The Stone People hold the records of the Earth Mother. They are a wealth of knowledge for they have been here since the world began. As the Standing People give, the Stone People hold. They are excellent Teachers when one is searching for the history of our planet and her Children. The Past is important in Native American philosophy. The Past, and the ancient knowledge it contains, is the foundation upon which we can use the Present to build our Future.
The Stone People, in the form of crystals, can also be used for healing. Each crystal has unique qualities and healing properties associated with it. The magnetic energy fields they emit align with the vibrational properties of the body. Most use crystals with points for healing, but some suggest necklaces of spheres to be worn on the body for crystal healing.
AGATE stimulates the senses, and sparks interest. It aids in community and group work. Agate increases strength, protection, stability, and support for growth and balance. It helps in adaptation, and can restore sleep, producing pleasant dreams.
AMBER allows one to concentrate on personal powers and intellectual abilities. It produces calmness and patience. It also represents ancient knowledge and wisdom.
AMETHYST is the Healer stone. It attracts positive forces while repelling and removing negative energies. It is the stone of your higher self and can lead you to new spiritual awakenings. It purifies.
AZURITE strengthens psychic and healing abilities. It inspires, allows for good decisions, brings creativity, receptivity, and intuition. Azurite is a good stone to bring about evolution and change, transition, transformation, and rebirth. Azurite is the Phoenix stone.
CALCITE empowers and magnifies ceremony. It promotes joy, receptivity, the balancing of male and female energies, and grounding. It is also good for optimism and prosperity.
CARNELIAN is good for maintaining a healthy heart. It opens the emotional centers and brings feelings of peace.
CITRINE aids in memory and mental clarity. It also helps in working through fear and mental anger.
FLUORITE gives perspective, and aids with integrating information and thought processes. It promotes relaxation, balance, expansion, universal unity, and communication.
GARNET can warn of danger. It helps one lead a good and honorable life, and enables penetration to the heart of a matter.
HEMATITE grounds, balances, stabilizes, and reconnects one to Mother Earth. It gives courage and protection. It aids in concentration, and amplifies the postitive aspects of ones personality. Hematite encourages optimism and trust. It is the stone of invention and creativity.
JADE is good to use for prayer, ceremony, meditation, and dream interpretation. It promotes fertility, increases stamina, and induces serenity.
JASPER is the stone of loyalty and friendship. It cleans, clears, and protects from negative or dark forces. It facilitates relaxation, contentment, and serenity. It aids in organization and in accomplishments.
LAPIS LAZULI is the stone of self-examination, contemplation, wisdom, stamina, and strength of character.
LEPIDOLITE has most of the properties of quartz with the added attributes of promoting faith, security, harmony, love, stability, hope, confidence, and reliability.
MALACHITE raises sensitivity to the voice of spirit, and increases receptivity to all subtle forms of energy. It is good to use for cultivating psychic powers.
MICA brings clarity. It alleviates confusion and a tendency to withdraw. Mica also alleviates hesitation.
MOONSTONE enhances romance, arouses loving passion, and balances the emotions. It stimulates prophetic ability, wisdom, and inner strength. It can aid one in reaching the higher realms of consciousness.
OBSIDIAN is the Teacher stone, providing positive changes in life. It protects from misuse, outside interferences, and energy draining situations. It brings prosperity.
RED CORAL is the blood of Mother Earth. It brings protection and courage. Healing, cleansing, rebuilding, and invigorating power are also attributes of red coral.
ROSE QUARTZ is the stone of unconditional, all-healing love.
SERPENTINE brings energy and action. It eases fears, encourages trust and well-being, and helps prepare one for love. It enhances visionary ability, brings growth, and the desire for intimacy.
SILVER is compassionate, bringing hope, nurturing, support, stability, and balancing of the nerves. It is versatile. It allows proper flow of the emotions, releasing congested spiritual energy.
TURQUOISE is the Protector stone. It is useful to bring about inner peace, awareness, and aids in focusing. It is also good for healing.
QUARTZ is the Seer stone, and is used as a general healing stone. It is a good conductor overall, and aids in focusing, energizing, transmitting, and receiving. It is an amplifier of prayers and wishes, and brings clarity and renewal.
Dancing With the Wheel: The Medicine Wheel Workbook. Sun Bear, Wabun Wind, and Crysalis Mulligan
Shaman Wisdom Cards. Lieta Richesson