalo reminds us to pray for what we need, to have faith that Creator will provide. It also reminds us that gratitude and praise are needed in return. If proper respect is payed, Abundance will be provided.

Beaver is the Medicine of the Builder. Beaver Medicine is that of action, creating what you need, having the ingenuity to find alternative solutions, and then protecting your creation. Beaver also teaches us how to work well with others.

Whale is the Record Keeper, the animal kindred to the Stone People. Whale Medicine also deals with personal calls and cries. Whale carries the history of the earth and all who walk upon her.

The Medicine of Wolf is that of the Teacher. Wolf Medicine is that of using personal Medicine to benefit those of the general population. The sharing of knowledge is what Wolf teaches. Wolf also reminds you to seek the wild places in nature, to find the real YOU.

Turtle represents Mother Earth. Turtle Medicine is connecting to the Earth, becoming grounded, feeling the nurturing energies of our Mother. Ask for the assistance of Mother Earth, and abundance will follow.

Weasel Medicine is the Medicine of Stealth. Weasel teaches us of observation, being aware of your surroundings, and "knowing" things simply by observing them. Use the Stealth of Weasel to observe your surroundings, noticing what needs your attention and what doesn't.

~This information taken from Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals. Written by Jamie Sams and David Carson.
*Please note that the animals listed on this site will be rotated on a regular basis.
Please check the Animal Archive for past animals.

Looking for beautiful images and posters of animals? Then check out today.
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DISCOVERYPath, Visual Guides on the Path to Self Discovery

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