Monday, December 6, 2004
Holes in My Memories

My brother can tell stories of our childhood with a great deal of detail. Sometimes it will jar my memory, and I start to recall things --- vaguely. Other times, I wonder if he's just making it up as he goes.

As I look back through my 41 years on this planet, there are definite holes in time.

Obviously, there's no recollection of my car accident in 2002, and very little recollection of the night after it, except in my nightmares. That is explainable because I had a concussion. But, what is the source of these other "holes in time"?

I look through photos and can not recall the pictures being taken or the times surrounding them. The most noticable gaps of time are 1979-1980, and 1997-1998. It's sorta eerie, like I wasn't even here at that time.

What prompted me to start thinking about all this is an address in an old address book. There was a name and address in it of a person that I have no recollection of. The name wasn't familiar, the address wasn't familiar, and there was no phone number.

It was definitely written in my handwriting, but I don't remember writing it.

Perhaps what I should do is sent a Holiday Greeting card and write in it, "you may not remember me, because I don't remember you, but...".
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