Just Rambling on
Sunday, April 11, 2004

Sunday Brunch
***Sunday Brunch has a new web site***

Let's Go Shopping!

  • 1. How often do you go grocery shopping?
  • On average, it's about once a week.

    2. What is the last thing you bought for yourself?
  • It's been so long since I've bought anything for myself, that I can't recall. Oh, I remember, I bought a paper shredder on e-bay since my old one died. But, since anyone can use it, was it really a purchase for myself?

    3. What do you like shopping for most often?
  • I like to shop for everything. I can't think of single thing that I would say I like to shop for more than another.

    4. Are you an impulse shopper?
  • Usually not. I'm a bargain hunter, so if I see a great price, I will stock up on something that I know we are going to use, even if it isn't on my list. I do tend to be more of an impulse buyer if I'm shopping for gifts. If I see something that I know someone will love, I usually buy it. (When I have the money to, that is.)

    5. What is the last item you purchased?
  • The last time I went to the store, I picked up cat food, milk, and eggs.
    Job Search Update:
    I'm not searching, at the moment, but I know a lot of people that are. Please continue sending me job leads. John has a couple of job interviews this week, so keep your fingers crossed!

    Thanks for reading!
    ©-ann marie-

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