Just Rambling on
Friday, April 9, 2004

Thoughts of the day:
"Thou wilt always rejoice in the evening if thou has spent the day profitably."
-Thomas a'Kempis

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
-Margaret Thatcher

1. What do you do for a living?

Presently, an Office Administrator for a small business. I basically juggle a lot of different responsibilities. At previous employers, the things I do now would have been taken care of by the purchasing department, the sales department, the receptionist, an answering service, the customer service department, the receiving department, the accounts receivable department, the billing department, the accounts payable department, .... I think I'm forgetting a department, and, if I remember, I'll come back to this subject.

Fortunately, I have always been the type of employee to help out in other araes, so at least I have a familiarity with these things that weren't part of previous job responsibilities. No, wait, as I re-read that, it sounds like I'm doing EVERYTHING all those departments would have done, and that is not the case. I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression. I do SOME of the things that would have been done by all those departments. Anyhow, I should never get bored while wearing so many hats during the day. :)

2. What do you like most about your job?

Not being bored. Shopping, buying, researching, and finding ways to save money have always been my passion. That's always part of my day. Speaking of passion, go visit this journal entry when you have a moment.

3. What do you like least about your job?

Well, if you've been reading my entries the past couple of weeks, you'll know that a grouchy boss topped my list. But, he hasn't been so grouchy lately. He's actually been quite nice to me, apologetic for being stressed-out, and appreciative of my work. So, I guess what I like least is not knowing everything yet. But, who likes a know-it-all anyhow? ;)

4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...

Ending a day feeling as if I didn't accomplish anything makes for a bad day for me. Trying to work with a headache also makes for a miserable day.

5. What other career(s) are you interested in?

I've had fleeting thoughts of becoming a psychologist or a counselor. Maybe someday, in addition to a purchasing job, which would be my first priority.
I have a paid holiday today! I've never had Good Friday as a paid holiday! I am totally taking advantage of it, and being totally laid back. I spent the morning catching up on journal reading, e-mails, doing some instant messaging, and just being lazy. Part of me feels guilty, and part of me is saying "relax...enjoy doing nothing while you can!". I woke up feeling crampy, so I slept in until 8:30, while Kevin had to be at work at 6am today, and John had to get up and drive him.

Originally, we were going to go help Kim move today. (Although I wouldn't have been able to lift anything heavy.) However, she decided not to move today. So, the most work I've done all day is feed the rabbit, cat and fish, make a grilled pepper and onion sandwich for myself, (it tastes better than it sounds! Try it with ketchup.), and brewing a pot of coffee. Boy, do I feel lazy! And it isn't like I don't have anything to do. I have the normal house cleaning to do, as well as start spring cleaning, there's bananas in the kitchen that are dying to be turned into banana bread, things that need to be organized, the bird feeder is empty,...

Ya' know, I've gotta get up off my butt and do something before I kick myself later for not doing anything all day. "No rest for the weary", or, is it, "no rest for the wicked"? ;)
Real quick updates:

John is still searching, but he does have 2 interviews scheduled next week. Kevin just found out he is out of work for three weeks, while the company he is contracting at is slow. If you know of any jobs available, even odd jobs or temp jobs, please let me know.

Actually, someone offered me a temp part time job last week. (You know who you are, and thank you for thinking of me!) But I turned it down for a lot of reasons, including the fact that I would probably become very resentful towards John if I was working 2 jobs while he was barely working, because a friend of John asked me to research a subject, and I'm still working on it, because I am helping friends with their last minute tax questions, and, most of all, because I had absolutely no experience doing this type of work, and I felt I would be more of burden than a help in a temporary situation. (How do you like that for a run-on sentence?) Anyhow, it turned out that someone else wanted the extra hours, so it all worked out for the best.

Kenzie and Ashley are doing great, and John is feeling much better. If I've forgotten anything, I'll have to include it next time, because I'm going to go get some stuff accomplished today...
Thanks for reading!
©-ann marie-

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